Stick Deathmatch!


May 3, 2005
Reaction score
Stick Deathmatch needs your help!

I am a mapper and 2 friends who are a coder and a modeler thought it would be funny to make the ugliest game ever to come out on the source engine. Then it hit me, making a game with stickmen would be 10 times better! So we did!

We are looking for:
-2 mappers
-1 coder
-1 animator
-1 sound person
-Beta Testers (When we finish the mod)

The game is going to be a very fast paced deathmatch with funny animations, noise, and the worst looking models and maps in the whole world!
At the moment the nade looks way to realistic and good looking for this game so we will change that but over all we are making this game for laughs and he who knows. It could maybe get the moddb award for ugliest game of the year! w00t! w00t!

So if you have any experience in any of the positions above then contact me on msn at [email protected] or you could email me at [email protected]



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Interesting concept, should be "cheap" fun, out quickly.

You really need to focus on gameplay with such basic graphics, it should be all about gameplay, the weapons need to be extremely balanced, maps layed out well etc.
I can see this mod working but i'm not sure how many players you will attact.
oh at first it was only made to be for me and like 5 friends to play but then i decided to go public. The gameplay is everyone gets the same guns basically and you just respawn when you die. but apon later releases it will have way more guns and different shaped stickmen (If possible)
Hell id play this :D

what kinda maps you looking for? source quality or cheap gimmic things that are very simple.

or both?
We are looking for the types of maps that you would see stickmen fighting in. i am making a wad right now as i type this of all the basic colors. i want the levels to be plain. lets put iyt this way. cs 1.6 quility at the most. no more, way less 9if u want. lol but i still want them to be even and gameplay on the to be fun as hell.
youve been watcing too many newgrounds flash movies havent you,

Oh and another thing that we are looking for is a modeler to make us a pare of hands to use as a melee attack like the knife in cs 1.6, if you could just make to block like arms that can throw a punch it would be greatly appriciated!
OMG! well i can do the *SOUND* thingi if you like, got greate experience with adobe audition..and when i read this you want the most crappiest sounds ever?, damn if this mod comes out they will make 'retardet horse babes' on newgrounds
I am in need of someone to help make me a texture pack of all the basic colors.(white,black,orange,red,light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green, light brown, dark brown, yellow, purple, pink, and beige)
I dont believe he wants BAD sounds... He wants funny sounds.

Could imagine playing a game with horrid distorted DB and white noise?

You'd go out of your skull.

Music and sound would be easy enough to make if you got enough voice actors.

Get any one really, record their voices, give them lines, chop it up, make it clean. Some good techno music :>

Atleast I think thats what Rwk wants, he may just want the white noise and distorted sounds :eek:, check out my dev- journal for some music Ive made, I have alot of stuff I could resample for the mod, I simpley LOVE making music and sounds, and do it just for pure fun.
pretty mod i love the concept.... i could try mapping for the mod once i figure out how to change hl1 wads to new hl2 tex...
Im rhinking of the gameplay and all the funny kills possible in this MOD.................ROFL!!!!
Well, let's hope theres something other than just guns, I cant help but imagine WORMS2 when I think of this mod. Worms as a great game, funny weapons.

Lets hope it doesnt become CS with stick figures, Im sure it wont tho :>

Rwk said he needed "hand" models or "arm" models for weapons, so hopefully melee combat will be interesting
HL2Fans_MoleX said:
pretty mod i love the concept.... i could try mapping for the mod once i figure out how to change hl1 wads to new hl2 tex...

Look in my sig, download VtexGUI, then in the menu there is a Wad->Vtf conversion. Then make some nice maps for this MOD that will make everyone happy :)
Dont worry its not only guns, and also i do not want bad noisesi want them to be funny. andfor all the people who are interested are website is currantly under construction. For all the people who would like to make maps for use, i am working on making a wad for hammer so i will put a link to that when i am done. if you have any further questions just contact me by email or msn at [email protected]

1,2,3 w00t! Rwk-Damage
I can't promise anything, but I do alot of dabbling in audio. I may be able to make music and sounds, Ive got alot of source work for music.

