Steam will kill pc gaming

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Nov 18, 2004
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Something must be done about Steam immediately as it may already be too late.
Pc gaming has been fighting a loosing battle with game consoles for many years, and now that the best pc game is being squeezed through the sh*t grinder call Steam I fear the end is near. Console games are plug n play, for the most part, and only the hardest core pc gamers are going to put up with crap like Steam to get to their games.
Is there anyone left a Valve who cares about pc gaming? I plead with you. Do something about Steam now, or abandon it to the sh*tter from which it came.

Steam will kill pc gaming as we know it, forever.
listen to this guy he so creepily right and its so scary how correct he is! :thumbs:

i think valve should do something about this because my faith in them is like a silk thread right now but without the strechting properties

also please look at my abovce problem :cheese:
Lol, i used to think that. But now that the friends list works (most of the time) i dont see whats wrong with it...
I dont have a problem with Steam either it alloys me to play whatever game i want so get over it.
Why are you so against steam? It is a brilliant system for content delivery.

The benefits outweigh the drawback in so many ways.
How about worldwide simultaneous launch? This is fantastic for anyone outside the US that knows how frustrating it can be to have to wait longer for a game than you should.

Secondly, how about never running out of stock?
When I went to the store to collect my pre-ordered copy of Doom3, they did not get enough copies in, so i have to wait a further 3 days than I should of... That just can't happen with steam.

Thirdly, how about transportability?
The last time I took my PC to a LAN, I had to take a huge bunch of CD’s with me. This was simply so I could play installed games (As I don’t believe in NO-CD Cracks). Now tell me when I will need a CD to play any steam games?

Fourthly, no installation!
Yes, that is correct –think about it- I never installed HL2; I downloaded it! It was ready to go on day one, minus deception, to play. If someone can give me an example of another published title that can claim to be played 5mins after its worldwide launch, please give me an example.

Fifth, no patching!
A system that will automatically patch itself, and games held within in it, without me having to go hunting for files. Brilliant!

This is by no means an exhaustive list of reasons why I like steam. But I think that it is quite clear that the system is a step forward, not backwards.

True, the above is my personal opinion. If you are willing to give mature negative examples about why you don’t believe the system is worthy of use, by all means do so. Personally, I think people may take you seriously if you back your argument up with supporting information/evidence.
screw you just cos urs works and our dont dosent mean u can try and justify that its a "GOOD" THING TO FU CKING USE U cun t!!!!!

claim to be played in 5 minutes?
is this guy reading these forums?, 99% of people here are totally unable to play, and its nearly been 5 days, not 5 minutes!
smoke said:
screw you just cos urs works and our dont dosent mean u can try and justify that its a "GOOD" THING TO FU CKING USE U cun t!!!!!

Excellent response, I am glad to see you have so much respect for peoples work (and the English language).

So do you not believe that because a huge majority of users have successfully installed steam and are played games with the system, that you may be doing something wrong? Is it not a possibility that there is a fundamental issue with your computer itself?

By all means you are free to politely ask the thousands of users that are capable of installing steam for advice. Please bear in mind that we are all people as well, and will refuse to help if you constantly insist on conveying your conversations with such profanity.
it's new tech.... it's been around for a year... once it's polished and not a one man show (IE: more Devs/Publishers that aren't VU are on board) it will be the best thing to happen to PC gaming
99% of the people here? Kevo wtf are you on!
I'd say a tops of 10% are having problems..
Steam is great dude. Steam barley takes up any resources. Thats a plus, and since the games are intergerted with steam they can take advantage of what steam offers without taking up more resources. Like running a seperate instant messenger in the background will use up more than if you just used steams.
ASE will use more resources than if you would just go on steam and use its.

Steam is great!
Infact it HELPS pc gaming. If you can't play then its porbably not steams fault.
*Omg i got a sound error, steams fault*
Wrong, it's not steams fault!
*omg, i can't play, it's steam fault*
Well then that person probably couldn't play before with WoN because of port issues.

Steam is by far one of the best tools ever. Had a rocky start, but has developed into by far one of the best ideas ever.
DESTROY THE TAPS! They bring in fresh water daily when the system works 99% of the time! EVIL CREATION! BACK TO THE WELL.
kevo17 said:
claim to be played in 5 minutes?
is this guy reading these forums?, 99% of people here are totally unable to play, and its nearly been 5 days, not 5 minutes!
Yes I am reading the forums, as well as many others.

