Steam Getting Pegged Already: Worried


Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
Steam looks to be under a bit of duress at the moment. Bandwidth usage is crawling upward steadily and the player counts keep diving, and we still have ~ 8 hours to go.

I think mass unlocking at 12:00 worldwide might just take Steam (if not the Internet) out.

I think a bunch of people have ordered via Steam in the last 24 hours and are preloading like mad. I'm worried this unlock everyone at once is going to bomb....
Of course it's getting hammered, people are getting anxious and probably think it'll be out tonight early for some reason. Oh well whatever, by the time I unlock it, it'll be tomorrow around mid afternoon. All the lag will be gone. Besides I'm willing to bet the download from steam is a 1 mb file if not smaller, and decryption.
I wouldn't worry. Gabe a while back said that he could make a call and have the bandwith bumped up to 15,000mbps.
well hopefully, Valve will make that 'very expensive phonecall' and raise the available bandwidth up by a few gigs. =)
15,000 is not enought

we'll need at least like 4 trillion Mbps in 7.5 hours!!!
I wouldn't doubt VALVe restarting the servers right before launch, so the pegging will stop.
You guys do realise that steam will crash right? If WOW stress test can't cope for days then what makes you think that under a 150 people can fix and maintain steam? It's going to crash, and it's going to really really suck but it would amaze me if all goes well.
I'm sure Valve has many measures in place to ensure an adequate amount of bandwidth. I wouldn't worry.
Democritus said:
I think a bunch of people have ordered via Steam in the last 24 hours and are preloading like mad. I'm worried this unlock everyone at once is going to bomb....
How crazy can u be to wait till the last second to preload i mean come on that just stupid.
A bunch of dumb people are preloading it at the last minute.
Dedatorv said:
I wouldn't worry. Gabe a while back said that he could make a call and have the bandwith bumped up to 15,000mbps.

thing is.. he referred to it as "a very expensive phone call" so i would think they would hold off as long as they could before making that call ;)

oh well...this was going to happen anyway...HL2 is only one of the most anticipated games ever :smoking:
TMPer Tantrum said:
Perhaps Halo2 Fanbois who want to ruin it, or Vivendi stooges out for revenge?

Hmm, this would work, as you don't have to buy the game to preload. They could be trying to down the servers so people have to buy at a store, or it could be angry Halo 2 fans who are upset HL2 will be better.
I think that Valve will limit the bandwidth for last-second preloaders, so we can activate the game without any problems. I mean, if you've waited all this time to start preloading, suit yourself.
Sucks for them, I doubt they will be able to get it done in time for release, and I wouldnt be surprised if they turned off that content during the initial release anyways.
ShadowFox said:
I'm sure Valve has many measures in place to ensure an adequate amount of bandwidth. I wouldn't worry.
I hope so...this is a big test for Steam and the activation process. I'm just afraid that this worldwide release at the same time is going to be more massive than they could anticipate. A lot of folks will be staying up a Loooong time to play this thing....
Well if steam says servers are to busy,their's gonna be some unhappy customers
er... hang on, does activating the game actually take up much bandwidth at all? Surely it's insignificant compared to preloading games?
Oh come on, so you may have to wait an extra hour. you will get it unlocked eventually. You have waited this long.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Nothing to worry about damn.

Are you also tired from the posters here who have half life 2 as their life and they make topics like "what if gabe dies" "what if steam blows up" "what if the servers are stolen" etc. Man, talk about annoying. Steam will be fine, I'm sure unlocking is more client side intensive then server side.
that's why everyone should go to sleep.

*rock a by baby..*



you are falling clown.
Guys, steam will be ok, from what Gabe has been through, i am sure he has this handled, how did Valve take off all the big preloads? 50 kbs or so won't effect steam, just thing of the 4gbs people preloaded fine
it makes sense a lot of people would be pre-loading due to all the news and exposure to people who DON'T track the game's every move.. these people are like, oh, well i gotta have that!
tonight's a big night. I feel like I'm about to lose my virginity again. :eek:
What do you mean, "again"? We all know Canadians don't have sex until the age of 27, and then twice a year thereafter.
GorgeousOrifice said:
What do you mean, "again"? We all know Canadians don't have sex until the age of 27, and then twice a year thereafter.

well, I'm one of the lucky ones I guess. but it has been awhile... :(

I'm guessing the increase in b/w usage is due to people waiting for the last second to preload.

There will be more people than gamers waiting to see what happens with the steam release. I'm sure there are developers that are considering steam as their next distribution option since it would bring more revenue. I'm sure they want to see what happens.
Didn't they already decrypt the files?

I think Steam's just gonna activate it, lol. Like, activate the .exe or whatever. I'm pretty sure they decrypted the .gcfs a while ago. It took like 2 minutes.

Then again, I'm probably wrong.
I wouldn't worry too much about steam getting bogged down. I Just finished downloading the game and it only took about 4 hours. :afro:
I think that Valve is going to like turn off the servers... didn't they do that for the CSS Release? Like you couldn't update ANY game.. and u could only play games that you already had installed or something.. but I think they will shut it down soon and allow it to recover
blame me. my parents wouldnt give me an answer if i could buy the game till to night so im Preloading right now. but then again im not going to try and activate it right when it comes out ill wiat till next afternoon. so hopefully if they shut preloading down it wont waste all ive already preloaded. ive got 24% as of now so that would make me angry.
Will HL2 just change from coming soon to "my games" once it's ready or will we just have to keep restarting steam until it finally changes???
GorgeousOrifice said:
What do you mean, "again"? We all know Canadians don't have sex until the age of 27, and then twice a year thereafter.

Whereas Americans have a plague of STD's going around. Something to be proud of.
sux to be u f***ers that got steam...i think i might go a** ram the clerk at bestbuy for an early copy so i can play at midnight
yes but you still have to register it over steam numb nut and if it goes down we're all in the same boat.