STEAM/Valve hates my guts.


Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
So a while ago I got banned from all the vac-secured servers.
Meh, it would eventually come to this.

So yesterday I decided to continue my annoying simple forum raging and target the STEAM messege boards.

It was a success per usual.

There reaction came by really slow.

But today, they have banned my ip address from the messege board, and they have disabled all my steam accounts, one had the games, others where just empty.


I did not know the my forum actions could effect my gaming.

This is amazing! But a bit uncalled for.

No this is not a joke.
This actually happend.

Here is the email I sent them:

This is so uncalled for!
Why was my steam account disabled?
Why does my messege board actions effect the gaming.
If you did not like what I did of the forum just ban my ip from there, I do not think you should go all the way to disabeling everything that I have from Valve.

This is way unfair.

Though I am really sorry for my forum actions.

Wait a minute.

You have no right in doing this under your current written policy:
(August 23, 2005, 2:39PM)

In no where does it state that violation of the messege board rules will effect the actual steam account, and will be forced of the deletion of it.
It is quite clear that my account was disabled for a unlisted reason, therefor you have no right of deletion of it.
Under the User Agreement my account should not have deleted.

I would prefer my account to be restored under it's normal status,
Because this can be said that you basically deleted my account because you jsut happen to feel like it.

I would love to see how you can defend this.


I think my email will just be ignored, not the best...
I was in a rush typing it.

Under the User Agreement statement they have no right of doing this.
I will sure win this fight.

I think I should mirror the page just in case they try to pass this by with,
"The NEW agreement states otherwise...

This is fun, I caught Valve at it's own mistake.
They will probablly not allow a 16 year old guy to tell them that they are wrong,
But hey, I am enjoying this while it lasts.
lmao you got done hard by the valve and steam boys. They will never activate that account again i'm pretty sure. So you were banned from vac servers...for cheating right? And what did you do to the forums to make that happen? Must have been really bad.

Why be involved in steam and its games if you just want to cheat and cause problems. If thats all your interested in, then deactivating your account is what would happen. Sorry but you played with fire and you got your fingers burned, i hope you learnt a lesson.
Can you not even play games offline? If so, that's bullshit.
Sounds like you rather asked for it.
Hectic Glenn said:
lmao you got done hard by the valve and steam boys. They will never activate that account again i'm pretty sure. So you were banned from vac servers...for cheating right? And what did you do to the forums to make that happen? Must have been really bad.

Why be involved in steam and its games if you just want to cheat and cause problems. If thats all your interested in, then deactivating your account is what would happen. Sorry but you played with fire and you got your fingers burned, i hope you learnt a lesson.

Well both of these happenings, the vac ban and this one,
Where still just simple useless actions.
The vac ban was caused because of one time use aimbot(I am not into cheating very much, I was just bored.)
And I understand that very well, I agree that it was wrong for me to do it.

I am not even taking it serious,
Just something odd happened...
That's all...
diluted said:
Can you not even play games offline? If so, that's bullshit.

No, it wont let me login.
It says the account was disabled.
Even the messege board blocked my ip address...
So the only open thing is the emailing valve.
Unless they blocked my email address too...

Meh, things happen.
omfg. sue there asses.

They cant do that, its against the law.
So they banned all steamIDs on that ip? what if you posted from a cybercafe etc.

That is total b0lsh00t

Seriously tho, take them to court
W4E said:
omfg. sue there asses.

They cant do that, its against the law.
So they banned all steamIDs on that ip? what if you posted from a cybercafe etc.

That is total b0lsh00t

He'd lose, he wouldn't win, VALVe doesn't disable accounts without a reason. Infact they'd back it up with the reason why they banned him in court. He would just look very stupid up there trying to sue them when he was in the wrong.

BTW why post about it on here?.....Are you going to start raging/trolling here now?
W4E said:
omfg. sue there asses.

They cant do that, its against the law.
So they banned all steamIDs on that ip? what if you posted from a cybercafe etc.

That is total b0lsh00t

I'm unfamiliar with that particular law.
I do not havew enough money to make them even listen to the first word I would say..
Valve may terminate your Account or a particular Subscription for any conduct or activity that Valve believes is illegal, Cheating or otherwise negatively affects the enjoyment of Steam by other Subscribers. You acknowledge that Valve is not required to provide you notice before terminating your Subscriptions(s) and/or Account, but it may choose to do so.

