Steam Update Released


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Restart Steam, there's a new update ready.
A small number of Half-Life 2 customers have been experiencing problems while playing the game, and we have traced these issues to corrupt Steam cache files. We've released a Steam update to help resolve these issues. If you have been experiencing problems such as crashing during gameplay or startup of Half-Life 2, please restart Steam and then click on one of the links below. Steam will then automatically verify your cache files. The verification process will take roughly five minutes to complete. We're also investigating a solution for the sound skipping problems a small number of users are running into. We'll have a solution for this as soon as possible.
Validate Half-Life 2[br]
Validate Counter Strike: Source[br]
Validate Half-Life: Source[br]
Hopefully Valve will be able to quickly isolate and fix the audio problem, which is plaguing me personally.
The sound skipped for me too, setting the quality to medium did help a bit though.
OOoOO goodie. Finally a word. I guess there is light at the end of the tunnel after all :) maybe i can enjoy the game soon then. Tnax for posting this! Finally we stutters get some attention ;)
The audio problem was fxed for me with the 4.12 Betas. Strange I know but true.
TaiFong: Did you do the validation process? Click the link for Validate HL2 and Validate CS:S THEN try to play.
"We're also investigating a solution for the sound skipping problems a small number of users are running into"

Small number of users?
YES, this fixed my problem with game crashing. Make sure you actually click on the link to do the validating.
Yeah, I clicked the link and validated. Maybe some shit is just wrong with my computer. Again for the proper smiley...:|
bleh... I validated by clicking the link... and then I tried to play... and it went through the validating thing again. :(
akula said:
"We're also investigating a solution for the sound skipping problems a small number of users are running into"

Small number of users?

You just stole the words from my very brain!
Half-Life:Source just freezes at the menu loading screen :( I HOPE they fix it soon and the update did NOTHING :flame:
Actully... I read in some other post that HL:Source says it's ready and starts up but actully its about 95% done and it did that for me (I'm still waiting). I got as far as the title screen but when i tried to load a map it froze and I had to restart. Screw 56k.
Actully... I read in some other post that HL:Source says it's ready and starts up but actully its about 95% done and it did that for me

That's actually a "feature" of Steam.... I mean it never has worked for me but the concept was that you would only have to download the things you needed for the moment and then Steam would then start downloading any other files you would need so you wouldn't have to wait for the full thing to download... Well the system is crap and you do have to wait for the full thing to download or else it freeze all over the place.
Half-Life:Source just freezes at the menu loading screen :( I HOPE they fix it soon and the update did NOTHING :flame:

supposedly all it needs is either a restart of your pc, or you havent got all the content yet (check steam monitor to see if it's downloading files)

I had it too the first time I tried to run it, now its fine and I have done nothing.
HL2 is 100% downloaded, updated steam AND clicked the validation links, still crashing with the memory error
After validating HL2 downloaded from 98%, so there was some corruption in my install. The only sound issue I had been having was certain specific chunks of dialouge dropping out entirely. The spoken words just droped out, although the characters were still 'talking' and animating fine. Simetimes it would be an entire setenace, other times it would be parts of them, but always the same parts. This update fixed that problem, so kudos to valve.

Hopefully this will reduce the 'background noise' with sound problems, and they can focus on the specific actual hardware issues, and polish those off next. Patience.
Oh nice, more steam joy!
There goes another 12 minutes of staring at a grindingly slow gas gauge.
50%....60%....70% and just when it gets to 100% it jumped back to 72% and ground some more.


I just wanted to play HL2, is that too much to ask?

BTW, file validation began when I launched HL2 today. No warning, no explanation, no choice.
Plus, just to add salt to the wound, I’ve been playing HL2 with none of the problems this will reportedly fix since I installed and *validated* the first time.
I got the sound stutter as well when on full quality graphics, but when I switched to medium it went away. I'm using an FX5950Ultra which has 256MB - I suspect the problem may be due to pauses when the system swaps texture data between main memory and card memory, and the solution is to play at a quality level where the card can store all the data it needs. Still get a stutter very occasionally, but only for less than a second, and usually when a new event not seen before happens.


I've validated both HL2 & CS:S and STILL getting the same memory error crash. I can only play from one load area to the next. It's really annoying me now.

