Steam is dipping.....suprise update coming?

Erestheux said:
Maybe its a patch that makes it so that the SDK actually works correctly, or makes it so that you don't need to get the goddamn SDK through this stupid program that invades my computer! :thumbs:
You're always free to exercise the option to simply not use Valve's products. Nobody forced you to install Steam, and nobody's forcing you to keep it installed.
Ok off topic: you guys reminded me of this guy I used to know who "hacked" half-life MP maps for people. I think it was either planethalflife or that had him hack 2fort and make it into a christmas map. It was hilarious. I miss the old half-life community...... :p
SpuD said:
DOD:S maybe?
SpuD knows something we don't! All the moderators get inside news. It's true! I overheard Santa talking to The Dark Elf!
dekstar said:
SpuD knows something we don't! All the moderators get inside news. It's true! I overheard Santa talking to The Dark Elf!

Who's spud? Funny how the mods have not mentioned anything about being down, or what the is going on.

Happy Holidays!

Take Care.
~Speed_Demon~ said:
Who's spud? Funny how the mods have not mentioned anything about being down, or what the is going on.

Happy Holidays!

Take Care.

It's christmas day, and HL2 is one of the biggest selling PC games of the season. Now put two and two together. :)
My guess is the 'dips' as you call them are being caused by people who got HL2 for xmas registering their copies.

I've seen a lot of 'unnamed' players today, especially on servers, also a lot of n00bs asking questions.

I've tried to help where I can.
PvtRyan said:
I tried it and clocked it, took me 14 seconds to boot up Steam and the SDK. Ow how I could have spent those 14 seconds, I could have cured AIDS.

lmao ryan, lmfao...

i nearly fell from my chair when i read that lol
:O Maybe they'll release the surprise at 7 pacific, 10 pacific, or at midnight pacific. If they do it'd probably be CS:S updates with more models and some new maps, or new maps for Hl2: DM. That'd be cool though.
would anyone really be working at valve today?
:dozey: Who said they needed to? Maybe they have everything well and done. They set up their servers to make an automated release at a certain time. Is that even possible?
ailevation said:
:dozey: Who said they needed to? Maybe they have everything well and done. They set up their servers to make an automated release at a certain time. Is that even possible?

ahh, never thought of that, i'm confident that is possible.
~Speed_Demon~ said:
Who's spud?
Look at the first page of this thread... Or last page...

What times to VALVe usually give updates? and I mean in GMT.