Steam or half life problem



Well you see, the problem isnt the game itself, its trying to put the product key.

In steam "half life II to part" I click "register a product I already own" and it takes me to the product key "place" I tipe the product key thats placed in the back of the #1 cd "pack" and when I click next it says

"The CD key you have entered is not valid"
I typed the product code like a thousand times trying any possibity to see if I typed something wrong

That doesnt seem to be the case
Please help me, returning my copy is the last thing I want to do :x
You didn't forget to use the shift key, now dId yOU? For the letters that are capitular, that is.

Edit: Well, dammit.
it doesnt matter if the letters are cpitalised
steam automaticaly does it

Plus I just did it, it doesnt work. :sniper:
check through the cd key carefully, make 100% sure you didnt get a 1 and I mixed up. If theres really nothing wrong then give up for tonight, do it tomorrow, it could be steams being a git, it doesnt like working all the time, so try it tmrw :( sorry...unless it freakily works. tried restarting steam? (btw just incase for your sakes, just to be careful dont type it in on this forum or anything to show us you are doing it right :p dont want it stolen) good luck and happy new year.
-'s required? I just typed them in anyways.

did you forget the dashes cuz if u did then it doesnt work it should look like xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx or something like that