Steam Getting Pegged Already: Worried

yeah i was thinking the same i was going to put up a poll on who thinks steam will crash, i think it could for a couple of hours because i just dont think its going to be able to handle all the new users(may all need updaes from steam) + users verifying their copy.
jellydoughnut217 said:
sux to be u f***ers that got steam...i think i might go a** ram the clerk at bestbuy for an early copy so i can play at midnight

Um, I've got bad news for you. Retail copies have to be authenticated over Steam. The only difference between you in me is that I've got HL2 on my computer already. You'll be in the Steam Authentication queue along with all the other purchasers, Steam or retail.
...yeah...i was jk about the whole ass ramming for an early copy....i think i can wait till tomorrow night