What you have to take into account that this is a support forum, and by that very nature you will see allot of issues floating around. You cannot take this information as statistically representative, as the whole steam community is not going to post here if the game is working.
acidrainy said:
Thirdly, how about transportability?
The last time I took my PC to a LAN, I had to take a huge bunch of CD’s with me. This was simply so I could play installed games (As I don’t believe in NO-CD Cracks). Now tell me when I will need a CD to play any steam games?

Half-Life 2 Collectors Edition and Retail are both Steam games... but if you bought either, you need the DVD or CD in the system to play: Half-Life 2, CS: Source, Half-Life: Source.

I think Steam is great for Broadband users... but for people on Dial-Up who had to buy the CD/DVD edition to get the files... well, it sucks.
exactly, steam will great in a 1 or 2 years when broadband is the norm, as for now too many people still have dialup

but as for downloading games, thats sucks coz i would rather have the cd /dvd and case, but thats just my preference
Ahh its all about cutting out the middleman.
Hl2 im having problems with, but as a whole i think Steam is a great piece of software, i can find games when i want no need to look on my desktop for the shortcuts no hunting for patchs no going to the store to purchase.

I can see in the future whoever uses the Source Engine and are not not heavily financed by a mighty publisher or restricted in anyway will have the option to deliver there games over Steam.

Yeah it was abit buggy early on and it still has bugs but Steam is a step in the right direction for PC gaming so it certainly wont kill it, it will just make playing games on your PC allot easier ala Console style.
Without the use of profanity, i argue that for myself and many other half life buyers, the early life of the game we have all waited ages for has been one of a huge amount of frustration.

I have suffered with the memory error, and have tried various tricks and quick fixes that others have found to work for them - to no avail. This evening i removed the whole lot and reinstalled, only to get a "cab file cannot be read" error on the first two reinstall occasions, which did not happen on my first install and thankfully, i did not get on the third.

While i type, i am waiting for an hour while the game first decrypts and now is downloading the last of the game files through steam. (I have moved to the sticks and my local telephone exchange is finally being broadband enabled in Jan 05!)

Whilst i am sufficiently cognitive to realise the benefits of steam, I find it mildly annoying that some people among you who have been lucky enough to get this undoubtedly great game to work fine for you, that you do not acknowledge or empathise that there are many other users, with varying degress of expertise, who have been caused a large amount of grief with steam and HL2.

Some of the weaknesses of steam have become apparent to me, these last few days. For example, it was overwhelmed by the simultaneous release, many people could not get the thing to respond to the log-in requests for hours or more. I could not get my head round the online / offline modes, and it did not validate my license for ages, then kept repeating my authentication notice several times once it did work.

I do however, look forward to speedy bugfixes being delivered through it. (Please!)

Cheers & Happy 1/2 lifeing
Some of you live in some ideal world, I'd like to know where that is, please tell me, because in my world, systems don't work perfectly the first time, and have their fair share of problems. But also my world, they don't abandon the system when it's not yet perfect.

Steam is not quite perfect yet, and that's an understatement, but if anything at all, Steam will save PC gaming. In case you didn't notice, PC gaming is already sorta dying. It's a revolutionary new concept, which requires time to be perfected. Valve will learn from past mistakes, and prevent them from happening the next time, you see now? That's how development occurs, step by step.
No it doesn't! That's commie hippy pinko evolution talk! (Yeah I'm kidding.)
You are so right ... PC gamers have put up with so much crap in the last year or two from games that are buggy and won't install to constant upgrades to warnings that games may not play with certain drives and now the STEAM thing ... it is getting so frustrating ... at least with consoles you know it should work with the console it is designed for and it is a hell of a lot cheaper ... if they could design a console system that had the feel of a keyboard and mouse I would be gone already ...
I am new to Steam, have never heard of it or used it before.........I purchased the CD version of HL2.........thru a very very legnthy process of installing, cacheing, updating, initialising, etc etc I had had a gut full, then with the problems with the CD not being recognised, or game not loading i seriously was a very angry consumer, and so close to taking the game back to EB, thanx to me and not Steam or any other person have i managed to get the game working but i am still not happy in the least with the process to start playing HL2 each time i decide to, i want to double click on my shortcut and i want the game to load up, if i want to update anything i want the option to, in this world time is a luxury, and i dont want to be waiting around or told by sum programme when and if i can play my friggin game.

