Steam Is Updating


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
....and hl movies dont work.... woot here comes another vid
Originally posted by XtAkm4p
....and hl movies dont work.... woot here comes another vid

It's called Baricade. It's Barney. WOO.
Nice one....thanks for the heads up, my favourite movie on the way! :cheers:
awwwww mustve been just a coincidence that hl movies didnt work....

hey who told u the name of the new movie?
steam is updating slower than i can crawl on a saturday night!
son of a bitch

i uninstalled more than half my computer (deleted 22gb of files) including steam

i just wanted to get rid of the clutter :D
Man, ya got me all lookin' forward to a new video but there's nothin' there! Barricade? Eh? Does is show up for you or something?
strange, took me like 2 seconds....

die 56kers!!!!

Hey, you're right. There is nothing there. My steam just updated and i cant se anything.
It's not the movie yet. Steam is updating every single program, providing you have it set to auto update. I don't, so I just got the platform update.

The name of the video was revealed by Erik Johnson in the sticky about the latest release over at the Steam Users Forums.

He also says they'll release the video later tonight.
Argh! Can't edit my post right now. Wanted to say, the correct thread over there is not sticky right now, but you'll figure out the right one easily enough.
you notice how no one was whining or anything about "wheres a new movie". merry HL2 video day everyone!
Originally posted by Murdock
It's not the movie yet. Steam is updating every single program, providing you have it set to auto update. I don't, so I just got the platform update.

The name of the video was revealed by Erik Johnson in the sticky about the latest release over at the Steam Users Forums.

He also says they'll release the video later tonight.

he didnt say release, he said preload! which means tomorrow!
Originally posted by Murdock
It's not the movie yet. Steam is updating every single program, providing you have it set to auto update. I don't, so I just got the platform update.

The name of the video was revealed by Erik Johnson in the sticky about the latest release over at the Steam Users Forums.

He also says they'll release the video later tonight.
Yeah. I misspoke. It'll just be preloaded tonight, as meninblck said. I'll edit my original post if I can get it to work.
argh preloading. whats the point? so update and video wont be on the same day?

ripoff (of time, not money)

steams crashin like a mofo right now....
How is it a ripoff? They're not forcing you to download anything.

Unfortunately, there's no real way to play these movies with a good framerate on my computer. :(
Originally posted by Apos
How is it a ripoff? They're not forcing you to download anything.

Unfortunately, there's no real way to play these movies with a good framerate on my computer. :(

You tried using RADtools?

Do you want to change that? well now you can! with this quick and easy method! I'm going to explain what the problem is and how to fix it! it's the blitting that messes up, it makes low-ended machines lag the movies terribly, to fix this go to binks website and download the RAD Tools, install and startup RAD Tools. Then select the bink video and click advanced play, then under blitting style switch it from the default to: DIRECTDRAW UYVY off-screen. u'll have a perfect framerate! this won't be permanent unless u click make EXE and use that one to play the video instead of the steam one in the movie folder. B4 you say, "I don't care, i'm a computerz genuizez and that won'tz fixz it. I PWN JOO!!!!!!" just read these testimonies...

The videos run a LOT better.
yah i change alot of settings and played around until it was silky smooth. OR ofcourse you can make it into an avi while preserving the quality and it will look same and run butter-smooth.

(and also avi same quality is usually 1/4th the size as well, i have no idea why VALVE is using bink. Probably cause of the players/codecs every1 doesn't have.)