

Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Rumours have been heard that Aftermath will only be released over Steam, what do you think of this?

Personally, if it's true. I don't think I will buy it. 56k + Steam = Very pissed off Jandor.

Plus, I dont like extras like Steam being rammed down my throat.
Its nice as an extra, and thats all it should be.
I would prefer if it was released in boxed version.

I am at University, and am only able to get Steam updates when I go back home to my 56k connection.

But, if it isn't released boxed, just means a very long download I suppose.
I don't think that it'll be a steam only affair. However, it will be interesting to see if Valve are made to wait for boxed versions to be shipped before activating online purchases, as was the case with the main game.
Jandor said:
Rumours have been heard that Aftermath will only be released over Steam, what do you think of this?

Personally, if it's true. I don't think I will buy it. 56k + Steam = Very pissed off Jandor.

Plus, I dont like extras like Steam being rammed down my throat.
Its nice as an extra, and thats all it should be.

I feel the same way. :sleep: Steam = End-of-human-race-as-we-know-it ;(
or what you could do is get someone with a decent connection speed to download it and burn the cache to disk, then all you need to do is auth it.
I don't see what the big deal is...

Less than 2% of all steam users have 56k or less.

If you are a member of those 2% you can always let it download overnight, but my guess is that it will be released in box form with smaller quantities and or at a later date.

I don't understand what you have against steam. It's great. I don't have to look up stuff to see if there is patches or anything. Yes I have 56k and its annoying sometimes but I deal with it. At least you dont have to worry about your cd's having to be in the drive or getting f'ed up. Besides.. It might be really cheap or even free. :thumbs:
fifty7var said:
I don't see what the big deal is...

Less than 2% of all steam users have 56k or less.

If you are a member of those 2% you can always let it download overnight, but my guess is that it will be released in box form with smaller quantities and or at a later date.


Download Over Night I WILL!
(26.4 kbps dial up connection, and i still play CSS)
(yes, i am 1 of 935, out of 411,565 surveyed)

Hl2, was to short, beat it with out playing much, in the first 3 days it came out...

It's not just about your connection speed....Some people prefer having a retail game box. I am not one of those types.
Dont really care, I like the box but if steam it is then steam it is. Either way i get the game :D
(26.4 kbps dial up connection, and i still play CSS)
You have a horrible connect, get a ISP that at least gives you 56k connections.
I don't have a credit card (nor do I want/need one) so purchasing it online isn't an option for me. I'll just have to hope Valve has some sense and releases it in stores as well as through Steam.
I reckon they'll release it episodically. It'll be available only over steam for however long it takes to complete making the game, then they'll box it up and fleece money off of the retail sector.

What does annoy me a bit about this expansion pack is that, as a direct continuation of HL2 (at least from early reports), it feels a bit like we're paying extra money to finish the game. Personally, I was of the opinion that HL2 was a well rounded and complete game, but they're going to need to handle Freeman's return with care to stop it from looking like they got lazy with the full game...

Also, Steam exclusivity does create one annoying problem: we can only buy from one source, and that one source will have complete control over the price. I enjoy the price knock-downs that i've got on some of my games: UT2004 was £17.99 on the day of release, I just got Riddick for £14.99... Valve *will not* be so generous with the price of the expansion. I would never dream of paying the extortionate £30 RRP for the Doom 3 Expansion (I can get it for £16.99), but I fully expect that we'll have to pay £30 for HL2:Aftermath if Steam is the only provider. I didn't even pay that for HL2...
I bought HL2 Silver over Steam cos I wanted the extras, e.g. DOD Source and CS Source...

I also preffered the idea of not having a box and actually holding an account with Valve.

For future games, I will be doing the same; simply be adding them to Steam direct from Valve, with no box to clutter up my room :p
kupoartist has a major point.

Retail makes it cheaper. I can't part exchange an old game over Steam or visit steam when theres a sale. etc.
Jandor said:
kupoartist has a major point.

Retail makes it cheaper. I can't part exchange an old game over Steam or visit steam when theres a sale. etc.

That's the case in the long run isn't it... but just after release the cheapest place will be Steam won't it? Like with the release of HL2? :sleep:
kupoartist said:
Also, Steam exclusivity does create one annoying problem: we can only buy from one source, and that one source will have complete control over the price. I enjoy the price knock-downs that i've got on some of my games: UT2004 was £17.99 on the day of release, I just got Riddick for £14.99... Valve *will not* be so generous with the price of the expansion. I would never dream of paying the extortionate £30 RRP for the Doom 3 Expansion (I can get it for £16.99), but I fully expect that we'll have to pay £30 for HL2:Aftermath if Steam is the only provider. I didn't even pay that for HL2...
True, but because Valve provides their games through steam they get much more profit from a purchase. This way, prices could be lower than an average retail sale with them still getting more money.
Ansur said:
True, but because Valve provides their games through steam they get much more profit from a purchase. This way, prices could be lower than an average retail sale with them still getting more money.