Now as for the positive sides to Steam i can see sum that have been mentioned, but they are not that great, purchasing games via steam as i guess it will require credit cards, which i dont like, broadband, which i have, but going on the time it took to install the game and the other processes Steam seems to "have" to do, blow it out your ass, wasnt impressed, i can only imagine the poor guys on dial up, jeez, on broadband it took over 140 minutes to just update the files, now my conn is very good, this was the only time it has taken so damn long to have to D/L files of this size, id rather drive to EB, browse the store, buy the game, perve on the nice girls, grab a snack, drive home, install game, play game, all probably in less time it took to install via Steam.

It has left a bad taste in my mouth and it will have to do a hell of alot for me to give it a second far as the other good things about Steam, someone please list them because at the moment what i have read doesnt even give my dick the slightest twitch.
acidrainy said:
This is fantastic for anyone outside the US that knows how frustrating it can be to have to wait longer for a game than you should.

emm.. I'd rather wait 3 days for a CD to come in and be able to use my net connection in the meantime, than spend my money first and wait 3 days to download the thing.

Steam could definitely use some adjustments...

I'm busy downloading HL2 right now, and woe... I can't restrict bandwidth usage, so my internet is f*cked until it's finished. Yeah I can close it whenever I want to download something else, if I want to wait another friggin week for something I want to play NOW. I'm sure this is putting a lot of people off.

Also, since we're able to rent PC games here in Perth - I have to trust that my money is well spent without being able to try before I buy - you can't rent HL2 because of authentication. But where was the HL2 demo version, so we could see if it was worth it first? Not able to rent the game or try it out first... bad news that! Yes, I read ALL the previews and write-ups... it's like listenting to election promises. Most games are over-hyped. I wanted to try a demo first, or rent it out for a night.

Patching... hmm... if it was necessary to make SURE a game will work on 99% of systems before releasing it to the world on CD, then quality control would be high on the agenda. Steam makes it very easy to send out patches. So if your game doesn't work or has stutters or crashes (err.. HL2 comes to mind) well hey don't worry, Steam will fix it... sometime... after downlaoding another 100MB... It could make QC a very slack process, and make it more tempting just to get something out and get the $$$ in.

And I do not think keeping all your games on your HDD, without any CD backups, is very good. Ever heard of a thing called a HD crash? Ever had to reinstall Windows and lose all your installed programs in the process? It's not that uncommon... no, I'd rather have my games on CD thanks, so I have what I paid for in my hand. That's transportability.

acidrainy said:
Fourthly, no installation! Yes, that is correct –think about it- I never installed HL2; I downloaded it! It was ready to go on day one, minus deception, to play. If someone can give me an example of another published title that can claim to be played 5mins after its worldwide launch, please give me an example.

Wow, what kind of net connection have you got? Can I have one? In my experience, installing from 5 CDs doesn't take quite as long as "installing" 5GB from the net. So much for "day one".. try "day 3".

acidrainy said:
Fifth, no patching! A system that will automatically patch itself, and games held within in it, without me having to go hunting for files. Brilliant!

True, it's a step towards a more reliable way of finding patches for those who aren't very net savvy. But there's nothing wrong with downloading patches from a game site - and you can download them when it's convenient, not when Steam wants you to. Again, Steam needs some more options and flexibility for downloading components now/later/at set speed limits/etc.

Basically, there are very practical advantages to the traditional way of doing things, which Steam does not allow for. I imagine (and hope) that it will mature with time, and allow you to backup your games to CD/DVD, manage downloads in a more convenient fashion, let you install things in alternate drives/folders, etc.

At the moment, it's just an interesting idea the industry is testing on the public, and it's not a mature piece of software by any stretch of the imagination. I'm a developer, by the way, so that's my slant on it. Interesting concept - not revolutionary, but interesting, and needs more work to make it less frustrating to work with.

