Steam Summer Getaway Sale Begins - July 11th Through July 22nd

Also, saying a sale is "very bad" infers such individual biases and considerations. He obviously knows he's not talking for everyone. IMO shouldn't be a necessary disclaimer on an internet forum.

Edit: And actually I would say that's a bad deal, but that's just because I would probably never pay more than $10 for any game these days, especially not a <10 hours super over hyped manshoot.

If someone says whether a sale is good or bad, I totally expect it to be an objective critique, not some "nothing I personally would want is on sale" crap.

What is a manshoot? And did you just say a game is less worth buying because it was hyped? Wow

edit: I also wish this discussion wasn't in a news article's comments. The actual forums are a lot better.
If someone says whether a sale is good or bad, I totally expect it to be an objective critique, not some "nothing I personally would want is on sale" crap.

What is a manshoot? And did you just say a game is less worth buying because it was hyped? Wow

edit: I also wish this discussion wasn't in a news article's comments. The actual forums are a lot better.

Not to get into a pointless argument, but how can a video game sale be objectively good or bad? What would the criteria be? A person's judgement of a sale is obviously going to be predicated upon whether or not they found it to be worthwhile. If I see a hundred games on sale for 50-75% off but do not see any titles that I have interest in, of course I am going to say that it's a lousy sale.
Not to get into a pointless argument, but how can a video game sale be objectively good or bad? What would the criteria be? A person's judgement of a sale is obviously going to be predicated upon whether or not they found it to be worthwhile.

When you look at things objectively, you don't look at them from one person's perspective - that's the whole point. You look at the overall thing. You know, -75% on all games is better than -50% on some.
If someone says whether a sale is good or bad, I totally expect it to be an objective critique, not some "nothing I personally would want is on sale" crap.

What is a manshoot? And did you just say a game is less worth buying because it was hyped? Wow

edit: I also wish this discussion wasn't in a news article's comments. The actual forums are a lot better.

It may very well be intended as an objective critique, but it shouldn't take much thought to see that a person's own very individual standards are usually going to have considerable sway over their opinion of something and thus it's probably a more subjective evaluation than it may externally appear. It's not rocket science. If someone says "This is bad" they mean "I think that this is bad". The upshot is that whether someone believes that what they're saying is an opinion or not has no impact on whether it actually is.

A manshoot is a game where you shoot a considerable number of people. And no, I didn't.
Good god, these comments... ಠ_ಠ

So far, this sale has been pretty nice. Diverse selection, good discounts as always, and it just so happens that there are a lot of games that came out in the last 2 years that I could not afford in the past, so I'm quite content. Sorry for those who are disappointed.
Guys, Half-Life 2 is a bad game.
Normally this would annoy me, but in this case I know your inability to see the actual content of a post and tendency to only find completely unrelated hidden messages in them is a real struggle for you and you're doing your best here.
... tendency to only find completely unrelated hidden messages in them...

I can't be very good then at finding hidden messages then, since I only managed to pull a not-very-well-hidden statement straight from what you said and disprove immediately.
I use a silly term to describe shooters therefore I think shooters are bad? No, you've clearly got a level of induction beyond mortal comprehension. Have fun finding non-existent implications of posts not even directed to you as a kneejerk reaction to the fact that I don't like Bioshock that much and ignoring the actual things we were arguing about.
Do you take offense to it or something?

I was terribly offended. I'm not sure how you sleep at night after saying such terrible and silly things.
Yeah, picked up tomb raider as well, that's an excellent price. Both of the games I was hoping to purchase went on daily deals already, and I've still got 7.50 to go towards anything else that catches my fancy. I'd love for Trackmania to go on sale, but none of their items are discounted...
Holy shit, this thread. Video games, people. Video games on sale. Check your privilege.
Bought Sleeping Dogs and Borderlands 2 so far. Pretty good.
Good picks. So far I've got Kinetic Void, Darksiders 1+2, Fuel, and Chivalry. On Thursday I didn't even think I'd end up buying anything during this sale.
Pricing Tomb Raider that low this early after release should be illegal, that game is so good.
Really hoping SS2 pulls through in this next vote.
I really don't know what your agenda is here, but this is fairly ridiculous. Since it's not actually possible to have a conversation with you I don't see much reason not to block you.
I really don't know what your agenda is here, but this is fairly ridiculous. Since it's not actually possible to have a conversation with you I don't see much reason not to block you.

Implying people on an internet forum have an agenda.
Well enjoy your incoherent noises then. I'm gonna proceed with the topic of this thread if that'll be okay.
okay so I bought System Shock 2 but I don't think I'll ever play it. why does this always happen?

I'm just too scared to play it. And I've heard that it's a pretty punishing game if you make the wrong decisions with stats etc.
Omnomnick is actually pretty cool. The only staff member I'd like to ignore is Barnz. Good thing he doesn't post too often.
Omnomnick is actually pretty cool. The only staff member I'd like to ignore is Barnz. Good thing he doesn't post too often.

Poor Barnz, Barnz is a cool guy too!
if I ignored all the annoying people, why would I even come here?
I thought about it, but I heard they eliminated the noir aspects of the first games. I'm not sure that I want to tarnish my mental conception of the franchise
I thought about it, but I heard they eliminated the noir aspects of the first games. I'm not sure that I want to tarnish my mental conception of the franchise

Max Payne 3 is by far a better game than both Max Payne 1 and 2, noir or no.
So Skyrim the legendary edition got picked from the community's choice thing. The sale will be -40% for a total of $36. Regular Skyrim is -25% for a total of $20. Should I go ahead and buy the legendary edition, or wait longer and hope that either one will drop down further. -40% doesn't really seem like much.
Thanks in advance