Stern's scumbags of the day: crowd steals mans's groceries as he lays dying

I wholeheartedly support the 'sweeping' of that neigborhood. Say that it was a miscount or something. Go go Civil Protection.
Oh, you think the answer to everything is to lock it in prison and/or run electricity through it.
Sending this to my Social Psychology professor for evaluation.

What shitheads, though.

Oh, and about the implications of the only helper being an immigrant: there are none. In fact, there's nothing in the article about him being an immigrant.
Oh, you think the answer to everything is to lock it in prison and/or run electricity through it.

Yeah, there's a saying: "The cure for insanity is a good beating."

although, directly translated, it would be "The only medicine for rabid dogs is the club."

But you get my point.