Steam is downloading Halflife2 movie now

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Originally posted by dscowboy
Does anyone know how Steam actually works? Valve has said there are no P2P aspects of it in use yet. Here's an idea though, maybe they're pushing the movie out to people in advance, on a staggered schedule so it uses less of their bandwidth. Then, when the movie is 'released', it will instantly appear for those people.

Abom|nation, let us know what happens for you when the next movie comes out, if it goes out and downloads it like normal, or if it suddenly appears in your Steam folder.

Yeah, will do. I'd like to know what's going on as well.
Ok, to end my little rant anyway, steam is finished downloading.......and no new movie.


I wish they did not announce HL2. They should have waited until really late september. This is killing me.

i too got a download at 2mbiit durin 5 minutes but nothing new showed up
Originally posted by Peks
i cant confirm this..but i think thats the worst quality pic ever anywhere on the internet.

Omfg , this + the 3 consequent posts had me rofl. Good stuff.

Hopefully we get the techdemo tonight.
Originally posted by Peks
i cant confirm this..but i think thats the worst quality pic ever anywhere on the internet.
Hey man, it's not his fault. It's the fault of the crayons he used to draw that picture. No, really...
Originally posted by Direwolf
That's PHL pic of the week material.

lol well I'm glad that one picture can make so many ppl have a laugh.

I just went inot psp5 and saved it as jpeg, then compressed maximum, since it did not give me a size estimate and this forum has upload size restrictions.

But hey, I would be honoured if one of my screens ended up on phl.

thats because it's a cs update, if you wander over to's forum you'd see eriks post saying there is an update ;)
um my steam us updating Half Life 2 movies also. Where the hell does it tell the percent?

I've also already dled yesterdays vid btw.

its a gif, crap quality.

Originally posted by Xtasy0
you need to paste in a browser, and then add hl2mediaupdate.GIF on the end for it to load.

and yes, my steam download a bunch of crap when i double clicked on half-life 2 movies, not really sure why, i asked erik about it, no reply, oh well.

I dont get it?

yeah, the dl is over, it was nothing.

see if that link worx now...
Originally posted by dscowboy
Does anyone know how Steam actually works? Valve has said there are no P2P aspects of it in use yet. Here's an idea though, maybe they're pushing the movie out to people in advance, on a staggered schedule so it uses less of their bandwidth. Then, when the movie is 'released', it will instantly appear for those people.

Abom|nation, let us know what happens for you when the next movie comes out, if it goes out and downloads it like normal, or if it suddenly appears in your Steam folder.

I doubt they could legally do that. I would think they cannot download ANY stuff onto your computer (except patches) unless you chose to.
Ever since that last platform.. this is what its been like... Im afraid to play CS :(
hey dextromethorfan, it's geocities, they've changed their file system thingy

just take off the file extension in the address bar, and it works.
does anyone realize that the cache file isn't downloaded off the internet, it's space alloted by steam for use while playing games?
Originally posted by dscowboy
Does anyone know how Steam actually works? Valve has said there are no P2P aspects of it in use yet. Here's an idea though, maybe they're pushing the movie out to people in advance, on a staggered schedule so it uses less of their bandwidth. Then, when the movie is 'released', it will instantly appear for those people.

Abom|nation, let us know what happens for you when the next movie comes out, if it goes out and downloads it like normal, or if it suddenly appears in your Steam folder.

Guess we were right about this one, Abom|nation. See, you guys should listen to me more often ;)
It's funny how much flaming went on when people voiced their theories about a 2nd movie being downloaded.

Pretty Funny stuff, makes you feel stupid for posting that later I bet.
I guess in some strange way I was not totally wrong at least when I said maybe it was downloading.

Oh well.
