Steam Woahs [Hidden Bug]


Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
I would like to stress that I have never had any problems with Steam...

...until recently. This bloody HL2 memory leak error thing that a lot of people (I read the thread lower down this forum page) seem to get has been driving me insane.

I'm trying to get into Hidden: Source but finding it difficult when it hard crashes outta the game all the time!

I guess my question is this: is there a fix? I searched that thread and no one seemed to have ever got a solution to this. If not, do Valve ever intend to address this issue?

BTW I'm not a Steam hater, I love it, well, not so much this problem but yeah.

Help.... :o ... please! :D
Oh really? That's cool then as they'll have beta2 out fairly soon and will hopefully have sorted it.

You my friend are a saviour to my woah, merci.