And I also agree that people who reply to a considered post like yours merely with, "you're talking shit," should get a life. Forums are for the benefit of all and making a contribution, not for mindless tit-for-tat flaming.
I don't like Steam for a couple reasons.

First, it's invasive. I like to keep my system simple. I have MSN messager and a firewall running, that's it. If *every* company wants to install a resident program in your tray (at they do), like real media crap.. ati, sound drivers etc, then you end up with 20 icons in your systray. I always disable all those things because they are useless. They just take up memory and do nothing.

Secondly, I'd say about every fifth time I try to load hl2 it 'verifies my game files' for about 5 minutes.This is BS. I paid $50, I just want to play my game.

It seems like Steam is being used to prevent people from pirating the game, but I'm sure that it's been cracked by now. So the only people suffering are the people that shelled out the money.

And now I'm hearing they'll ban people from steam that use a cracked client. Hello. If I bought the game I can do whatever I want with it, including using a cracked client. I install cracks on bought games all the time because I have 2000 cds and I hate rifling though CDs every time I want to play a game.

Nevermind what would happen if some hacked your computer and stole your steam login/password.

If people legally bought the game and are prevented from using it, it could be ugly, like class action lawsuit ugly.

Half life 2: kickass
Steam: hrm.....
Darkn3ss said:
Something must be done about Steam immediately as it may already be too late.
you are late for about a year ... damn ppl .. u are all so shortminded ... u only care about things when they jump at your face ..
acidrainy said:
The benefits outweigh the drawback in so many ways.
How about worldwide simultaneous launch? This is fantastic for anyone outside the US that knows how frustrating it can be to have to wait longer for a game than you should.
MOST of the ppl couldnt get hl2 to run until 48hrs after the release due to the heavy load on the steam servers.
that simutaneous launch is pure fiction
acidrainy said:
Thirdly, how about transportability?
The last time I took my PC to a LAN, I had to take a huge bunch of CD?s with me. This was simply so I could play installed games (As I don?t believe in NO-CD Cracks). Now tell me when I will need a CD to play any steam games?
as said before, the retail versions of hl2 require the cd/dvd in the drive, and most of the other shooters allready have its nocd check removed (al major shooters up to ut2k4)
acidrainy said:
Fourthly, no installation!
Yes, that is correct ?think about it- I never installed HL2; I downloaded it! It was ready to go on day one, minus deception, to play. If someone can give me an example of another published title that can claim to be played 5mins after its worldwide launch, please give me an example.
i have downloaded the preload and it took me about 25minutes to unlock and verify my hl2 files ... even farcry installed faster hell. no need to say that i didnt have to be only while installing farcry.
acidrainy said:
Fifth, no patching!
A system that will automatically patch itself, and games held within in it, without me having to go hunting for files. Brilliant!
guess what? blizzard has the same thing ... SINCE 5 YEARS
damn, you just need to connect to and it only loads the files you need
acidrainy said:
This is by no means an exhaustive list of reasons why I like steam. But I think that it is quite clear that the system is a step forward, not backwards.[/SIZE]
its clearly a step torwards complexity.
as i do not complain about it, because steam problems are the smaller problems i face with pcs, "normal" ppl that dont know what port blocking or dvd imaging is, or how its done.
acidrainy said:
If you are willing to give mature negative examples about why you don?t believe the system is worthy of use, by all means do so.
acidrainy said:
Personally, I think people may take you seriously if you back your argument up with supporting information/evidence.
so now?
|2eD Pwnd said:
Lol, i used to think that. But now that the friends list works (most of the time) i dont see whats wrong with it...
What’s wrong with it, is that its buggy (I'm being kind)
Dont be fooled, it may be working for you now, but there is no guarantee it will work tomorrow. And since all of us are dependent on Steam to access HL2 everytime we sit down at our PC's, I fear things are only going to get worse.

Unless im the luckiest guy on earth or something steam is a lot better than most of you lot think.

I got the game working within 7 minutes of the release.

Steam hasent hung or crashed or affected anything else on my machine, it finds me patches even when i dont know there are patches.

