Steam Unlocking HL2 and CS:S?



Ok, well just a couple hours ago, before I played some CS:S. I noticed when I started steam a window popped up saying "Unlocking Game Files" and it said Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source. So I was like, wtf? So I click on Half-Life 2, heh, and it says its pre-loading. I already pre-loaded, and it started pre-loading again from like 98%. What does this mean? Did this happen to anybody else? :afro:
i wouldn't have a clue cause im one of those people unlucky enough to have a 56k and cant download shit but i think it might just have been a small error or something.
Same as last time, it says unlocking but the monitor shows small additions for DOD:S and CS:S.
yeah saw a Unlocking game files update too and i went like : " OMG! WTF!?! AT LAST :sniper: I WILL PLAY HL2 :bounce: :cheers: " but nope..

this sucks ;(
[daniom] said:
yeah saw a Unlocking game files update too and i went like : " OMG! WTF!?! AT LAST :sniper: I WILL PLAY HL2 :bounce: :cheers: " but nope..

this sucks ;(

thats what i thought for a moment. but it would have been too good to be true :/
Damnit. My download again gets stuck at 88%, and I'll again have to be fixing it. Why? Because of CS:S, which I will be deleting anyway as soon as HL2 installs. Too much trouble for a game I don't want. Why couldn't they have made an option not to preload CS:S at all?
hapend to me too...caled dad in going they have given it to us early!!! its been unlocked... but no :(
it happens when there is a CS:S update. nothing to worry about :)
Im guessing they have to unlock a small part of the encrypted files to insert the fixes into the unreleased games.