I let Valve know, I guess all I can do is sit and wait.

At least CS:S works like a dream - and I still had the chance to crowbar someones head in HL2.
akula said:
"We're also investigating a solution for the sound skipping problems a small number of users are running into"

Small number of users?
Several hundred out of how many million?
This is "TeH Lam3" Im sorry but for a game that was in development for so long and still crashing is just so hard to belive.

My 2 cents is that it is a hardware prob because i have 2 machines, works fine on the first. But on the second it just conks out.
i had the sound problem, until i closed azureus (bittorrent client) that is. you guys are probably moving hdd clusters or whatever and chewing up ram while you try to play.

but i dont get it, we need to validate halflife2 - again????
about the sound, I think he meant small number of users ie: every 100 out every 105 users will expierence this problem
Roughly five minutes? I have broadband and I've been going for over 10 minutes now. minute later..39

It's bad enough I had to wait half an hour the first validation now I gotta do it again and I don't have one single problem with this game.

Steam sucks.
This is great! I never had this sound problem, but since Steam loaded this fix today, I have the bug too. Great work Valve...
my personal opinion to the sound problem is that people who have it have fragmented disk drives, have 200 programs running in the back ground, or something else which leaves them with no memory. And sadly to say, there are way to many of such people. I defrag my system 2 times a week, the only program that starts with my pc is MSN Messenger (and no, I don't mean the only VISIBLE program. it is simply the only one that I allow to run from the registry), and I never had this problem. After all files were unlocked last tuesday, I took the time to do another defrag.

Even though I only have an AMD XP 2600+ (2.06ghz) with 512 MB ram and a radeon 9600 pro, I never experienced any problems. In fact, I've seen HL² at people I know with better machines, and still my machine starts it way faster than those.

I know it's easy to blame Valve, but I suggest that you look to your own PC first.

And after aaaaall those many people with poorly managed pc's have dropped off, there might be a small number of people left remaining with a REAL problem, and I think Valve adresses those people.
Delta , this sound stuttering is being expierenced by a HUGE number of people on varying machines, I myself have this problem and Im running a P4 3ghz, 1 gig corsair ram and radeon 9800 xt platinum, and Im getting skipping quite heavily on my well kept , clean and health machine. It's a problem, thats why THEY arte addressing it
DeltaBlast said:
my personal opinion to the sound problem is that people who have it have fragmented disk drives, have 200 programs running in the back ground, or something else which leaves them with no memory. And sadly to say, there are way to many of such people. I defrag my system 2 times a week, the only program that starts with my pc is MSN Messenger (and no, I don't mean the only VISIBLE program. it is simply the only one that I allow to run from the registry), and I never had this problem. After all files were unlocked last tuesday, I took the time to do another defrag.

Even though I only have an AMD XP 2600+ (2.06ghz) with 512 MB ram and a radeon 9600 pro, I never experienced any problems. In fact, I've seen HL² at people I know with better machines, and still my machine starts it way faster than those.

I know it's easy to blame Valve, but I suggest that you look to your own PC first.

And after aaaaall those many people with poorly managed pc's have dropped off, there might be a small number of people left remaining with a REAL problem, and I think Valve adresses those people.

I have my computer just as fresh and updated and yours still i have the problem. I have almost same specs as you but a x800 xt
Uh, after reading all the complaints from people with high end machines I thought should share my own experience.

I am running HL2 on a AMD Athlon 1.4 Gz computer with 512 Mb of ram and a Radeon 9200SE at 800X600 on medium detail. The audio almost NEVER skips except for when there is the MOST possible amount of action taking place on the screen. I haven't even defragged my hardrive. When the audio skipping DOES crop up however, as soon as the action dies down it returns to normal.

I am truly sorry that you guys are having problems, but why do you have to complain your ass off about them? Valve has heard you and is adressing you, and if the patches they release don't work, that it is most likely a problem on YOUR end. If that is the case, instead of freaking out, just try to fix things on your end. I personally would suggest that guide that IGN did a while ago about how to prepare your computer for HL2.
akula said:
"We're also investigating a solution for the sound skipping problems a small number of users are running into"

Small number of users?

yes. right answer. :) when i read shack comments the last days, it seemed that many people are having this issue.