Stern's WTF link of the day: Why I like my Legs


May 5, 2004
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Ever since she was little, Susan Smith has felt there is something wrong with her body. Her determination to 'fix' things has twice landed her in hospital

I was six when I first became aware of my desire to lose my legs. I don't remember what started it - there was no specific trigger. Most people want to change something about themselves, and the image I have of myself has always been one without legs.


it gets worse:

Two years ago, I told him [husband] that now was the time and I was going to remove my left leg. My first attempt was in March 2005. Of course I was scared of dying, but I had got to a point in my life where I could no longer fight it.

far far worse:

I had not damaged the leg enough to have it amputated in hospital, so the following September I made a second attempt, and this time I stayed in the dry ice for four hours. I was sat with my legs across the back seat of the car, the windows wide open and the footwell filled with dry ice, covering the leg and topping it up as it evaporated. When I could bear no more I called my husband, who came and pulled me out. The leg was hard as stone. I had third-degree burns and the pain was horrible. But it wasn't enough: I now know you need a minimum of six hours to kill a leg completely.

bottom of the barrel worse:

The amputation, last June, went without a problem, and my left leg was removed from just above the knee. I felt better as soon as I came round ......I already feel more complete now that one leg is off. I have always been an outgoing kind of person, but my confidence is much higher now as my body is more like I want it to be.

kill it with fire worse:

Removing the next leg will not be any easier than the first; the pain will be horrendous. But I have no regrets about the path I have chosen. In fact, if I regret anything, it is that I didn't do this sooner. For the first time in my life, I can get on with being the real me.,,2000991,00.html

what the hell is wrong with people?
I read that in Saturdays guardian, ****ing weirdo woman.
stupid dumbass woman wtf is wrong with that piece of shit..people like that need to get blasted into the sun
Give her a job removing landmines in Africa.
i dont understand your reactions.. she's not harming anyone but herself, and she really wants to do it.. why not?
Give her a job removing landmines in Africa.

Also, what Crazy Harij said. If she wants to, let her, it's her own body. But I think this should be looked into psychologically, since self-destructive behavior isn't healthy or normal in any sense.
That is just wrong on so many levels, why doesn't her husband force her to see a doctor about it, jesus can you get anymore crazy
i dont understand your reactions.. she's not harming anyone but herself, and she really wants to do it.. why not?

cause its f^cking insane....its not like she wants bigger boobs or a smaller ass, she wants to have no legs, so she can improve her life....i would love to see the reaction of paralyzed people
There are some things you just shouldn't do. This is one of them

It's also sick
Im guessing there are some mental issues there that mean she has an unnatural need to do this

i dont understand your reactions.. she's not harming anyone but herself, and she really wants to do it.. why not?

she's harming her family .. obsessive behviour bordering on the pyschotic is not something children should grow up with, especially not in a parent ...if she were a cleptomaniac she'd be in treatment by now ...most people who are mentally ill dont think they are ..there comes a time with sanity must prevail and steps taken so that person doesnt become a threat to themselves or anybody else I'm not saying she should forced into a frontal lobotomy however just allowing them to obssess is the stimulant they crave ..I'm willing to bet once she's removed her legs she'll find something else to obsess over ..although I cant exactly diagnose based on an article on the internets

one of the students at my old school had this habit of picking his skin (something todo about cleanliness) ..anyways he would obsessively pcik at it till it bled, and if not prevented he'd pick it till there was a nasty gash in his arm/leg whatever ..he didnt feel the pain while doing it because he was giving in to his obsessiveness ..but he had to be prevented to avoid things like infection blood loss etc was pretty ****ed up to witness
That is just wrong on so many levels, why doesn't her husband force her to see a doctor about it, jesus can you get anymore crazy

I've heard about this psychological condition before. Most likely she has seen many doctors, shrinks etc. Unfortunately from what I've heard therapy doesn't help much..
People with this condition become so obsessed about loosing their legs that thy can no longer function normally in day to day life:|
She obviously has some sort of severe mental psychosis and needs help.
I would totally pay hard cash for a fourth leg.

(Oh yes I went there :naughty:)
there was a episode of nip tuck whit someone whit that "condition"

I would find funny if she dont like to be in a whellchair
Wow... Seems like they should focus more on curing the underlying mental problem, rather than doing something that can't be undone, like chopping her legs off.
Those legs could go to a perfectly good quadriplegic!
I love it when people risk their lives to waste NHS money pandering to their condition instead of taking steps to sort it out.
Gotta love crazy people, puts your own problems into stark perspective. Viva insanity!
To the people that say she's affecting nobody but herself: BULLSHIT.

She's put herself in hospital how many times becasue of this? Who pays for the hospitals? Us f***ing tax payers do. The state the NHS is in at the moment, the last thing it needs is these fruitcakes jamming the system with their pointless fruitcakey fantasies.
I love it when people risk their lives to waste NHS money pandering to their condition instead of taking steps to sort it out.

Of course she needs mental help. But as far as seeking it herself, do you really think someone who wished to cut off their own leg is in any sort of rational state of mind? I seriously doubt she even realizes she has a problem. I'm not trying to excuse her behavior or say she's not affecting other people with it, but someone needs to get her some help.
Of course she needs mental help. But as far as seeking it herself, do you really think someone who wished to cut off their own leg is in any sort of rational state of mind? I seriously doubt she even realizes she has a problem. I'm not trying to excuse her behavior or say she's not affecting other people with it, but someone needs to get her some help.

She does realise she has a problem, as the article states. I don't see how her husband doesn't help her to find help in this situation.
Do what she wants cause a pirate is free. She is a pirate.

Leave her alone, nobody stopped Michael when he took off his face.
She does realise she has a problem, as the article states. I don't see how her husband doesn't help her to find help in this situation.

the husband could have her committed judge would ever disagree with him
i dont understand your reactions.. she's not harming anyone but herself, and she really wants to do it.. why not?

****ing pumpkins in one's own time doesn't hurt anybody either.

That doesn't mean the act isn't worthy of raising eyebrows. Clearly this woman is insane.
I just... don't understand why she would want to. If she does, she can do whatever she wants. I think her husband is just as insane as her.
I heard of people that do this as a fetish.

Sexual satisfaction and hey you get Welfare and get to be lazy! It's win-win really. :rolleyes:
I heard of people that do this as a fetish.

Sexual satisfaction and hey you get Welfare and get to be lazy! It's win-win really. :rolleyes:

I'm a fond fan of the whole pain = sex.....but damn, I won't even go this far.