SteamStartEngine Failed with Error 200!!


Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
I connect to the internet and load up steam! It starts to do the whole Updating Platform thing! Stays at 0% for a LONG TIME! Then after a while I recieve a error that says

"Stean.exe (main exception): Unable to start Steam Engine: *SteamStartEngine(0x12e8c8) failed with error 200: Connection Reset, WinSock Error 10054 "Connection reset by peer"​

I have never ran across this error before. Any clue on how to fix this!
First answer: You're loading Stean.exe, not Steam.exe

:). Other than that, are you trying to connect through a university router? Steam could be throwing that error back because it can't connect to the master server. If you're at Uni, try going to your uuh... Network monitor guy and asking him to open Steam's ports (go here to find them:
nope im not in college! im at home! and i played steam like a day ago? i just got this error
Have you tried out the links already posted in this thread?
Steam did this for me twice today, and just now fired up just fine.