Steam News - CS Source Weapon Pricing Beta

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
And Valve speaketh of their radical new Counter Strike Source plans.
Assuming that everything runs well over the weekend, we'll be rolling this update out to everyone this coming Wednesday the 1st of November. All of the prices will start at their default values, with the first price correction happening Monday, November 6th.
The update they speak of were released a few hours ago, restart steam to have them applied. Change list:
  • Fixed prices not reverting to default when switching a server from blackmarket to regular
  • Fixed some blackmarket buy menu elements showing up when not playing on a blackmarket server
  • Fixed buy preset buttons not working under black market
  • Removed warning about changing mp_dynamicprice while game is running.
Red Orchestra is also expected a large update soon, but Valve are more geared up for Halloween with their amazing Zombine replica in their office. Nice!
Cant wait for the other source updates. Wonder what they are?