Steve Jobs dead at 56


Jun 22, 2006
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Oh goddamnit you beat me to it Escaep
Just got this news.

Didn't know whether to believe it at first after the last time (When Twitter made people believe he'd died) but then I went to the website and it's pretty evident.
Terrible news..RIP Steve Jobs. I never really liked Apple products but he was a true genius. I hope the new CEO keeps Apple up top.

To me, what is really shocking about this is the fact that a man as wealthy, and with so many resources as him, still couldn't beat cancer...
Holy shit. Terrible, terrible news. Candle-light vigil outside of Apple Stores tonight? Think we'll find him in the iCloud?
But seriously, I will never look at an Apple device again without thinking of the guy. He created an image, that, regardless of the hardware or software behind it, completely out-sells major competitor products just because of the brand-name. He, and his team, of course, created one of the smartest and successful marketing strategies I've ever seen a business produce.

To me, what is really shocking about this is the fact that a man as wealthy, and with so many resources as him, still couldn't beat cancer...

Doesn't surprise me at all. Disease knows no fame or fortune.
I might have some issues with certain aspects of how he ran Apple but I know a genius and an innovater when I see one. RIP.
i said it on facebook and i'll say it here, but whatever your stance on the product is - for genuine, critical distaste or nothing more than self-important attention seeking towards ragging on ''mainstream'' popular choice - the man was an incredible entrepreneur, and today is a tragic day for design, interaction and innovation.

rest in peace.
Doesn't surprise me at all. Disease knows no fame or fortune.

That's not what I mean. What with all his wealth, I would've expected him to take an aggressive approach by trying all sorts of experimental/expensive procedures in order to beat the cancer.
PC wins!

Just kidding... rest in peace Steve Jobs. If it makes you feel better I hate Apple even more than I used to now that you're not running it anymore.
That's not what I mean. What with all his wealth, I would've expected him to take an aggressive approach by trying all sorts of experimental/expensive procedures in order to beat the cancer.

Its not like theres a secret cancer cure that only rich people can get. There is no "beating" cancer right now, whether you try crazy procedures or not.

Also, I'm still waiting for someone to post the dead tired of getting bad reception on his BananaiPhone pic.
Its not like theres a secret cancer cure that only rich people can get. There is no "beating" cancer right now, whether you try crazy procedures or not.

Also, I'm still waiting for someone to post the dead tired of getting bad reception on his BananaiPhone pic.

First thing I thought of when I saw this thread, even though I knew it was a real death thread despite it being the first I heard of the news.

Was fairly saddened by this even though I don't even use Apple products.
Though, I do not look forward to going to class tomorrow; being a design major, every class is going to be a Steve Jobs/Apple Circle Jerk.

there is a reason why there is going to be so much talk about this tomorrow (and the weeks, years afterwards) and it's due to just how important this man has been to the world of technology the last twenty to thirty years. this truely is a groundbreaking loss of talent, and i think people would be kidding themselves not to make mention of it tomorrow.
As much as I didn't buy into ipads and Apple products in general, it was fun making fun of them and seeing the jokes fly around. They won't be the same without stuff by Jobs. Requiescat in pace.
Its not like Apple has done anything "groundbreaking" since, idunno maybe the iphone. But even that, and the iPod were just better versions of things that had already existed for years. The only thing Steve Jobs did well was marketing. A loss to the marketing world is not a loss to the technological world. He was a master at creating a product identity, not anything technological.
Its not like Apple has done anything "groundbreaking" since, idunno maybe the iphone. But even that, and the iPod were just better versions of things that had already existed for years. The only thing Steve Jobs did well was marketing. A loss to the marketing world is not a loss to the technological world. He was a master at creating a product identity, not anything technological.

I'd have to agree... this dude over at the Hannity forums thinks he's Einstein or Jesus or something.


