Steam Skin v 0.1a



Hey Guys,

Just thought I'd show y'all my new Steam Skin I started working on. I've just got the main part done so far but here it is :)

Lemme know what you think and ideas and suggestions are always welcome.

Steam Skin v 0.1a

Scrimpy :)
Thanks! :) I'm going to try to stick with this theme for all the windows :)

I'll post more pictures as I create the other pages

OMG your the first i think to actually do that. all other ppl have solid colors

GJ MAN i would love to have that
Ya, I was getting tired of all the lame "color" revisions so I figured I'd try something a little bit more "stylish" :)

Originally posted by Scrimpy
Ya, I was getting tired of all the lame "color" revisions so I figured I'd try something a little bit more "stylish" :)


have u thought of replacing the orange buttons with red coloured ones?
my reason? well 2 pple already have created HL themed skins with the orange mixed in with grey.. i thought maybe something just slightly different may look nice as well..

what do u think?

btw, so far it looks wicked :)
nice job. The only part I don't like is the orange buttons. they kinda stand out weirdly, know what I mean? Anyhow, yeah. I'd e more enthusiastic but I just finished an essay and the printer ain't workin :(
can you replace the buttons with images as well?

It looks as though you can chance the position of a few things as well...

Havent they released an "SDK" (for lack of a better term) for VGUI2?

EDIT: Also, there is a thread for all the steam skins in the steam forum...:p
i think u should post this in the steam forum......naw jsut kidding. that skin looks pretty ncie.
I never visit the steam forum, so posting it in here was a good idea, just my two cents.
I know i'd like to know when cool skins are available.
btw Scrimpy, once ur done.. or if ur looking for tips, ideas or help on something check this site out..

u might find something useful there and they would probably host ur skin for u, once its done of course ;)

Steam Skinners
This is a really exceptional skin.

I would only try changing the Valve logo color to a neutral gray.

Sweet piece of work!
Ok, thats cool :)

Finally someone made a whole bg pic :) GJ

I'll try doing some, I hope they will turn out as good as yours
Looks nice Scrimpy, but change those orange buttons into something that fits in well with the background, post a link :)
Um... this has been done before. Nothing new. This is very unimpressive. More has been done.

Please post these on a skinning website. I'm already sick of people posting their Steam skins.


Pretty please people go there and post about skins.

It's funny that someone named bruk made the first window customizations (mookie skin) and like 32849032 people copied her stuff directly. Some change it a little bit, others just swapped the image.. how friggin lame.
Aye, might want to keep Steam stuff in the steam board from now on.
Hey Guys,

Thanks for the feedback, I just checked the post this morning after posting last night. Aside from a few negative flames I appreciate all your comments.

I didn't attempt to "rip anyone off" as some have claimed, rather I just came up with something I thought was cool. Sorry about posting it in like 4 forums I just wanted some feedback and I noticed most of the traffic was in the general forums.

I'll try to post it in a specific location next time ;)

I'll work on changing the buttons around with some images :)

No no no! I wish people will stop posting that Steam-Man-Secks picture!! :O
How long until you finish your skin Scrimpy, it looks ****ing cool! :D
I found out on my own, before I had ever seen anyone post a skin with a different layout, that it could be done and how to do it. I didn't feel like it was all that important, because it is rather obvious.

Also, there is a "Steam Skins" thread that people have been putting their skins in recently... we don't need a new thread for every skin.

... maybe one thread for all of a single author's work... but not one for each skin.
hmm how do u put a picture in the Steam skin, cuz i never see anyone do it, and even Steam Skinners dosent know about this. Are ur skin a fake? I can only change the Steam logo, Valve logo and some icons n shit..
Look at the Steam Skinners tutorial page. It shows you what to do.
Nice job on the skin, I just have one suggestion.

It would be cool if you got different Half-Life characters for each of the steam windows; one would have gordon, one g-man, one kleiner, etc.

That way it wouldn't look so repetitive, and you'd avoid having 15 Gordons starting you in the face all the time.
I'm too stupid to do the steam skin correctly. Can anyone do it for me? Just the main window. It should look like that:

Thank you! You can have all the credits if you want. I just want this to be my steam skin. Thanks!
Originally posted by DjBourgeoisie

I've seen that twice now, but it still makes me laugh. So sick, lol.