Agreed. It's supporting the developer more, as far as I can see.
The damning fact is of course that i'll take whatever is the quickest route to getting more HL2 , regardless of price and to be honest, so long as this is Valve we're talking about, I don't care how much butt-licking is involved because they actually deserve extra cash... but if steam distribution becomes the norm and price-fixing with it, games could become more expensive and needlessly so, and then we may just bemoan the lack of a retail channel...

It'd be nice if Expansion owners got access to DOD:S or HL:S or something along those lines, but that seems a little unfair for those who already got Silver or Gold...
NonStopableForce said:
Download Over Night I WILL!
(26.4 kbps dial up connection, and i still play CSS)
(yes, i am 1 of 935, out of 411,565 surveyed)

Hl2, was to short, beat it with out playing much, in the first 3 days it came out...


Agreed- I did it in two days on hard :)

P.S my Dads penis is bigger than your Dads penis :)
A_Denial said:
I would prefer if it was released in boxed version.

I am at University, and am only able to get Steam updates when I go back home to my 56k connection.

But, if it isn't released boxed, just means a very long download I suppose.

Wait!! U download it... But how do u pay for it tho... :angry: :angry: :angry:
kupoartist said:
Also, Steam exclusivity does create one annoying problem: we can only buy from one source, and that one source will have complete control over the price. I enjoy the price knock-downs that i've got on some of my games: UT2004 was £17.99 on the day of release, I just got Riddick for £14.99... Valve *will not* be so generous with the price of the expansion. I would never dream of paying the extortionate £30 RRP for the Doom 3 Expansion (I can get it for £16.99), but I fully expect that we'll have to pay £30 for HL2:Aftermath if Steam is the only provider. I didn't even pay that for HL2...
I agree. Just last week I came across Far Cry for $10 CAD... I couldn't not buy it. Gotta love sales. :p
Yeah, i prefer it to be in a box, even though i have the gold package!
Personally, Vivendi have successfully convinced me to buy from Steam next time round. The UK DVD boxes are total bullsh*t. The back of the box has two ancient, pre-E32k3 screenshots. The quick reference card is an insult and even the DVD is duotone and pretty ugly. What is wrong with these guys?

Scenario: One of the world's strongest game developers announces that their killer app will be available over their new-fangled distribution system that probably completely cuts you out of their profit margins, but you still take retail sales. What do you do?

A: "Let's capitalise on the fact that people want a box with their game by treating them like fooking royalty."
B: "Put out a respectable box that they'll happily display on a shelf."
C: "Tell the monkeys in the typing pool that we're upgrading their machines. Give them copies of MSPaint and a collection of promotional material that's outdated by 2 years. Raise their wages to 50 crates of Bananas a year and give them permission to play with themselves during designated breaks. And buy a new swinging tyre for the staff-room."
D: "Actually, just get the monkeys to excrete on the DVD cases, it'll save us time and money."

In reality Vivendi are somewhere between C and D: those stingy meanies went back on their swinging tyre promise and my case smells kind of funny.
okey, everyone with modem would be really fed up with Valve's Steam selling system. But also: I thought you only could pay with a credit card on Steam? How will it go for everyone between the ages of 15-17 that might not use a credit card? Besides how will parents be able to buy HL2:A to their children when their children wishes to get HL2:A as a gift on their birthday?

They'll lose buyers for sure, I personally don't know what I would do...but since I am one of the biggest HL2 lovers in the WORLD, I probably would get my PC down town to my friends house and download it through his fast internet connection. Hopefully my credit card will work with Steam...

Yes, the game-box was pretty cheap! Whats up with that 2 page manual? As soon as it hits the stores, I'll buy it (even if it has NO manual, a CD with MONKEYS on matter what! I'll pay!)
KupoArtist is right, the box should have been something more like World of Warcrafts gorgeous creation.. something we can put on our shelf and love looking at.
kupoartist said:
Personally, Vivendi have successfully convinced me to buy from Steam next time round. The UK DVD boxes are total bullsh*t. The back of the box has two ancient, pre-E32k3 screenshots. The quick reference card is an insult and even the DVD is duotone and pretty ugly. What is wrong with these guys?

Scenario: One of the world's strongest game developers announces that their killer app will be available over their new-fangled distribution system that probably completely cuts you out of their profit margins, but you still take retail sales. What do you do?