Perhaps this applies to you?
I believe it does. Furthermore it's not at all unreasonable to consider the Steam forums a part of Steam itself and thus punishment there could extend to punishment throughout Steam.
Can someone with a legal background shed some light on this? Is it legal for Valve to prevent you from playing their games offline? I mean, when you purchase a game, you expect to be able to play it. I'm totally in favor of banning people from playing online, because cheaters ruin the game. But banning them from playing the game AT ALL seems a bit extreme to me.
diluted said:
Can someone with a legal background shed some light on this? Is it legal for Valve to prevent you from playing their games offline? I mean, when you purchase a game, you expect to be able to play it. I'm totally in favor of banning people from playing online, because cheaters ruin the game. But banning them from playing the game AT ALL seems a bit extreme to me.

Yeah if you bought HL2 from a store, or downloaded it, whatever, you should be able to play it offline. I too don't see how actions on a FORUM can just lead Valve to banning you from playing anything from them.. That's absurd.. even if you were bashing Valve, and VAC, and HL2 and everything.. it's freedom of speech...

I mean if you went to Fords website and bashed Fords in the Ford Forum, they couldn't just zap your Ford Explorer so it doesn't work... lol...

However if someone gets banned for using AIMBOT or cheating, they deserve it.
you deserve much more punishment If you ask me Valve should have Death Squads:sniper:

diluted said:
Can someone with a legal background shed some light on this? Is it legal for Valve to prevent you from playing their games offline? I mean, when you purchase a game, you expect to be able to play it. I'm totally in favor of banning people from playing online, because cheaters ruin the game. But banning them from playing the game AT ALL seems a bit extreme to me.

He got disabled because they saw him doing something ILLEGAL. Cheats will only get you VAC banned. There is more to this then hes saying, and it really doesn't matter for us. VALVe handles this and they usually lock it at because it should only be between VALVe and the person, its no one elses business.
NJspeed said:
Yeah if you bought HL2 from a store, or downloaded it, whatever, you should be able to play it offline. I too don't see how actions on a FORUM can just lead Valve to banning you from playing anything from them.. That's absurd.. even if you were bashing Valve, and VAC, and HL2 and everything.. it's freedom of speech...

I mean if you went to Fords website and bashed Fords in the Ford Forum, they couldn't just zap your Ford Explorer so it doesn't work... lol...

However if someone gets banned for using AIMBOT or cheating, they deserve it.

Pfft, freedom of speech? That's everybodies lame excuse in situations like this.

The constitution even states that "freedom of speach does not give a man the right to yell 'FIRE' in a full concert hall".

Furthermore, if you're on Ford grounds while displaying your so called right to "freedom of speach", you're on private property, and if Ford doesn't want you there, they can consider you tresspassing and then kick you out, by force if necessary.

And on the internet, Americanized laws and rights do not apply. The internet is it's own place, governed by rules of conduct that are expected to be upheld, but not enforced by their creators. There are no "laws" on the internet. You **** up on the internet and there's nobody you can cry to. The internet is the internet.

And I agree DISTURBED. This isn't the first time sombodies come here ranting about how there account got mysteriously disabled, only after more carefull investigation (usually the steampowered forums) it is found that they did something like use illegal/ illegit credit card numbers to attempt to purchase the game. I've seen it happen before, and I have no doubt that there's more to this story then we're hearing.
Not that I'm accusing anyone of anything but we've only heard his side of the story. I've seen a few posts before with similar "It wasn't me, I don't deserve this" and Valve have posted (this was a while ago, they may not post stuff like this anymore) saying that the banned users had been using many different CD keys (using a Key gen).
What I did was not ILLEGAL
What I basically did is just spam their forums with threads that had a link to a really disturbing/discusting/rude/etc. website.
I don't want to post the link for family friendly reasons.

That is all.

All I did was SPAM threads of a link which linked to a disgusting/adult material prank site that give a millions of endless pop ups that some one else made.

It was spam, that is all.

I have a legal copy of HL2, with the retail box, and a legit serial key.

They disabled my account because of me abusing the FORUM rules.

So I do not really get this, why did the forum rules effect my game?

That's what I am trying to say,
That no where did it state that my forum actions will be effecting my actual real steam account.
aquabelic said:
What I did was not ILLEGAL
What I basically did is just spam their forums with threads that had a link to a really disturbing/discusting/rude/etc. website.
I don't want to post the link for family friendly reasons.

That's what I am trying to say,
That no where did it state that my forum actions will be effecting my actual real steam account.

