Still dislike steam?

Do you think steam is a good idea?

  • I <3 my steam

    Votes: 54 90.0%
  • I prefer simple in game interfaces

    Votes: 6 10.0%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I personally still very much dislike it compared to the ease of a simple ingame menu a.l.a Quake III/Doom III. I honestly think all Steam does is stunt valve's community (I have so many friends who gave up on cs/valve/hl) over steam and problems and having to run it to run valve games. I could right another essay like I did a few months ago on why steam is a terrible idea imo but im too lazy and I cant find it. But over time now that steam is actually pretty stable and.. well almost reliable. The sad fact at this point is you cant just buy a steam game and play offline.. all valve games now basically require and internet connection (if you have never used steam and enabled the offline shtuff). The sad thing is all valve is a superb community oriented company, I just think Steam is probably the biggest mistake of there developing history.
I like steam and the idea behind it very much... But there are still some bugs that need fixing:
*Friends (it never works right, and sometimes old messages pop up again)
*The console (when I bring it down with ~, it immediately dissapears again when I try to type something)
*Filtering on name (why did they take that out anyway?)
And probably many more.

But overall, steam is pretty good compared to how it started..
Steam is a good idea- a very good idea. It's an on-going project, and I can forgive Valve for having bugs here and there, since unlike a game this must be given to users in order to squash out all the problems. I have honestly never had one single problem with Steam, ever, and I was an early adopter of it. The only time I ever experienced any sort of error was about a week ago, and it had to do with the content servers going down for a half-an-hour or so. No big deal- it wasn't a software bug so there was not harm done on the part of the Steam program.
I support it 100% since it gives Valve 3x more profit per-product sold versus the retail version, and I think they deserve every penny of the $50 or so I put towards the product. I'll also be getting HL2 at exactly 12:01AM on the day of it's release, which is a big deal for me since I normally don't get games until a few days after initial release. Then there is the patching system, the error reporting features to help Valve kill any of the bugs floating around out there with the release version, the system spec reports so Valve can have an accurate picture of their user base, the potential for mods to go retail very easily, etc.

I think it could be very successful for Valve, and useful for the users. As it stands right now the system could use a bit of polish in a few areas, but overall I'm very pleased and impressed with it. It's a convenient tool.
I like steam, but I want and ingame webbrowser, so my ping goes up 120% in servers!11
they need to improve on the Friends list area.
perhaps also on how it updates games as well.. with the recent random errors and all
but it has come a long ways.
I still love it (have since day 1) and still advocate it
but the friends list thingy is getting old, as well as "my favorites" doesnt work.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I honestly think all Steam does is stunt valve's community (I have so many friends who gave up on cs/valve/hl) over steam and problems and having to run it to run valve games.
The fact is there's 100,000 people playing on it everyday, so evidently it has done nothing to stunt the growth of anything. I find steams way of browsing for servers far more convenient than the old way. It's also a lot easier and faster, switching between mods is so streamlined.

In fact steam will promote the growth of 3rd party mods, assuming Valve one day allow them to be downloaded from the steam content servers and appear under my games. They mentioned doing this for Sven co-op and Natural Selection months ago, but i guess things are just too busy for Valve now to worry about that.

My only complaint with steam is how easy it falls prey to DoS attacks. Not being able to login and play is annoying. But that's no fault of Valves.
Letters said:
I've always liked it...

Same here.. even in beta! :)

I did NOT, however, enjoy Steam beta 1, back when 1.4 was in beta. That was icky icky icky.

