Steam will NOT require an internet connection for LAN play or single play!

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Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Just recieved confirmation from Gabe that Steam will NOT require an internet connection for LAN or single play. All you LAN partiers out there and guys in Australia with broadband where you pay for the bandwidth that you use or where your bandwidth is capped will not need to worry.

I'd just like to say before I post the e-mail that this is once again a fine example that Valve are NOT idiots like some of you seem to think.
And all you conspiracy theorists can all rest with your "omg teh Vaelv hav a deel wiv meh ISP so tha tehy get moor munnie from meh!!"

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Deeming [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 4:16 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Will it never cease?

I'm not sure if it will ever cease or not. The constant nagging question
that people are asking - Will Steam be required to have an internet
connection active when starting up a singleplayer game or a LAN game?

It's giving me a headache ;)

Seen the petition yet?


No, it won't.

There will be a brief transition (like two weeks) when it is necessary, but
then it will go away. It's a temporary issue.

EDIT: If you all want a screenie to prove authenticity, then let me know and I'll post one up.
Remember that he said "like two weeks" and "when it is necessary."

So, it could be a long time.
Yeah, a brief transition of two weeks from now (I guess) where it will be necessary to play SP and LAN with your internet connection active.
Gabe always replies to you. You're practically friends.

And thanks for clearing that up. Too many people think that Valve are idiots (Pay to Play, Widescreen and suchlike).

PS: Could you put this in the Valve info thread for future reference?
Chris_D How can I be like you?

GREAT bews... bews.. AO:SDUhklagh NEWS
Well he doesn't reply to everything. If I hadn't had my e-mail hacked a few months ago where some ****er deleted all my e-mails from April to July then I'd probably have compiled them into a collection after the release of HL2.
He replies to about 75% of my e-mails and I pretty much post them all if they're relevant or haven't already been covered. Got a few from Erik too.
Originally posted by Impute
Chris_D How can I be like you?

GREAT bews... bews.. AO:SDUhklagh NEWS

Well you have to be irresistably good looking, intelligent and mature.

And a good liar ;)

heheh, Chris do you remember me purhaps. I am trying to re-establish myself on the forums. I recently moved house and now i have no broadband for the time being. I am no longer in nottingham. Nearer scotland! lol
thanks for clearing this up for all the people who are going crazy about it, can you add it to the official valve info thread plz? :)
Steam will NOT require an internet connection for LAN play or single play!

why the hell would it? don't listen to the muppets that think you need a net connection to play a single player game, listening only starts rumours :/
marksmen, I just joined last month and remember a lot of you... I wouldn't say old timers!
i think im gonna start a religion praising the allmighty wisdom of valve!
whos with me??!

Letters - Cool, as soon as i get broadband you will see more of me. :)

heheh, you have a beter memory than I:cheers:
i've been telling people this since they started it but no one listens. This crap spread like wild fire so i just sat back and let people believe what ever they wanted to.
but whats with that two weeks? You have to have your internet connection online while you play? whats with people that don't have Internet?
Yeah, I know what you mean be-vishead. I've always had faith in Valve. Pay to play, internet for offline play, delays and everything else, I've always had a rational think about it.
"Hmm, ok, they could do that, however, they wouldn't because it'd do more damage to them than good." or "Ok, they could, but they're not stupid" or "Ok, that could be the case but Valve hasn't said that so it can't be true".
Whereas other people always seem to have this belief that Valve are complete and utter morons.

Course I remember you marksman. Why you left Nottingham?

Tredo, I need to update my profile, I'm not a sales agent anymore. I work for British Gas in a call centre. So now I'm more like a Customer Service and Sales Representative.
Originally posted by Archangel
but whats with that two weeks? You have to have your internet connection online while you play? whats with people that don't have Internet?

Can you not read?

During this current two week period it will be necessary for you to have an internet connection to play singleplayer HL games and LAN games. And considering you need an internet connection to have downloaded Steam, I don't see this being a major problem for those that are internetly challenged.
Originally posted by Mackan
i think im gonna start a religion praising the allmighty wisdom of valve!
whos with me??!


i already call gabe newell "god"... :cheese:
left cos my mum left. I am only nearly 17 :P

I am in northumberland now. I tell you what. The girls here are :D ammazing!!!!!

heheh. Its not as good as notts though. I miss my mates allready


and broadband :P
Yay for Valve, now I just have to wait for 2 weeks after getting HL2 to finally play it in its full
Originally posted by Styloid
2 weeks after Steam (now) or after HL2?

How on earth could steam be required for HL2 before HL2 is out?
Originally posted by Chris_D
Well he doesn't reply to everything. If I hadn't had my e-mail hacked a few months ago where some ****er deleted all my e-mails from April to July then I'd probably have compiled them into a collection after the release of HL2.
He replies to about 75% of my e-mails and I pretty much post them all if they're relevant or haven't already been covered. Got a few from Erik too.

lucky !@#$%^&* :)

Gabe and Eric haver never replied any of my emails..

im jealous! :bounce: :laugh:
Originally posted by Chris_D
Can you not read?

During this current two week period it will be necessary for you to have an internet connection to play singleplayer HL games and LAN games. And considering you need an internet connection to have downloaded Steam, I don't see this being a major problem for those that are internetly challenged.

and for those that aren't?
You know why they are waiting 2 weeks to turn it off...Warez. I guess a leaked warez won't be available after all.

Unless they hack it.

Some how,the Pirate junkies get everything before us. They got the Doom 3 alpha,DAMN THEM!
2 weeks means: Valve has signed a contract with VU and Sierra authorising them to sell HL2 on STEAM two weeks prior the physical release...

Just had to do it...
Originally posted by lhauert
2 weeks means: Valve has signed a contract with VU and Sierra authorising them to sell HL2 on STEAM two weeks prior the physical release...

Just had to do it...

Yeah funny thing is i thought that too. lol.
thats an incredibly good point lhauert

Maybe sept 30th is the STEAM release date (HENCE NO GOLD DATE cause you dont need a gold disk to publish on steam its all just files!)

Hmmm its very plausable dont you think?

dont get me wrong im a firm believer in the sept 30th release but who knows eh :)
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