It's pretty much just the old Apple ad

Its not like Apple has done anything "groundbreaking" since, idunno maybe the iphone. But even that, and the iPod were just better versions of things that had already existed for years. The only thing Steve Jobs did well was marketing. A loss to the marketing world is not a loss to the technological world. He was a master at creating a product identity, not anything technological.

it's actually more to do with everything he did before the iphone, and everything after that is pretty secondary compared, and still a mean feat. there was a lot more to what he's done over the years for apple (and pixar) then before he took to the stage in a black turtleneck and became the public face of apple in the last 8 or so years. there's some fantastic and truly awe-inspiring articles over at wired about him, i'd recommend having a read.

irregardless, he brought that technology that may of already existed in some form a new level of compatibility and usability. surely one could argue that making a ''better'' product out of something that already existed is a form of technological advancement? there is a lot of marketing and identity to it, sure, but to be a better product - which arguably, and i don't even need to bring up any stats here, apple products are some of the leading on the market today - there is a progression in technology involved. contrary to the stereotype that people throw money at apple because of the identity, that is a pretty ridiculous statement for people to make - students, for one, don't have the money to carelessly throw at a product just because it's seen in coffee shops by poets and scriptwriters; there is a reason for why people can get behind apple (and that debate/argument isn't necessarily where i want this thread to go)

i don't mean to invite an argument here, nor am i specifically out to call you out, i'm just saying :cheers:
Disagree on all points except for taking usability to a new level being a "form of technological advancement" and of that I'm still skeptical that it was actually him who did it. But yeah, lets not start that shitfest of a debate in a thread about a good man passing away.
On a human level it is really sad when a husband and father passes away after a prolonged struggle with a terrible disease, esp at such a young age. The family must be extremely torn-up right now, though in a way relieved because his suffering is over.
Look, I know this is going to be talked about, and that's fine, but unless you are a design major you have no idea what it's actually like to live and breath with Apple Products and Apple Fanatics. Design students are the real die hard Mac Fans because Macs are the industry standard for design and often attributed with pushing design in computing; they are crazy about Apple and Steve Jobs to the point that it is nauseating. (And yes, I've taken far too many classes diving into the history of Macintosh, so I know plenty about Steve Jobs)

Truly, I would say 1/3 classes involves Mac circlejerking and PC bashing. I have no problem with people who prefer macs, but after 4 years of being surrounded by these people on a daily basis (people who base virtues on these machines) it gets exhausting to say the least. I respect what this man has done, and even respect the accomplishments of his company in many regards. I am just sick of hearing about it when 60% of it is biased or even untrue.

well really all i was saying was that it's a bit naive to go into class tomorrow and not want to hear any talk about it. wear some headphones, man. :P

for what it's worth i'm a third year illustration student situated above a predominantly mac-based IT suite and below that are second and third year graphic design students, who are also predominantly mac-based. i know all about the circlejerk, but honestly i think it's pretty well deserved; if you are in a design environment it's only suited that a hot topic is going to be innovative design and excellent function-ability i.e. apple products. i think you kind of need to expect that, really, and just chalk it down to being common and something you need to just... drone out, if you aren't going to join in that is.
Even with all the money in the world...If you don't have your health you have nothing.
RIP Jobs. I guess what they say about 'an apple a day' is bullshit.
I've never really been hyped for any Apple product, and never really paid much attention to the guy, but I guess a lot of people loved what he did. Feel sorry for his family and friends, though.

RIP Jobs. I guess what they say about 'an apple a day' is bullshit.

Apple for 8 hours straight per day minimum was always bound to cause problems. I can only imagine what his shits were like at the end.

I laughed at my own joke, but now I feel bad.
RIP Jobs. I guess what they say about 'an apple a day' is bullshit.

Quite the reverse. If only the doctors could have reached him!

I wonder if his iTombstone will have 4G?
Let us all keep our iPhone's at half-charged to commemorate his death.
Heard this last night via text message from CNN. Its crazy to think one of the world's smartest/richest man in the business sector is dead

RIP good guy
Sad news. I have a lot of respect for the man, even though I'm not a fan of Apple products (I only have an iPod Touch). Not to say Apple doesn't make good devices, but it hypes them beyond what they are and prices them accordingly high.
I didnt liked some of its policies regaridng the iphone and such,but I didnt wish him death
Heard someone on the radio saying they first heard about it when they were in an Apple shop and one of the staff members was crying behind the desk. Wow.