Steam "Monster Summer Sale" Begins - June 11th through 21st 2015


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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This year's Steam summer sale has begun! Dubbed the "Steam Monster Summer Sale," the event will run from June 11th though June 21st.


This year, the theme of the sale is monster-based, and the mechanic used to introduce special game discounts is a Monster Summer Game. Play the monster minigame with your friends to help your team level up, unlock new abilities, gain trading cards, and achieve community milestones. Completing milestones today will unlock special, 48-hour game discounts for tomorrow.

In addition to the special game discounts, 24-hour daily deals and 12-hour flash sales are also available.

sale badges.png

Unlike last year's summer sale, there are no permanent "teams." Everyone is working together to complete the milestones, and everyone has the same opportunity to earn and level-up their Summer Sale badge. Increasing the level of your Summer Sale badge by crafting Summer Sale trading cards will grant you additional abilities and rewards in the Monster Game, help you to move closer to the milestones.

Visit the Steam Store now to get some great deals on games, and play the Monster Game to unlock even more great deals.
Ayy, Rockstar.

I like how they jacked up the price for GTA V then "discounted" it to still have it "on sale". I have a feeling the shitstorm about this will not end anytime soon. I would have rather had them just keep GTA V at normal price and not discount it than pull this move.

EDIT: They now allow you to buy the game separately with no discount. Good move.
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