STEAM/Valve hates my guts.

aquabelic said:
But what about a package of M&Ms with almounds with the warning on the back that it may contain nuts.
Or an energy drink(Like BALWS, Red Bull, etc.) warning about the high level of caffiene, eeeeh yes...
Or how they say that SunnyDelight has pure orange juice, while on the package it says 5% or so...
We might not have instructions on underwear, but for all other life problems there is always instructions...
Such as intructions on a basic bottle of Shampoo...
M&Ms : Some people are allergic to the M&M nuts and might die (anaphalactic shock, google it :p) and they probably don't want to be responsible for deaths.
Red Bull, BALWS : Same. Some people can't stand large amounts of caffeine (and Red Bull also contains a human hormone, and drinking too much of it might cause kidney damage).
SunnyDelight : Eh? Not following you here. It says it has pure orange juice, but in the ingredients list it only states to have 5% pure orange juice (so basically it's lemonade)?
By the way, I'm not trying to bring you down or embarass you or anything, I just love a good debate :p
Beerdude26 said:
M&Ms : Some people are allergic to the M&M nuts and might die (anaphalactic shock, google it :p) and they probably don't want to be responsible for deaths.
Red Bull, BALWS : Same. Some people can't stand large amounts of caffeine (and Red Bull also contains a human hormone, and drinking too much of it might cause kidney damage).
SunnyDelight : Eh? Not following you here. It says it has pure orange juice, but in the ingredients list it only states to have 5% pure orange juice (so basically it's lemonade)?
By the way, I'm not trying to bring you down or embarass you or anything, I just love a good debate :p

No, it was not much bringing down...
It was alright...
I knew I should have used a proxy server when doing the spam...
Silly Me....
Alright then.
*shakes his hand and gives him a cup of tea*
aquabelic said:
No, it was not much bringing down...
It was alright...
I knew I should have used a proxy server when doing the spam...
Silly Me....

Or perhaps not acted like a twat in the first place?
I feel absolutely no pity for you, since all I see is a troll and cheater that got what was coming to him.
aquabelic said:
No, it was not much bringing down...
It was alright...
I knew I should have used a proxy server when doing the spam...
Silly Me....

Silly you, proxy's won't hide you from VALVe.
You sound like a bad guy but i dont think any1 should have there game taken away from them. I have heard about many VAC fukups pardon my language even one of my clanmembers got autokicked form our server and tht was VAC Believe it or not it DUS ban sum non cheaters. For example if you accidently change any file it bans you. If you use sv_cheats in create a server it bans u sometimes. I dont see y this is cheating if you are playing on a lan server against a few bots y shud it ban you. This was the case of another person i know. They got banned for 6 months off all VAC servers. in the end he had to go out an buy another copy.I agree on temporary bans maybee a week and permanent if they HAVE EVIDENCE that you say for example stole the game. I think they must present you with this evidence and allow you to argue your case b4 banning you. It seems to me they have very very loose controls over banning ppl and sumtimes i wonder wether it is just to make ppl think VAC is doing something. I am going to ask for VAC to be removed from all my servers. and see if they flood with hackers. and wat was tht sum1 said bout ford. Here where i live there are no trespassing laws so you can do watever you like on any1s land as long as you dont damage anything. FORD SUX AS WELL they kill ppl. Just like valve they use thier size to disguise these mishaps and no 1 seems to care. U shud hve been banned from forums but definately not from playing your game.:cheers:
DiSTuRbEd said:
Actually you did deserve that, little kids use that board as well. You got what was coming to you. Next time maybe you will be a little more mature on what actions you will take on the internet.
Kids use google to and pretty much anything u search in there comes up with adult stuff.
I am going to ask for VAC to be removed from all my servers.
I think there's a command for that, google around.

Kids use google to and pretty much anything u search in there comes up with adult stuff.
But the kids themselves are then responsible for the content that shows up. I mean, if you type in 'sperm orgy' in google , is google responsible for that content? No, because it was YOU in the first place that wanted that information.
And those little kids on those boards, they can be tricked into clicking links. If I give a 'soft, fluffy kittens' link that links to a goat(+ 2 letters :p) site, the one that posted it is responsible.
aquabelic said:
What I did was not ILLEGAL
What I basically did is just spam their forums with threads that had a link to a really disturbing/discusting/rude/etc. website.
I don't want to post the link for family friendly reasons.

That is all.

All I did was SPAM threads of a link which linked to a disgusting/adult material prank site that give a millions of endless pop ups that some one else made.

It was spam, that is all.

I have a legal copy of HL2, with the retail box, and a legit serial key.

They disabled my account because of me abusing the FORUM rules.

So I do not really get this, why did the forum rules effect my game?

That's what I am trying to say,
That no where did it state that my forum actions will be effecting my actual real steam account.

You deserve every amount of punishment given to you by Valve Mr. Hacker-Troll-Douchebag. But I do think it'll be unfair to take HL2 Singleplayer away since you did pay for it and you can't harm others with it.

Can you even log on to Steam with a banned account?
If you are correct about the license agreement, aquabelic, and you were to file a lawsuit against Valve, you would win. That'd be the only way they would listen.

And while you're at it, sue EA please for what they did to Battlefield. Sue them hard.