Steam is Epic!


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
The latest publisher to join Steam is Epic Games which is bringing along the Unreal games including Unreal Tournament 3. There is a starting offer with all of Epic's games available on Steam receiving a 10% discount. You can also purchase the Unreal Deal Pack for $59.95. This Unreal Deal Pack includes all of the Unreal games available on Steam ranging from the original Unreal to Unreal Tournament 3.


"Epic is a leading developer of game engine technology and has produced some of my favorite games of all time," said Gabe Newell, president of Valve. "It's an honor to be working with them and offering their current and classic titles to the millions of Steam gamers around the world."
"Steam is a revolutionary technology that opens up an entirely new way to put our games into the hands of millions of PC gamers around the world," said Jay Wilbur, vice president of Epic. "Valve has changed the face of digital distribution for game developers, publishers and consumers, and we are thrilled to be a part of the Steam community."

Head over to Steamgames for all the latest on how to get these unreal games.
I should care to point out that
Unreal Deal Pack for $59.95. This Unreal Deal Pack includes all of the Unreal games available on Steam ranging from Unreal II to Unreal Tournament 3.
should read
Unreal Deal Pack for $53.95. This Unreal Deal Pack includes all of the Unreal games available on Steam ranging from Unreal I to Unreal Tournament 3.
for the time being that is the price and it includes Unreal the original.
Yeah it should be unreal I not II.

I didn't see this one happening :O

Now to defy all logic we just need sierra and EA on steam :P

EDIT: Do you not get UT 2003?
Makes fine sense except for the story which was different in UT2k4...

Yep that's what I thought, although I suppose no one gives a **** about the UT storyline, not even EPIC especially when you look at UT III.
Where's Epic Pinball? and Jazz Jackrabbit?

They just have a bunch of this "Unreal" (whatever that is).
Hmmm, makes me actually want to buy the pack for 53 bucks. ...
Wow thats a pretty good deal. Considering that ut3 by itself was about 53-54 bucks.
All these games, and all I want is one new map: Goldrush. Get on it Gabe!
Epic gets massive points for releasing the games in Australia and not for an inflated prices!!!!!!!

UT3 here I come
i think STEAM is a pretty cool guy. eh publishes games and doesn't afraid of anything.
Wow! Valve is taking over the world. Only if i knew i would have not got UT3 and got everything on steam for the same price...Sucks!!!

Gears of War is missing buy i guess thats GFW.
No, Gears could come at some point cos after all there are other GFW titles on steam such as Kane and lynch and universe at war and company of heroes that are available on steam.
No, Gears could come at some point cos after all there are other GFW titles on steam such as Kane and lynch and universe at war and company of heroes that are available on steam.

I think it's a Microsoft studios published game, so i can't see it happening.
Ah forgot about that.

I might pick up UT III now. I already own unreal anthology but i've never picked up ut 3 so i might now get it :D
If Microsoft was so inclined, could they build a digital store into the next version of Windows? I assume that violates some kind of trust laws...

But I digress, I'll probably snatch up Unreal Tourament GOTY just so I don't have to worry about my old disks anymore.
The latest publisher to join Steam is Epic Games
Epic are a Developer, surely?

I own all the games (except Unreal Tournament III, which i'm not willing to expose to my PC), so no purchase here. Have to say i'm intrigued to see Epic doing this though. Especially after the recent 'PC Market is Schizophrenic' furore. Something nostalgic about seeing Quake and Unreal on a system that in the early days was dishing out your Counter Strike / Half-Life server info. But hell, in an age where Sonic and Mario are all loved up, anything goes.
Ah forgot about that.

I might pick up UT III now. I already own unreal anthology but i've never picked up ut 3 so i might now get it :D

I have all other unreal games as well but its $50 for UT3 or $60 for all (and the convenience of no cd/dvds!)
Remember back in the day when everyone hated Steam and said it had no future? I guess they're eating their words (and their hats) right now.
Seems the question of 'How many developers are there on steam?' is no longer relevant. The question now reads 'How many developers are there NOT on steam?'
Remember back in the day when everyone hated Steam and said it had no future? I guess they're eating their words (and their hats) right now.

Hell yes! I remember a Steam-hate thread on another (unreal related)forum circa 2004/5. People bitching about all sorts of irrelevant BS. The same guys that were calling Steam the devils tool are now loving Steam all of a sudden... quite funny :)
You can buy UT3 for 14.99 GBP. I don't really see the point in buying the package, unless you want the older games that aren't really sold anymore.
Seems the question of 'How many developers are there on steam?' is no longer relevant. The question now reads 'How many developers are there NOT on steam?'

Like I said Ea and sierra, and they probably won't.
Remember back in the day when everyone hated Steam and said it had no future? I guess they're eating their words (and their hats) right now.

I for one still hate steam. I will not buy anything through steam. I like my cd/dvds. It sucks that I have to use steam to play css and other multiplayer games.
I for one still hate steam. I will not buy anything through steam. I like my cd/dvds. It sucks that I have to use steam to play css and other multiplayer games.

How does it "suck" to play CSS through Steam and why won't you buy anything through Steam?
Like I said Ea and sierra, and they probably won't.
The only thing I see happening is a larger audience for them. Though it may be large already, the mere fact that you'd have to click and download and with the common launch discounts most have at release, I don't see why they wouldn't at some point.

A) you have a point
B) I don't think it is up to sierra/vivendi anymore as activision have merged with them so you probably will see sierra/vivendi games on steam despite the lawsuit between them and valve.

Now EA though....
How does it "suck" to play CSS through Steam and why won't you buy anything through Steam?

because I am force to play it through steam. Plus i want a cd/dvd in my hands. I hate downloading a game and not having a box and cd/dvd showing that I own it. I have hated steam when it first came out and I still hate it. Yeah its the future, **** the future. I will be that guy who buys a game in cd/dvd format till I die.
because I am force to play it through steam. Plus i want a cd/dvd in my hands. I hate downloading a game and not having a box and cd/dvd showing that I own it. I have hated steam when it first came out and I still hate it. Yeah its the future, **** the future. I will be that guy who buys a game in cd/dvd format till I die.
I felt EXACTLY the same way until my Half-life 2 disk four got scratched and became unusable. Steam saved my a*s. I still buy my games from stores (for the box art), but I'm glad that Steam exists.
Umm you guys know you can burn a backup of your steam games right? There's a backup feature (file > backup games). Only downside is that you need steam and an internet connection, which should be more than easy in this day and age. Saves the downloading trouble with exception to game updates.