Steam Update

Raziel-Jcd said:
Toned down 357 damage

The 1st thing EVER in the history of valve that i disliked. The noobs have won!

Accept and adapt. We were all noobs once.

Great job Valve!
Ecthe|ioN said:
Accept and adapt. We were all noobs once.

Sounds like something Dr. Breen would say (- the noobs).

I agree that the nerfed 357 sucks, but atleast they didn't nerf it as bad as the cs knife. I also liked the pistol glitch in the game. It was a nice option if you just spawned and were out gunned. Over all I thought it seemed very balanced. You could one shot/hit/burst kill with the 357, rpg, grav gun, pistol, energy ball, and crossbow. It kept it fast paced, not that it isn't still fast paced.
changes in overwatchi include boundary boxes to many places that u could do grav jumps to, such as the back side on the top level of the building..i noticed they added a larger rock and u cant even get up there if u tried....
W00t!! NO-CD i can finally play HL2 + CS:S and HL2DM.
Personally my favourite fix in this update is this;

Fixed "failed to load server.dll" error with 3rd party mods

Our Dystopia internal alpha server is alive!