Actually you did deserve that, little kids use that board as well. You got what was coming to you. Next time maybe you will be a little more mature on what actions you will take on the internet.
Valve reserves the right to disable your account, you agreed to that when you bought their service. If you abuse your forum and game priveleges by cheating and spamming, you deserve to have your account disabled. You shouldn't buy their games if you're not going to abide by their rules.
aquabelic said:
What I did was not ILLEGAL
What I basically did is just spam their forums with threads that had a link to a really disturbing/discusting/rude/etc. website.
I don't want to post the link for family friendly reasons.

That is all.

All I did was SPAM threads of a link which linked to a disgusting/adult material prank site that give a millions of endless pop ups that some one else made.

It was spam, that is all.

I have a legal copy of HL2, with the retail box, and a legit serial key.

They disabled my account because of me abusing the FORUM rules.

So I do not really get this, why did the forum rules effect my game?

That's what I am trying to say,
That no where did it state that my forum actions will be effecting my actual real steam account.

Well, you admit you cheated and the subscriber agreement says that they may cancel your account if you cheated.

Valve may terminate your Account or a particular Subscription for any conduct or activity that Valve believes is illegal, Cheating or otherwise negatively affects the enjoyment of Steam by other Subscribers. You acknowledge that Valve is not required to provide you notice before terminating your Subscriptions(s) and/or Account, but it may choose to do so.

edit: And I'm pretty sure you broke this as well,*&p_li=&p_topview=1
first of all if you wanted them to listen to you, you shouldnt have written all the bold

This is so uncalled for!
Why was my steam account disabled?
Why does my messege board actions effect the gaming.
If you did not like what I did of the forum just ban my ip from there, I do not think you should go all the way to disabeling everything that I have from Valve.

This is way unfair.

Though I am really sorry for my forum actions.

Wait a minute.

You have no right in doing this under your current written policy:
(August 23, 2005, 2:39PM)

In no where does it state that violation of the messege board rules will effect the actual steam account, and will be forced of the deletion of it.
It is quite clear that my account was disabled for a unlisted reason, therefor you have no right of deletion of it.
Under the User Agreement my account should not have deleted.

I would prefer my account to be restored under it's normal status,
Because this can be said that you basically deleted my account because you jsut happen to feel like it.

I would love to see how you can defend this.


when i was banned from here i emailed Munro with a letter of apology, not threating. i bet that they dont give a rats ass about you because they have millions of other customers that dont spam their forums with pr0n...and i wouldnt be surprised if they didnt bring back your account
As we proceed more and more with the gaming industry moving into account requirement, our privacy is limited each day the games update.
I buy the game for playing purposes, not to read 10,000 words of text about how I can use it, what I can use it with, how it may effect me, how it will effect my brain cells, how it will effect my waste disposal.

Why so many limitations?

For example with a app like Windows, you can basically customize, tweak, and modify the heck out it for easier or more powerful use. And you do not see Microsoft spoofing our ip addresses for everything we do with our legi copies of the OS.

So why do the best game industries always are so uptight with their regulations,
It's easier to apply for citizenship of US, only two or so pages of text to agree on.
And what you receive in exchange is something bigger and better then a game.

But with Valve games, it over three pages of every promise you could think of, you basically swear on your life that you will not touch any of the game files and modify them to your desire.

Damn, I hate this online gaming.
It's easier getting 18+ pornography then playing a online game.
It's even easier to but M rated game at a younger then 17 age, then using later on.
aquabelic said:
As we proceed more and more with the gaming industry moving into account requirement, our privacy is limited each day the games update.
I buy the game for playing purposes, not to read 10,000 words of text about how I can use it, what I can use it with, how it may effect me, how it will effect my brain cells, how it will effect my waste disposal.

Why so many limitations?

For example with a app like Windows, you can basically customize, tweak, and modify the heck out it for easier or more powerful use. And you do not see Microsoft spoofing our ip addresses for everything we do with our legi copies of the OS.

So why do the best game industries always are so uptight with their regulations,
It's easier to apply for citizenship of US, only two or so pages of text to agree on.
And what you receive in exchange is something bigger and better then a game.

But with Valve games, it over three pages of every promise you could think of, you basically swear on your life that you will not touch any of the game files and modify them to your desire.

Damn, I hate this online gaming.
It's easier getting 18+ pornography then playing a online game.
It's even easier to but M rated game at a younger then 17 age, then using later on.

ah hell its easier to get layed then to play online
:everybody staring:
hmm...never mind
And you do not see Microsoft spoofing our ip addresses for everything we do with our legi copies of the OS.
But if they could, you bet your ass they would.
It's easier to apply for citizenship of US, only two or so pages of text to agree on.
But with Valve games, it over three pages of every promise you could think of, you basically swear on your life that you will not touch any of the game files and modify them to your desire.
Dear God. A whole extra page!
Italic text : Because that causes cheating, which causes pissed off players, which causes the game company to implement anti-cheating methods, which causes some people to complain about that (You.) . It's a logical step, don't try and put us back, we won't do it.
Kamikazie said:
ah hell its easier to get layed then to play online
:everybody staring:
hmm...never mind

Well, still being a virgin, that kind of souns resonable.