If you look at it, the vast majority of people ie. 95% of people are playing hl2 just like any other game.

there isnt any more bitching about steam than there is of any other game when it launches.

also note how 9 out of 10 people who think steam is the end of the world have registered in the last week, dare i say it? but it seems to me that steam is not the problem its the people who know jack about it that are the problem.

at the risk of being labeled a raving fanboy, i only decided to get hl2 over steam 2 weeks before release becuase i hated it, i came round though when i stopped acting like a whiny kid (hint hint) and actualy used it a bit and learned that most of my preconceptions where wrong.

And if you are saying that steam sucks because you are on a 56K modem then go hang yourself, unless you live in some rural mountain town with no water never mind broadband there is no reason for you to bitch about technology moving ahead without you.... its like a guy on a horse moaning about guys with cars.

theres no point in flaming me about this cos i wont be reading the responses, ive been around long enough to know that when you try and correct whiny kids they just whine even more.
skarrob said:
I dont have a problem with Steam either it alloys me to play whatever game i want so get over it.
In that case perhaps we should freeze development on Steam and hold any updates or patches. I'm sure our friends in the UK will be happy to hear about that.
Just promise to post your progress and emotions through the game so the rest of us can enjoy HL2 through you.
kevo17 said:
is this guy reading these forums?, 99% of people here are totally unable to play, and its nearly been 5 days, not 5 minutes!
I stopped reading at this point.
I bought the retail CD. Having to register software to me should be personal preference, not mandatory. Even Win XP doesn't require you to register when you activate it. It doesn't even make you update its sorry self. I also do not like being dependant on Steam for my daily fix. Senario: Steam goes down, I guess I can't play. Steam becomes vaporware, I guess we all can't play.

I also hate software that I pay for telling me that I can't use it if I have an emulator or burning software on my HD. I bought the game, it is retail. Who are they Valve) to say what I can and can't have on my rig? I also paid for my burning software.

When I sit at my homebuilt computer that cost me tons, I want to use it as I see fit.

Steam has its positives, Let me think...Oh yes, It has to give me permission to play offline. Oh, yeah that's it. Right.

Sorry, this old gal says the guys at Valve should rethink this one. :( :flame:
acidrainy said:
The benefits outweigh the drawback in so many ways.
How about worldwide simultaneous launch? This is fantastic for anyone outside the US that knows how frustrating it can be to have to wait longer for a game than you should.
This is a terrific reason to have a delivery like Steam, unfortunately Steam aint it.
acidrainy said:
Secondly, how about never running out of stock?
When I went to the store to collect my pre-ordered copy of Doom3, they did not get enough copies in, so i have to wait a further 3 days than I should of... That just can't happen with steam.
This is also a great idea, however two things are missing.

[]A larger percentage of available and affordable broadband worldwide.
[]A way to backup the 4GB plus download on the delivery system servers in case of a drive crash.
[]A delivery system that doesn’t have the many bugs Steam has as described in these forums
[]A working alternative to the large download for those without broadband.
Sorry thats more than two.

BTW you waited 3 days for Doom3 meanwhile it seems there are many folks on their 6th day (or more) waiting to play HL2 after paying for it in full.
"Is there anyone left a Valve who cares about pc gaming?"

Congrats, you have just won the stupid comment of the year award. Do you really think no one cares about gaming after they have made arguably the best game of all time? Never lol

In my opinion Steam is the best thing that could have happened to pc gaming as it is bullet proof against piracy (still no official release from pirates) and if more developers adapt this strategy and make more profit then the market for pc games will increase and game shops might actually give pc gaming more shelf space.

As far as steam problems go i have encountered no problems what so ever although i have the audio stutter issue this will be rectified with an auto patch so all i have to do is kick back and wait for valve to patch my game, could it get any easier? Valve have received too much flack for this, they are the pioneers and other developers will learn from their mistakes (if the audio stutter is traced to being a problem with steam)

P.S. cheers for wasting my time having to reply to your silly post :angry:
acidrainy said:
Thirdly, how about transportability?
The last time I took my PC to a LAN, I had to take a huge bunch of CD’s with me. This was simply so I could play installed games (As I don’t believe in NO-CD Cracks). Now tell me when I will need a CD to play any steam games?
This is your weakest point but I'm glad you brought up LAN play, as there seems to be a problem with Steam and LANs. The details are in these forums.
This reminded me of the offline mode in Steam, and how that seems to have been slapped together at the last minute. Its poorly documented, buggy and requires the user to manually copy a file in the Steam subfolder.
That certainly isn’t going to convert any console players over to PC
azz0r said:
DESTROY THE TAPS! They bring in fresh water daily when the system works 99% of the time! EVIL CREATION! BACK TO THE WELL.

