Steam Releases Half-Life Update


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Updates to the HL1 Engine have been released through Steam. The updates will be
applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes
HL1 Engine
  • Fixed several exploits triggered by malicious server operators (found by Stan
  • As part of the next version of VAC, which is currently in testing, the Linux
    game server now must have GLIBC 2.3.2 or above installed</li>
HL1 Engine Master Server Query Protocol[br]
These changes bring the HL1 engine's querying protocol in line with that of the
Source engine. If you connect to Steam enabled game servers using a third party
tool, you may need to contact the vendor for an update.
<ul >
[*]Added a challenge number to A2S_PLAYER and A2S_RULES server queries.[br]
Setting &quot;sv_enableoldqueries&quot; to 1 (currently the default) allows old style
(no challenge/response) queries to work
[*]Changed A2S_INFO server query to require the string &quot;Source Engine Query&quot;
appended to the end of the query packet</li>
[*]Removed support for &quot;info&quot;, &quot;infostring&quot;, &quot;details&quot;, &quot;players&quot; and &quot;rules&quot;
queries, use A2S_INFO, A2S_PLAYERS and A2S_RULES instead</li>
This was indeed a bit unexpected to see an update for Half Life. You should have included some excitement, Munro - Dont we all love Half Life! = )
Gothax? said:
You should of


And yeah, really surprising to see a Half Life 1 update...
It's nice to see that they will be adding VAC2 support to HL1-based games.
I hate you Valve.. I expected an update for at least CS S or HL2 or even some news about cs_Assault or DOD S but not HL1...
You don't expect much, do you?

People still play Half-Life... Valve don't have a section on their whiteboard entitled "things Shamrock wants...".
HybridM said:
You don't expect much, do you?

People still play Half-Life... Valve don't have a section on their whiteboard entitled "things Shamrock wants...".
Wouldn't you expect all of their focus to be on HL2 and Source? It is their newest product. I think they would want to fix and add on to that before they attempt to fix HL1.. Think about it for a second.. You might realize that an HL1 update was very much unexpected.
I was as surprised as everyone else, but they have been updating half-life 2. They obviously still want to support Half-Life, and they're allowed to do that. There aren't any URGENT issues with hl2 that needed top priority, and you'll find that there's just one or two guys that still work on hl anyway. Your updates are coming.
When are people going to realise that Valve isn't 2 guys in an office working on 1 thing at a time?! Do you really think they spend all their time working on thing until it's done and then move onto the next?

Shamrock said:
Wouldn't you expect all of their focus to be on HL2 and Source? It is their newest product. I think they would want to fix and add on to that before they attempt to fix HL1.

Now that's just insane. If you create a product you can't abandon it the second you make a new one.

You can almost guarantee they'll never fully 'fix' Source and Half-Life 2, so why should they put everything on hold until then?

Just because you didn't get the exact update you wanted doesn't mean Valve aren't working on the thing you're waiting for, until then shut the **** up and have some patient you ungrateful ****, no other software company gives you this.
Great to see an update to Half-Life! I thought they forgot about Half-Life :)
Still nice to see that they care about their little baby HL :p
Shamrock said:
I hate you Valve.. I expected an update for at least CS S or HL2 or even some news about cs_Assault or DOD S but not HL1...

I'm playing the tinyest violin, still don't know why people complain about updates when HL engine needs VAC2, a major update at that. They would release news of assault or DOD:S on a friday....Not a Tuesday.
But tuesdays are so much more fun! And this tuesday happened to be right before my birthday... which I'm typing this message on my birthday, first post as a 17-year-old XD
Shamrock said:
Wouldn't you expect all of their focus to be on HL2 and Source? It is their newest product. I think they would want to fix and add on to that before they attempt to fix HL1.. Think about it for a second.. You might realize that an HL1 update was very much unexpected.

and what about previous products? especially when they still sell to this day?
anyway we practically get source engine/HL2/CSS updates every week at the minimum...doesn't hurt if HL1 gets an update for a change.
:p hey could you translate that to english, ive no idea what that hl script language is meant to mean :D.

On my first game of TFC under the new patch it seemed...laggy. Might be a coinsidence but I dunno anyone else getting it?
I wasn't saying all of that to be snobbish or anything. I am just saying that the HL1 update was unexpected. I figured the game didn't need updates, but apparently it still does. My bad if I made you guys mad. :(
all the mumbo jumbo language on the update seems to mean.

We patch some security holes in our server.

We have started implementing VAC 2 code so that it can be enabled instantly and transparently when its ready.

Half life was updated. That wasn't even the thursday news update, it was just a random update in the middle of the week.
RandomX said:
But tuesdays are so much more fun! And this tuesday happened to be right before my birthday... which I'm typing this message on my birthday, first post as a 17-year-old XD

haha it was my birthday today too :)
well again they pic a update that is totaly unrelated to most clients

unless you run a linux server or use vac on your server it wont even affect what you do, unless you like obscure server exploits
most cheats are still able to bypass vac and vac2 isnt even fully functional

kind of reminds me of their last hl1 update, the one that was called "improved demo recording performance"

so um why even announce it, oh yeh it fits their MO

:bounce: not like there are any bugs for hl1 or hl1 mods for them to fix...which allow more problems than a server exploit :bounce:

but at least its a update, so its a step in the right direction, now all they need to do is update more than once every 2 to 3 weeks 8P
I don't like updates, I just want to play the damn game :D
most games have like 3 or less patches; in their entires LIVES! Not because they're programmed better either.

Some of you must make valve employees so mad.
It's NOT a Half-Life 1 update, it's a Half-Life 1 ENGINE update!!! And it's all BEHIND THE SCENES. Nothing will change with regards to how you play it, this is netcode changes for online games that use the half life 1 game engines.

That includes counter-strike, DoD, TFC, and a million and one other mods.

It is GOOD that a company keeps such a used (even today) piece of software up to date, people who say stuff like "I hate you valve" (which someone did in response to this) should be banned from the forums and preferably the itnernet too, as they are obviously too STUPID.....