Steam update



Steam updated a few minutes ago, now I can't play CS:S ;(

"Server using older protocol (5) then client."

Damn servers need to restart......
dammit. . . and there's not even anything on =(
yeah im gettin that error too.....i guess we'll have to wait until they update the server's copy of steam
I saw that.....

But it didnt register......<-----idiot


BTW a new protocol means the emperio guys have to work on getting it all to work again \o/ go valve!
Yeah memory leaks suck.

Good work, VALVe. Way to kick those crackers in the nuts! :)
Yeah, now there are no servers showing up. I wonder what was in the update.
This is fairly off topic but my half-life 2 was fully preloaded, and it just now went back to 88%, I heard something like that happend to others but does anyone know what that is?
The 88% issue is known and has been fixed with most people's steam. Just ignore it.

I wonder when they'll fix the dust2 error. I've got a P4_3.0Ghz with 9800pro, but on dust2, only near bombsite A, I always get a huge lag (down to 3-5fps). When I restart cs:s and join the same server on the same map again, the lag is gone. Wich means everytime the server loads dust2, I have to restart the game so I can play. Very annoying.
Element Alpha said:
The 88% issue is known and has been fixed with most people's steam. Just ignore it.

I wonder when they'll fix the dust2 error. I've got a P4_3.0Ghz with 9800pro, but on dust2, only near bombsite A, I always get a huge lag (down to 3-5fps). When I restart cs:s and join the same server on the same map again, the lag is gone. Wich means everytime the server loads dust2, I have to restart the game so I can play. Very annoying.

That's weird, I have a AMD 2600+ and a crappy MX 440 64MB and I don't get that much leg on that map....I will get it rarely but not like that....
Element Alpha, i had the exact same problem you are talking about, i was running:

AMD XP-M 2500+ @ 2.4ghz
Asus A7V880
Radeon 9800pro 128mb
1gb Crucial Ballistix

Now i got rid of the terrible Asus Mobo and put back my old NF7-S v.2, reinstalled the game (just from my DVD backup of the gcf's, didnt d'l it again) and the problem has completely dissappeared. Everything else but the mobo is exactly the same, so i'm confused as to what exactly caused it, i have a feeling it was reinstalling the game so if you havent done that already it might be worth a try.
Well, I downloaded the rest of HL2 today. Have they released something more today or am I missing something? I dubbelklicked HL2 in steam and it downloaded from 99 to 100%, and I did not have the "88%" problem... Hmmm...
dekstar said:
Yeah memory leaks suck.

Good work, VALVe. Way to kick those crackers in the nuts! :)

Cracker's? What does it have to do with pirating?
sublidieminal said:
Cracker's? What does it have to do with pirating?

Correct, it has everything to do with error messages and stops during map loads - after many previous maploads.

IE game over......