Steam 2 (what we have now) is soooo much nicer..
I've never had a problem with steam, just lucky I guess. So ya I liked it when I got it and I like it now, I also have friends who hated steam when it first came out and now are starting to enjoy it, so all is well. :D
Im on a 56k.. and i know some people think steam made it worse for 56k'ers.
But Optimized for Broadband really only ment that, bigger files(Preloading etc).
Which is no biggy for a 56ker... U can also stop preloads.
Steam is a bit buggy at first.
But overall i love it now. It's really good. It allows for easy mangament, alot better managment for friends servers. I mean what would it be like if it went from.. Steam as it is right to Won when won just started?
Then all of you would be bitching at valve. The sound bug would be back. And so on.
So overall i like it.
Steam is not for 56ers...
I hate it! :x
It sucks badly...
ZeeM said:
Steam is not for 56ers...
I hate it! :x
It sucks badly...

Neither is downloading large files. You hate large files now?

And why is Steam so 56K unfriendly? It's not like it says 'well f*ck you, you have 56K, we don't want your kind here!' it's just really inconvenient. Just like running a game on minimum specs or below is inconvenient and running Windows XP on 128 MB RAM is inconvenient. It's not 56K unfriendly, it's just unpractical.
But frankly, you can't allow progress to slow down due to a small group. And it's too bad some people just can't get or can't afford broadband, but you can't expect innovation to stop because a very small group won't be able to use it (well).
PvtRyan said:
Neither is downloading large files. You hate large files now?

And why is Steam so 56K unfriendly? It's not like it says 'well f*ck you, you have 56K, we don't want your kind here!' it's just really inconvenient. Just like running a game on minimum specs or below is inconvenient and running Windows XP on 128 MB RAM is inconvenient. It's not 56K unfriendly, it's just unpractical.
But frankly, you can't allow progress to slow down due to a small group. And it's too bad some people just can't get or can't afford broadband, but you can't expect innovation to stop because a very small group won't be able to use it (well).

The only problem I have with steam, is when I start downloading a 200mb file and get a 1/4 through it. Then the power goes out or something really bad happens like windows crashes. Usually Steam will happily continue to download the file but it ends up corrupt.

If your on 56k like me get one of your friends with cable or whatever to burn the cache files for you.
you guys know steam has the power to upload anything it wants onto your computer as long as you are connected to the internet? i smell world domination. jk, i trust valve so i still <3 my steam.
Pfft. Your web browser could download anything it likes onto your computer. So could any program you have on your computer you're letting access the net. Oddly though, 'cause Steam's main purpose is to download stuff people get more suspicious of it. Go figure.
The only thing I'm hating with steam is that lame friends list never works.
You think they'd fix the network by now, according to the error :-P
And my favorites list ALWAYS erases, oh well.
I think steam is great. Only once have I heard someone on steam complain, and it was because he had a harder time hacking on it. I see that as a good thing.

It also means I don't have to hunt down patches when they come out. The server browser is way easier, and the UI has been streamlined.
i wish that id did something similiar to steam, like after i'm done playing doom3 dm, i want some wolfenstein depth, and may be a little old classic hectic quake, really steam is the only thing i use now for my online appetite

i hated steam when they had the gass grenades, liked steam ever since they got rid of them.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
it's just not worth it, or friendly to dialup peeps

Like downloading patches via websites is much different. :rolleyes: Cmon now think about it..Yes its worth it, much easier to find servers you want, and finding the servers you put into your favorites.
Man, I don't know about the rest of you, but Steam seems to like me. I've never had any major problems (except the Friends fiasco). And, frankly, I don't want to start bitchin about it, cause I don't want to piss off Steam.

There was a problem just a couple minutes ago, where it wouldn't connect. I didn't gripe or moan, I just waited, and sure enough, it connected.
i've been trying to download the update for the last hour. doesn't go past 35%. sigh.
I've always liked STEAM.I've been playing CS for 4-5 yrs and on STEAM since the 1.6 beta.I've only had a few minor problems,nothing that inconvenienced for long.I don't see why there's so much hoopla about it taking over WON.
epmode said:
i've been trying to download the update for the last hour. doesn't go past 35%. sigh.

go into ur Steam folder and delete the clientblob.dll file.
when this sorta thing happens, the solution is to delete that file and restart Steam.

its worked for me quite a few times... try it :)