Steam is updating right now?

I don't know... I didn't restart to see... why don't you?

Edit: Just checked, and it doesn't seem like it.
It did some updates, asked me to log in. I did and then the only thing different is my games list. Which doesn't show any not installed games now and shows them as just games. (As if I had all of them installed)
Why did I just get it now?
That scares me. Will I get notified of the media just as late?
Yeah the patch that game out hours ago...

Steam only updates after you close, and re-open it. And I think they will patch steam to add the media section into the platform thing.
I hadn't closed steam when i got the update. It just started updating out of the blue.
It will do that. But it takes longer for steam to check for it. It checks for updates right when you start it up always.
News update over at the Half-Life 2 hype center:

Nothing too exciting but I have just activated Steam and the steam program has updated once again maybe with the updates and fixes to the bugs that have been holding back the release of the new media based on HL2. So no promises but looks like within the next day or so we will see something pop up on steam.. (nothing on Steam now tho)

plus ive also read that if you go into the Steam directory and go into the resources folder and then the games folder there is a HL2 logo ready for the games list like the other logos allready on the list..
If you edit a file you can get that icon to show up, under a "Title" that says Media. Its in the Games section thing. I had it on, but with the new patch it reverted back.
hmm, i just restarted steam and now its updating, no hl2 media or anything, just updating ;)
yea, same - is also saying that a bunch of HL2 goodness is to come soon, don't know if thats the first time the actual site has mentioned it - I don't look that much!:p
No. Serves you right for being lazy. Download Steam.
No!=) Maybe I do it, but is it easy to use? I hate programs with buttons everywhere (some are good though)
why didnt this guy get flamed as much as i did when i posted about this update in the general discussion section?
Am I that guy? Maybe I wasn't flamed because I'm not new here, I have contacts=)

That's sad that you've been flamed though...