Sense... in this forum? Long overdue!
acidrainy said:
Fourthly, no installation!
Yes, that is correct –think about it- I never installed HL2; I downloaded it! It was ready to go on day one, minus deception, to play. If someone can give me an example of another published title that can claim to be played 5mins after its worldwide launch, please give me an example.
I purchased the CD version and so I didnt go through the download process, but are you saying there's no controlling where the game is installed (drive, path, etc) or what icons are created? If so, that is far from a plus in my book.

On your second point, I am completely unable to site you an example, and so are you, as that game does not exist. However HL2 might have been able to make that claim if it had a delivery system that actually worked. (and we all had warp 9 speed broadband) ;)
acidrainy said:
Fifth, no patching!
A system that will automatically patch itself, and games held within in it, without me having to go hunting for files. Brilliant!
WHEN they admit they actually need a patch and WHEN they get around to making it available for download...*coughHL2cough*! :afro:
acidrainy said:
Fifth, no patching!
A system that will automatically patch itself, and games held within in it, without me having to go hunting for files. Brilliant!

This is by no means an exhaustive list of reasons why I like steam. But I think that it is quite clear that the system is a step forward, not backwards.
Although we certainly dont need a delivery system for this (doom3 has a 'check for updates' option right in its own menus) this sure would be convenient.
It just needs to work.
All things staying the same, I'd bet that at the next patch we'll all be complaining all over again about download size, Steam freezing, long delays cause by file validations and f*ck knows what else.

What is clear to me is that the idea of a game delivery system like Steam is a step forward, but Steam itself is what's retarded.
acidrainy said:
Why are you so against steam? It is a brilliant system for content delivery.

The benefits outweigh the drawback in so many ways.
How about worldwide simultaneous launch? This is fantastic for anyone outside the US that knows how frustrating it can be to have to wait longer for a game than you should.

Secondly, how about never running out of stock?
When I went to the store to collect my pre-ordered copy of Doom3, they did not get enough copies in, so i have to wait a further 3 days than I should of... That just can't happen with steam.

Thirdly, how about transportability?
The last time I took my PC to a LAN, I had to take a huge bunch of CD’s with me. This was simply so I could play installed games (As I don’t believe in NO-CD Cracks). Now tell me when I will need a CD to play any steam games?

Fourthly, no installation!
Yes, that is correct –think about it- I never installed HL2; I downloaded it! It was ready to go on day one, minus deception, to play. If someone can give me an example of another published title that can claim to be played 5mins after its worldwide launch, please give me an example.

Fifth, no patching!
A system that will automatically patch itself, and games held within in it, without me having to go hunting for files. Brilliant!

This is by no means an exhaustive list of reasons why I like steam. But I think that it is quite clear that the system is a step forward, not backwards.

True, the above is my personal opinion. If you are willing to give mature negative examples about why you don’t believe the system is worthy of use, by all means do so. Personally, I think people may take you seriously if you back your argument up with supporting information/evidence.
Good reason 1: I have tried for six hours yesterday to get Steam to run on two seperate computers and for a further 2 hours today. OK, I am not a computer expert but I bought the game to play not to f*rt about wasting time. I have top range computers and broadband but if I must get in a geek then stuff Valve, stuff Steam.
acidrainy said:
Excellent response, I am glad to see you have so much respect for peoples work (and the English language).

So do you not believe that because a huge majority of users have successfully installed steam and are played games with the system, that you may be doing something wrong? Is it not a possibility that there is a fundamental issue with your computer itself?

By all means you are free to politely ask the thousands of users that are capable of installing steam for advice. Please bear in mind that we are all people as well, and will refuse to help if you constantly insist on conveying your conversations with such profanity.

Well said why should we have to put up with abuse on here, the person could not even give a few reasons why he is so angry. Insulting people is not the way to get your point over.
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