Steam is Great!

Steam is amazing once you get it to work.

Me and my friend have been playing together because it's so easy to join the same server that he's playing

And sometime I leave the game but I can still message him whilst he's playing.

I'm impressed.
Yeah when it's working it's great. Definitely two thumbs up! :)

My only real concern is the release of Halflife 2 bringing it all back down to earth with a bump.. Although polls suggest people are more likely to get the boxed version so maybe that won't be such an issue.

I really hope it's up and running at full speed by then because I intend to support Steam.
Originally posted by Sporky
Yeah when it's working it's great. Definitely two thumbs up! :)

My only real concern is the release of Halflife 2 bringing it all back down to earth with a bump.. Although polls suggest people are more likely to get the boxed version so maybe that won't be such an issue.

I really hope it's up and running at full speed by then because I intend to support Steam.

Valve are already lining up some more content servers, which is good. And yeah, a lot less people are going to be downloading Half-Life 2 than downloaded Counter-Strike 1.6 over the last few days.
I like the concept of it but imo it has failed to deliver.

It relly needs a speed ut. U can start hl and jon a game in just a matter of about 1min or less. It takes atleast 5-10mins before u are even in a game troug steam. And then there is this loading thing when you join servers! It takes ages!

And i don't like that they are shutting WON down, now u wont be able to use regular hl to play online with mods and stuff. They are forcing Steam onto us. And that i don't like.
Lets just say that I have the final since the day it came out. I am still trying to join a game.
After a very frustrating weekend of failed content auto-conversions and much downloading over 56k, I was *eventually* able to play Half-Life single player...

However, after downloading and updating all the cache files seperately on my work laptop (over broadband) and then copying the SteamApps folder to my PC at home (only 56k) I can say I am finally starting to enjoy a positive Steam experience...

While it still takes 10-15 minutes to load/login, once I am finally logged on, I'm able to play CS, TFC, DoD, The Specialists and Natural Selection - all fairly smoothly.

Two (cautious) thumbs up.
yep. it's great, because it finally works. i'll ignore the fact that it works way slower than WON ever was however, because ... well.. i don't know.
yep, steam rocks :D, and once there are more server/less people still trying to get cs, then everything will run a lot faster baby ;)