Steam Holiday Sale Begins!

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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The Steam Holiday Sale is on now on! Each day you will find large discounts on games and bundles as well as smaller savings for games on sale through the entire period (until January 1st). In addition to huge savings throughout the store, the 2011 sale features two special promotions that allow you to win like never before. Explanation please!
The Great Gift Pile challenges gamers to complete up to six objectives each day. Completion of each objective grants the chance to win a free game or discount coupons (see below) for select games available on Steam. If you don't win, no worries, you'll be given a piece of coal. But hold onto that coal![br]Why? Coal is the ticket to enter the Epic Holiday Giveaway. It's called Epic because the top prize is every game on Steam. The more coal you have, the better your chance of winning. Players may alternatively choose to magically mix their coal into something shiny and new by "crafting" seven pieces into a gift from the Great Gift Pile.[br]So this year receiving coal is a good thing.Didn't get what you want? Of course Steam allows you to trade coal and prizes with your friends.
That's a lot of complicated text, I know. So you can see a diagrammatic version on the Steam Holiday Sale page. For your first objective (which is just viewing your inventory) you will receive a 25% off Valve coupon (as seen below).[br]<center>
The first prize isn't necessarily 25% off of valve games. I got a coupon for 66% off of modern warfare 2
I got a 25% off valve and a 25% off telltale.

Also my wallet, it burns
Portal 2 is <$10, now I can finally play it :)

For the prize thing, I got 50% off valve and 50% off a game I can't remember. Not really much point to the Valve one unless they have a Valentine's Day sale or something. But now I already have every Valve game I want.
Well, the good news is, its all tradable :D So if you already have that game or whatever you can trade it for stuff {LIKE HATS} :laugh:
Well, the good news is, its all tradable :D So if you already have that game or whatever you can trade it for stuff {LIKE HATS}

With that said, is there anyone interested on trading for the coupon i got (66% off mw2)? Not really looking for anything in particular, but felt like i should ask because i probably won't use it.
Episode 3 is released March 2nd.
-33% off bethesda titles, might use it for skeerim pc version...
Fable 3 worth the asking price today? I never played the others.
Wow! On my alt I actually got a free game; a bad one, but still, free!
How do I claim my completed objectives? It doesn't seem to work when I hit "View Steam Inventory".
All railworks DLC for €230, I don't think you can afford to pass up a deal like that.
I've got a 50% off any Valve published game and 50% off Air Tycoon 2 so far if anyone wants to trade for something I don't already own or never want to buy...
I trade a coupon of 25% off on any valve game and 50% off of any valve game and 50% of stalker clear sky,who wants to trade? I trade them for coal too
got counter strike source, too bad I have it already!
All I've gotten is coupons so far. Girlfriend got hl2, so I'm going to force her to play that.
I have coupons for the following. 25% Valve game, 66% Prototype, 50% GTA Vice City, 50% Shadowgrounds Survivor if anyone is interested in a trade.
anyone want a copy of Frozen Synapse? also got a 50% off Zeno Clash, 50% off Assassin's Creed 2, a copy of HL2, HL2:ep1, and 33% off Valve
I'll trade something for Frozen Synapse. I have Darwinia, Portal, 66% off Modern Warfare 2, 50% off Divinity 2, and 50% off Nimbus.
how much would Nimbus come to? its all ready 50% off so does that make it 75% off then?
I too have an extra copy of Frozen Synapse.
how much would Nimbus come to? its all ready 50% off so does that make it 75% off then?

Coupons can only be used in the sale if they're gold-colored(not many of them) otherwise they only start being valid AFTER the sales.

That's why coupons are largely worthless.
Coupons can only be used in the sale if they're gold-colored(not many of them) otherwise they only start being valid AFTER the sales.

That's why coupons are largely worthless.

Yeah I just found that out. I don't really have anything to complain about though since all this stuff is free (provided that you already own the games).
With that said, is there anyone interested on trading for the coupon i got (66% off mw2)? Not really looking for anything in particular, but felt like i should ask because i probably won't use it.

I'd like your coupon, it would bring MW2 down to the price it should have been...I don't have anything worth you having at this stage, though.

I have;
A copy of portal
1 piece of coal
2 gues passes for killing floor

Which in total is probably worth less than $1.
Riddick on sale for $5.

So worth it because it comes with Escape from Butcher Bay. Which is one of the best games I have played in terms of singleplayer gameplay.
What about the classic version?
I'd like your coupon, it would bring MW2 down to the price it should have been...I don't have anything worth you having at this stage, though.

I have;
A copy of portal
1 piece of coal
2 gues passes for killing floor

Which in total is probably worth less than $1.

I would trade you for piece of coal, though it may be difficult to coordinate because I am in a place with limited access to the internet. With that said, feel free to friend me and if we meet up we can trade.
I would trade you for piece of coal, though it may be difficult to coordinate because I am in a place with limited access to the internet. With that said, feel free to friend me and if we meet up we can trade.

I have Football Manager 2012, and a bunch of coupons (50% and 33% off Valve, 50% off Hoard, 33% off Sword of the Stars II -- all only valid after Jan 2nd). If anyone wants any of this stuff, I will give it to you for nothing, or you can offload one of your worthless coupons on me so I can get that Trade objective that went up a few days back.
By the way, it's wise to stop crafting coal especially if you have a lot of Valve games.

All the other games and coupons in the gift pile were apparently donated by the developer or the publisher and now they've run out. So there's only Valve games and coupons left in the gift pile.
I have 6 pieces of coal, do those get saved for next year?
I have Football Manager 2012, and a bunch of coupons (50% and 33% off Valve, 50% off Hoard, 33% off Sword of the Stars II -- all only valid after Jan 2nd). If anyone wants any of this stuff, I will give it to you for nothing, or you can offload one of your worthless coupons on me so I can get that Trade objective that went up a few days back.

I would love football manager 2012 if you still have it? Is there anything you want from me?
Yep, I still have it. Just sent a friend invite. Let me know what stuff you'd want to trade... if I don't want it, you can just have the game. Just glad someone will use it :).