I just they are not logging my ip address,
Because I will might get a new account through ebay when they release more games.
Like Half Life 3, or Counter-Strike 2(Not a Sourced version of 1.6, but an actual full update)

But for now I guess I will just focus more on something else...
The F.E.A.R. game looks promising, and The Sims 2 is not yet geting old.

There is always something good that can be found in the bad things that might happen.
I just hope they are not logging my ip address
They probably already have it, seeing as you are already banned from their forums.
it amazes me how people dont help me with a problem i have.. but instead just talk about a dude bein banned.. community game support? heh
you dont make yours sound as funny...and post the email that you want them to take you back with
Beerdude26 said:
But if they could, you bet your ass they would.
Dear God. A whole extra page!
Italic text : Because that causes cheating, which causes pissed off players, which causes the game company to implement anti-cheating methods, which causes some people to complain about that (You.) . It's a logical step, don't try and put us back, we won't do it.

Okay, You win. :thumbs:

Okay a whole extra page, but that is still way to much agreement for a computer game.
Is there really that much you can do with a computer game that it takes up a xx number of pages in text.
I don't see a warning that the retail box can be used as a weapon,
Come on, those edges on the box, they can poke an eye out when being thrown.
Or what it a kid or a puppy starts chewing on it, they may choke and die.
Oh My!
But what about Fire Safety, the thin carbon material is quite flamable,
What if you accidentlly get it to close to a handle,
The whole house can burn to the ground.

Odd that they do not include these in their book size agreement.

I shall blaim, Soccer Moms! :O
Aquabelic, being too lazy to read the rules you are binding yourself to is no excuse for not following them. You made two clear violations that directly affected other users experiences, that is the difference between steam and windows.

Ironically, it is against the rules to sell or purchase steam accounts or product serials over ebay or any similar service. You don't really deserve to use steam, or at least that's what valve thinks.
Sufferin-rebel said:
it amazes me how people dont help me with a problem i have.. but instead just talk about a dude bein banned.. community game support? heh

hehe, I guess this thread is just easier to reply to,
Just read the previous answer, sum it up and put it into your own words.
Genius! :stare:
aquabelic said:
I don't see a warning that the retail box can be used as a weapon,
Come on, those edges on the box, they can poke an eye out when being thrown.
Or what it a kid or a puppy starts chewing on it, they may choke and die.
Oh My!
But what about Fire Safety, the thin carbon material is quite flamable,
What if you accidentlly get it to close to a handle,
The whole house can burn to the ground.

Odd that they do not include these in their book size agreement.

I shall blaim, Soccer Moms! :O
Because companies of today also tend to rely on common sense, imagine how your world would be : You go to a store to buy underwear and you are forced to read a 40-page manual about it :D You'd be spending more time reading than actually living :p
Sufferin-rebel said:
it amazes me how people dont help me with a problem i have.. but instead just talk about a dude bein banned.. community game support? heh

Go to forums then, they more than likely have the solution to the problem.
Beerdude26 said:
Because companies of today also tend to rely on common sense, imagine how your world would be : You go to a store to buy underwear and you are forced to read a 40-page manual about it :D You'd be spending more time reading than actually living :p

But what about a package of M&Ms with almounds with the warning on the back that it may contain nuts.
Or an energy drink(Like BALWS, Red Bull, etc.) warning about the high level of caffiene, eeeeh yes...
Or how they say that SunnyDelight has pure orange juice, while on the package it says 5% or so...
We might not have instructions on underwear, but for all other life problems there is always instructions...
Such as intructions on a basic bottle of Shampoo...


Comon sense maybe applied on large game manuals, but not to a package of nuts.
To sum it up. You used a cheat (knowing it was against the rules and you could be banned from VAC servers) and you were caught. You then decide that the best way to defend your actions was to "just spam their forums with threads that had a link to a really disturbing/discusting/rude/etc. website". Then you find out that your Steam account has been banned for cheating (I think) as per the user agreement.

Perhaps you shouldn't have drawn attention to yourself by being an arse on the Steam forums.

You're not guilty of some little small print to do with modifying the game. You downloaded and used an aimbot.