Im currently a leader of a mod so I've got alot of stuff to do, and Im racking my brain making concept tracks, but its possible I could give you some sounds at a later date.

If you want to hear some sample work, check out the thread "Afflicted Mod: Seeks Members" in this forum.
Wow I'm Happy!

I cannot believe all the people that are actually excited for this mod. To be honest i thought i was going to get hate mail but every hour or so I get a email saying "OMG This mod KICKS ASS!". It made me quite happy. Thanks for the support and remeber don't put your tallent to waste and apply for a job on our mod team! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

P.S. We Are going to be having some screen shots of some of the levels for this mod very soon soo keep an eye out.
First Map Media!

Hey There Everyone. I would like to put some screenshots of the new map. it is finally finished after 10 minutes of work. You probably have noticed that the models are not in the game, I know i know, They should be in and coded very very soon.

1,2,3 w00t Rwk-Damage!


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You should definately try to get some xiao xiao type melee going on here. That would be absofrickentastic. Great mod Idea man.
Good Idea

Thanks Guy. Thats a sweet idea. I know we are difinatly putting in puching and other stuuf of that nature. Our coder is working on a third person view so we can have hand to hand or feet combat.
Did you happen to visit my mods site and check out music Ive done Rwk?
haha this mod sounds awesome I sent you a email Rwk-Damage always wanted a good stick man mod Not seen it for one game yet there was one in making for hl1 has not moved I don't think :p my bros will love this when done they watch them all the time
Thanks for the support. LOL i never would have thought i would get as much feedback as i am.
My idiot friend who made the models made some mistake in them, which long story short we need new models for the mod. So i am going to need a modeler/skinner/animator to help make the models. if you are able to plz help out and contact me at [email protected]

1,2,3 w00t Rwk-Damage
Well, I already PMed out, but I might as well post something here as well.

The mod sounds like fun, very cool. I might be able to remodel a couple of your models, but I've only been using Blender for two days now, so it might not work out too well :p
I laughed so hard when i looked at your first screenshots. This is about the funniest mod ive ever seen. I love how you are so insulting of yourself , "make sure you don't waste your talent on our mod".

Make sure the stickmen can jump high and do crazy martial arts. The reason xiao xiao was so successful was that, despite having simple visuals, he had amazing animation. So dont' skimp on the animations.

Good stuff, i wish you luck and if you ever make it ill definitely try it out.
Thank you very much. On our first release we are not going to have all the martial art moves in we will have basic punching. We are going to release the first beta version just to get the guns down so the public likes them then when we get the guns finished its on to kickass xiao xiao moves and such.

Were still looking for help.

1,2,3 w00t Rwk-Damage
We have the first running copy of stick deathmatch up but it is not fully animated and we need to fix some bugs. We are also going to impliment some antihack stuff so that the hacks won't be able to hack because a hacker in a game like this would suck big time!
It's not finished but it will probably be something like
So we were thinking for the weapons on the first release, we would have: Rifle(sniperish), Automatic Gun(AKish), Pistol, Steelbar, and a Gernade. If any one has any idea's please tell me.
why have a steelbar, when you can have melee attacks like punching with primary and kicking with secondary attack :p
weapons part 2

Were going to be putting in punching and kicking in the later release and we are also going to make it so u can pick up the steel bar and use it for melee but just for right now we are getting all the weapons finetuned for the first release.

:sniper: :afro:
My mate Z did those models. I really like the look of this mod and what it could do for really quick and easy gameplay.

Good luck, I hope you succeed, :)
Thank, but im not sure if you know that we decided to reamke all of those models so they are not going to look like that. Accept the stickman. it would be hard to make him look different.
Rwk-Damage said:
Thank, but im not sure if you know that we decided to reamke all of those models so they are not going to look like that. Accept the stickman. it would be hard to make him look different.
Yeah I heard something about that. He's just a learner for our mod too (weapon designer), but eventually we want to teach him how to model and rig a full working character :)