Steam/Retail Gabe Response


Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
Valve has no control of the physical shipping of the game. It may take 2-5 days before we get it out to the stores after the release, depending on where you live. This delay will not happen to the steam version.

This was a reply from Gabe, brought upon from Erikk (a forum member here), which this can also be found in the Valve info thread, regarding the Steam release / retail release.

I'm sorry, being sick with Vertigo really sucks at this point in time but I can't make out what Gabe is saying. Is he saying that ALL stores will have it within 2 - 5 days of the release date? Or that they won't actually SHIP IT OUT 2 - 5 days AFTER it is released on steam? I'm sorry, I just don't understand. lol forgive me. No flaming please.
I think he means it may take 2-5 days before a store actually has it on the shelves from the point it's released.
the day its released will be the same day its released on steam so yea Goom, what you are saying is right
He's saying that the game will be shipped to retail stores a few days before the release date. The stores should start receiving the game on the offical release date (which is September 30th), which is the same day HL2 will be available on Steam. Gabe is saying, though, that it's possible stores near you might NOT get the game on the day it's supposed to be in stores (which happens often), and you might have to wait a few days for them to get shipments in.

This is my understanding, anyway.
Er, that's not what I got from it at all.

>>It may take 2-5 days before we get it out to the stores after the release<<

"After the release" means AFTER the Steam version is available. Gabe is estimating that HL2 will not be available in stores until 2-5 days after the Steam release.
"depending on where you live"

That is the key phrase.
It seems that it will ship to most places by the 30th but it will be close and some stores might not get their copies in time.
I'm feeling like everyone is in a little bit of denial about this. I don't see how the phase "It may take 2-5 days before we get it out to the stores after the release" could be interpreted any other way than "The game will not be in stores on the release date."

"Depending on where you live" is referring to the 2 to 5 day time span. If you live close to the manufacturing facility, you may see it in stores 2 days after release. If you live in Moscow, you may have to wait 5 days.
I really hope they start duplicating and packaging some time soon or its ship time + who know how long.
The fact Valve has said nothing may mean they are trying everything in their power to make their Sept. 30th date... noone likes to admit defeat. If they decide they simply cannot do it by the 30th then we will hear something...
This is why I thought it was funny when some of you Aussies started bragging about getting the game first because of a silly thing like Time Zones. :)
Then the gold date is probably not as telling about when the game is actually done because the game doesn't have to be gold to be released on Steam right?? But anyway's there should be a steam update/buy for HL2 on the 23rd Sept. ?
the game is being shipped on the 30th... NOT arriving in stores on the 30th... i think gabe means you can get the steam version on september 30th but the box version on wednesday or thursday in stores
I've read somewhere that the steam and retail version will be out (in some stores) at the same time.
"After the release" means AFTER the Steam version is available. Gabe is estimating that HL2 will not be available in stores until 2-5 days after the Steam release.

That's not what I got from the quote at all.

I still stand by what I said, I think it's true.
But Joneleth, look at these statements again:

"It may take 2-5 days before we get it out to the stores after the release"

"This delay will not happen to the steam version"

1) The question asked in the e-mail was whether or not HL2 would be available on Steam before it would be available in stores
2) Gabe said there would be a 2-5 day delay after release before stores get it.
3) Gabe said that delay does not apply to the Steam version. Thus, there is no delay between 'release' and 'availabilty over Steam'

Here is the timeline:

- Release happends
-"no delay for Steam version"
- HL2 available over Steam immediately
- "2-5 days after release"
- HL2 is available in stores.

I don't see anything mentioned about 'shipping to retailers BEFORE the release'. He's saying the release will happen on Steam, and boxes will ship to stores at that time, taking 2-5 days.
Originally posted by Tork
cool it still looks like we are set to September 30th :)

I hardly think you can infer that from Gabe's e-mail. He didn't comment on 'Sept 30th' at all.
Yeah you are right. Gabe hasn't said anything besides 30th Sep. So it must be still that.

Pretty simple hey
if the retailers get the boxes 2-5 days after the Steam release.. alot of pple will probably opt for the Steam option.. which means thats gonna put alot of load on Steam and its network..

i hope Valve knows what their doing as far as releases go.. don't get me wrong, im all for a Steam release.. and i am not one of those Steam haters, just that even now some pple are experiencing some sort of problems on Steam and this is what? September 21st we are talking about..

Valve doesn't have alot of time left to rid of these small problems.. and surely for Steam's network to handle the kinda load expected, they gotta get these minor bugs worked out and ya, my daily rant about server capacity and bandwidth availability is still valid seeing as they will need more after Gabe's response..
what i want to know if steam is ****ed if i buy it in a box will that mean i can't play it?
Originally posted by droper
what i want to know if steam is ****ed if i buy it in a box will that mean i can't play it?

Droper has a good point here, if all Steam's servers are clogged because everyone's downloading, what will they do with the people who actually want to PLAY? They'll need to set at least one aside for simply that... talk about hectic.
Seriously, all this mystery really sucks, because I want to know when to order my new system. If the game is really not coming out for weeks, it's very important for me to know that so I can hold off and save some money/do some more research.
Apos buddy you will be fine, you can play HL2 for a few more days on the Hardware you have, thus making the change that much more Sweet when you do get your new hardware.
30th release date doesn't necessarily mean it will only be SHIPPED on the 30th. I've worked retail, and for larger titles the game usually shipped a few days in advance, and was not sold until a specified date. If it was sold before that date, then the store would get fined. However, considering how much control over the game Valve seems to want, they may not actually not ship it in advance for fear of it being leaked.

So basically I'm making a point and contradicting it..
2) Yes, you will be able to play SP.

Hard to say, seriously. I mean, you need to communicate with Steam to even startup the current games connected to Steam... How will HL2 be any different? You'll NEED to communicate with the Steam servers to validate the game. If the servers are clogged to hell, then this won't be happening. This could very well be a problem.
Aren't there four seperate systems in the steam idea?

1)Content servers.
2)Dedicated game servers.
3)Authentication servers.
4)Friends network servers.
Aren't there four seperate systems in the steam idea?

1)Content servers.
2)Dedicated game servers.
3)Authentication servers.
4)Friends network servers.

Perhaps, I dunno. Would certainly make sense if the servers were setup that way.
Originally posted by BloodyL
Aren't there four seperate systems in the steam idea?

1)Content servers.
2)Dedicated game servers.
3)Authentication servers.
4)Friends network servers.

well even if they are setup that way, i personally have had experienced alot lag while playing, and the friends network has not really worked too well for me.. and im sure im not the only one either..

at this rate, a HL2 release over Steam is gonna be ugly :(
You don't need to authenticate immediately, if that were the case people without intarweb would never be able to play. Gabe said somewhere you could play SP without steam until you want to play MP.

When you've authed the copy for MP you'll need to auth to be able to play. Apparently this will only be the case for about 2 weeks, after that you don't need to auth for SP anymore.

That's about all the info we have about it.
hmm, it's strange. How come Erikk's e-mail to Gabe revolving around this thread, was taken out of the VALVE INFO ONLY sticky thread?
woah, you make that avatar yourself, syrogen?
That e-mail is a fake. sorry if that was mentioned.

EDIT: oops, didn't see this page of posts. mods, feel free to delete this post