Steam update 2/18/05


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
A Source Dedicated Server update is available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:

Source Dedicated Server

* Added Half-Life 2: Deathmatch to the dedicated server UI
* Temporarily disabled SourceTV beta for backend changes

New update for steam
Nice find, too bad it's nothing major. (Beggars can't be choosers)
nice update, tho my HL2 is really screwed up now. CS source works nice tho. problem in HL2 is that if i hover my mouse over any of the menu items it gets highlighted and then a huge freeze occurs. no ctrl+alt+del, no error popups, nothing. only thing to do is restart. and either wait for a next update, or find what the hell the problem is. i will never download that 3,5 GB again. thanks valve, thanks steam.
Except that update was just for the Source Dedicated Server, so look elsewhere for the cause of your problem.