Steam Isnt Working At All

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:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: what the helk is up with steam it is going bursurk it isnt working at all what is up with STEAM ?
Day of Defeat update coming... Im in there after cancelling my DL... I'll do it later.
does any1 know what happened with steam? has it coruppted, are too many people on the server? please help me aand every1 else wondering
i have no clue does urs keep saying server full or connection problems?
yeah whats wrong with steam, prob working in an update as we speak???
yeah whats wrong with steam, prob working in an update as we speak???
yeah whats wrong with steam, prob working in an update as we speak???
hey irish did ur steam act up while u were playin or before u tried to log into steam?
ironman said:
yeah whats wrong with steam, prob working in an update as we speak???

Or a bunch of people went on the forums and triple posted.....

Damnit, I decided to take a break for a few hours and just when I'm itching to play it....Steam goes stupid, gona try again
i no im gonna xplode, better be back on soon, i wanna play hl2 soooooo much!
same here steam is gonna loose a lot of poularity if they dont get their asses back on track
i no, if they are a good company, espc. a game runner it should never crash like this, better not justr be some jerk screwing with the steam files...uhummmmm(Kevin Jones!)
friend of mine, can do anything with computers, tried to hack nasa, but got caught on an unlocked ip, if hes that smart he would have been able to get in, it better not be him messing with steam though
just wait, you dont have to tell post every step of the way. It sometimes(not often) happens for a good 6 hours or more..

Sheesh, you guys are worse then me
[Night][-][unter said:
hey irish did ur steam act up while u were playin or before u tried to log into steam?

it was fine earlier today. i logged out and logged in around 7.30 pm and never got connected. it just keeps saying the same thing as it does for everyone else;
"Steam is having trouble connecting to the steam servers"

and worst of all u can even play it offline, thats a total **** up by Valve.

As for CS:S updates? i dont think so, updates are NEVER(rarely) released on a weekend.
as of 8:45 EST, it's working fine for me. I haven't had any problems. Maybe it got fixed because i just got home from a basketball game
Ironman and Night, get a fricking room! This is a forum not a chatroom. Also, just keep checking the Steam site and forums for an update, they might have some info on the situation.

PS. Hacked into Nasa? :LOL:
same thing comes up for me what a bummer it better be working by tomorrow
systemshock32, so ur saying ur demolishing zombies by urself right now, how can that be, its down?
BUT this is my thread so leave if u dont like how things are running round here
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