Steam Workshop's new feature: Discussions


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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The Steam Team has released a discussion board feature for the Steam Workshop.

Each Workshop will have their own discussion area. "Discussions are a new place for fans and authors alike to discuss the Workshop and ask questions of one-another," said Alden in this Steam Community post. "There are undoubtedly members of the community with great tips & tricks willing to share their experiences and help answer your question."

There are three discussion boards - one for each currently available Workshop:
We expect that list to grow.

One could see why that, in the future, it would be beneficial for Valve to implement this feature within the Steam Community itself. For instance, every Steam game could host its own discussion board, allowing Valve to cut out the fluff that the vB-powered Steam Forums have. Their own proprietary discussion board software will be much easier for them to control and build upon in the future.


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If this isn't the prototype of a forum system to replace the vB Steam Forums, I'll be very surprised; far too much implementation necessary there for this to be Steam Workshop only.
When i started the thread about trying to get a Parent Forum for the half life saga for SPUF, (or is it suf now)..BurtonJ still useds SPUF in his twitters so I will!!

I gathered quickly that community content was important, and then I saw the steam-workshop in action, and wondered how that would tie in with stories, and art, and not just raw maps and assets like hats, boots and weapons - and how all that community content could be tied straight into the workshop.

BUT then how would that tie into the newly founded Half life parent forum?

So this is about two months back I guess, I sent an email to burton and Gabe, how help me brainstorm an idea of how to sync the forum thread on community content, with the steam workshop community content.

He never got back to usual :)

But I see nuggets of my insanity were already in production, or Gabe took to heart what I said, and was very fast on the move on my concerns and they realised they could bake the forums into the workshop instead - my ego would be very happy if the later was in fact the case and that I just help give birth to a steam feature.
Although not directly quoted Boff, I'm certain your contact was at least the seed for the idea. Nice work!