Stick Deathmatch!


I haven't posted here for around 1 week. we have a website up but it is really bad so we are looking for someone who is good at making them right now. nothing really big to update you on. we are still planing to have our first realease in July. Still looking for help
New Models And New Pics

So we trashed those old models cuz as you can see there really bad. Even to bad for this game. We Have Recrouted a new modeler, green1152 who will be working on this mod and our other mods to come. We all hope you like them!


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Wow thats better. Simply but stylish. Thats how it should be.
Here's One More

The Best of them All!!! :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:


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I havent posted in a while. Here's what we are thinking about. we might go from hl2 to a mmofps. Please give some public input.