steam sucks

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Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
do u people agree? i do. that thing is evil... EVIL!!!

can i say anything aboiut won2? or will i get banned?
Thank you for your super-informed decision.

I will now remove Steam and all my games from my hard drive -

Oh wait.
ComradeBadger said:
Thank you for your super-informed decision.

I will now remove Steam and all my games from my hard drive -

Oh wait.
yea why dont u go and delete your games :-P :sniper: :monkee: :monkee: :monkee:
wello i wasnt laughing at the link... i was laughing at the post befor it and i just liked won better then steam.


Oh wait, 200k people online play at peak times, over 2million average users monthly.

1 pissed off little nublet who is posting link to warez, priceless.

What's the matter? Steam caught you using illiegal software? Didnt have your firewall setup properly?
lol no.. i dont use illegal software... steamlessproject isnt a warez site. if tahts a warez site then you are retarded. and steam ...i just dont like , just my opinion-
o and i did find a flaw in there not pirated software
that still works
Well i'll give you a clue, if you want to play online without legal software or a legal key GUESS FRIKKIN WHAT! you get a steamless client.

And why do we need to hear your shitty opinion? Usually people backup opinions with something a bit more substantial then "oh-em-gee steam sucks lololol its evil"

Please enlighten me why steam sucks and we should all stop using it?
I bet he doesn't know how to use a computer so he had problems with it. Then he had a little hissy fit and started yelling STEAM SUCKS when in actuality it is really he who sucks.
ben5015se said:
do u people agree? i do. that thing is evil... EVIL!!!

can i say anything aboiut won2? or will i get banned?
It's only evil for people who want to cheat or warez it..
lol u peeps r tarded if i dont know anything about steam then how did u happen to explain the half-life 2 memeory crash? tell me that one asshole
sorrry mate, i dont want to sound like one of these forum know-it-alls, but it would help a lot if you used the edit button or didnt spell like a 10 year old, or we might realise that you actually are ten, and that would make your childish arguments sound even less credible :|
Oh, gee!

Your starting to lose this argument so you resort insults because your argument is as strong as a paper card house in a hurricane.

I'll give you another clue, half life 2 memory error is in no way related to steam what-so-ever.
I like steam... It had it's issues before but now it's stable and saves me the trouble of having to manually download patches for everything. One reason I hated steam before was that there was no way to play my games if the servers were down, but now I can, thanks to 'Offline Mode' ... so I have no reasons whatsoever to dislike Steam... It's a good thing, and it keeps the kiddy warezmonkeys at bay.

So, if you aren't a kiddy warezmonkey, why do you dislike steam?
Because the memory errors :rolleyes:

Ooooh ooooh and you can't play 1.5 :rolleyes:
He dislikes it because he downloads cheats and calls himself a hacker but now that VAC 2 is coming out he'll have no where to play since he has no skill of his own.
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