Stephen King's The Mist Trailer.

There goes my use of spoiler tags out the window...
I'm in the middle of the movie now...

It pretty much sucks. Bad acting, stupid writing.

EDIT: Finished it.

Most of the movie was pretty stupid except for the ending. In my opinion the movie (and the book) should have started with them leaving the place in the car and trying to survive in the new world.

EDIT 2: Really finished it this time.

Why commit suicide? They probably could have figured something out.

EDIT 3: Really really finished it this time
Great dramatic irony there. I think the ending redeems the entire shitfest that was the movie.
Then, you sir, are an idiot.

The Mist is a classic in my eyes.

Frank is an artist, he deserves my respect and prise.
If Asuka didn't immediatly orgasm over it it most be shite.

I was so wrong about this movie its insane. One of my all time favorite movies. Saw this opening day friend had to talk me into it. Boy was i happy he did. Cant wait for this to be blu-ray.
damn just watched it.

****, it's a pretty messed up movie.

i was tense most of the time watching it.

the ending was time stopping, probably the most unexpected ending i've seen in a movie.
i somehow sensed they'd do what they did, but never expected it would end that way.

my recommendation: WATCH IT! great movie, especially the ending, which is alone a good reason to watch the movie.

shit, no movie ever left me feel that way.
The first third shouldn't have been a direct adaptation. It was way too boring. Later on it got much better though. The monster design is... awesome, to say the least.

Though the ending was a sheer crotchpunch. That didn't happen in the book.
I thought the short was a bit cliche and boring... I mean compared to The Jaunt and a bunch of other shorts in that book. I don't really understand why someone would make a movie out of it. But some of your comments makes me think it's much more interesting than I first thought...
I haven't seen it yet, but from the reply's in this thread, the movie seems pretty mediocre? should i still see it? Y?N?
I haven't seen it yet, but from the reply's in this thread, the movie seems pretty mediocre? should i still see it? Y?N?

From the replies in this thread it seems awesome.

Reviews for it seem to be pretty good, and it has a 7.6 on IMDB... can't be that bad.

I've got it in my Netflix queue.