A: "Let's capitalise on the fact that people want a box with their game by treating them like fooking royalty."
B: "Put out a respectable box that they'll happily display on a shelf."
C: "Tell the monkeys in the typing pool that we're upgrading their machines. Give them copies of MSPaint and a collection of promotional material that's outdated by 2 years. Raise their wages to 50 crates of Bananas a year and give them permission to play with themselves during designated breaks. And buy a new swinging tyre for the staff-room."
D: "Actually, just get the monkeys to excrete on the DVD cases, it'll save us time and money."

In reality Vivendi are somewhere between C and D: those stingy meanies went back on their swinging tyre promise and my case smells kind of funny.

I completley agree, the blurb was utter crap as well. I also know that the US boxes had the same cover, but did anyone really like this massive picture of Gordon on it?
I kinda like the US "collector's" box art..Gordon walking down a street filled with rubble...crowbar in hand,ready to smack something..actually it is the same pic on the cover of Raising The Bar..just with a wider background
DaleLewill said:
okey, everyone with modem would be really fed up with Valve's Steam selling system. But also: I thought you only could pay with a credit card on Steam? How will it go for everyone between the ages of 15-17 that might not use a credit card? Besides how will parents be able to buy HL2:A to their children when their children wishes to get HL2:A as a gift on their birthday?

ever noticed that half-life 2 was rated M for mature which means 18+. so valve can get away with this

i'am glad i got it over steam (bronze -> silver). i payed $10 for cs:cz, dod:s, hl:s and the rest.
The_Monkey said:
Maybe he's not from the US :O

me neither, i'am from holland and usually we have low rating but with half-life 2 it's even rated 18+.
That thread just underneath this one, down a few, has the answer.

I can't say I'm looking forward to watching my slow computer download it. I'd rather buy it. I like box art. Except Half-Life 2's, I enjoyed looking at that when I was in town but its hardly eye candy anymore.
For chrissake, sorry but get broadband, like 75% of the population that owns a computer. In the UK the most recent price release for 1mb if £9.99 monthly (seriously), so all companies will have to go lower to compete with this. 56k is about that much anyway, pay as you go is ridiculous. Fair enough if your college/unversity doesn't have BB, but with the year we are in most uni's should have BB facilities as its one of the things looked for in a university. I'd be displeased if i was in the same place.

Im not sure at all what it will be. It would be quite expensive to put on the shelves for the size. A steam affair only would make sense, cheap and a quick download (combined with a few pre-loads which i miss! :rolleyes: )
Indeed... price and broadband is no longer an excuse - but coverage is, and speaking in UK terms, BT suck an uber one.

That said, 90% of people with modems surely have Windows 3.1 and no CD drive. Stone Age connection = a stone age PC
Hectic Glenn said:
For chrissake, sorry but get broadband, like 75% of the population that owns a computer. In the UK the most recent price release for 1mb if £9.99 monthly (seriously), so all companies will have to go lower to compete with this. 56k is about that much anyway, pay as you go is ridiculous. Fair enough if your college/unversity doesn't have BB, but with the year we are in most uni's should have BB facilities as its one of the things looked for in a university. I'd be displeased if i was in the same place.

Im not sure at all what it will be. It would be quite expensive to put on the shelves for the size. A steam affair only would make sense, cheap and a quick download (combined with a few pre-loads which i miss! :rolleyes: )

I do have broadband. Well, to be more precise, our downstairs computer does, I'm just running off a lan cable. I don't particually want to invest lots of money to get some high-speed-router or something just because I want to go on MSN and some forums. Anyway, whether I had a leet speed or not , I'd still rather have a boxed game.
mortiz said:
or what you could do is get someone with a decent connection speed to download it and burn the cache to disk, then all you need to do is auth it.

basically what ur saying here is that a gamer has to jump through hurdles to get his copy.

i have no problems with Steam but i also have a cable modem connection.. so if i did not have that connection, im sure a Steam purchase would not appeal to me.
point is, the Steam idea is not meant for everyone..and thats where retail copies come in.. i personally prefer retail copies but..

i don't have a problem with purchasing over Steam right now :)

/me pets cable modem
seriously,get a router...they are not that expensive..and you will still have that screaming speed on your LAN...oh yeah and you will also have broadband access!!! yay!!

..wait...what are you networked to now? if the PC connected to the internet has 2 LAN cards,LAN and share the internet through it..LAN cards are cheap...only problem that way is both computers must be on...

best bet is to just suck it up and get a router
i think mostly here people are forgetting that some areas just don't have broadband capabilities.
for example, when i was living in down town Toronto about 3-4 years ago, very few houses had broadband if any at all.
reason why? because the surrounding areas did not have any capabilities to support broadband internet so the public was stuck with having to use 56K.

just remember that before u start harping on people to get a broadband connection.
My Uni has broadband, it's just they have blocked certain ports.

And I couldn't convince the stupid IT guy here to open them for Steam.