stone's project- everybody signup here

Jul 6, 2003
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we are going to extend stone's project and take it all to a higher level where every able and equiped modeler contributes to one of the rooms in our million dollar hote or hl2 penatagon :) stone has made his first room ive booked mine side-winder is doing appliances u can use them if u want or make ur own :) so if u want to be part of this revolutionary modeling movement signup here just pm ur real name and email to stone me or side_winder.
ohh, you know i am so in. PM me with whatever you want me to do. I'l take the lobby area if no one else has claimed it.
Ah, i'll expand my role. I'll model genral objects, furniture, appliances, whatever. jsut pm me, or post her ewith what you want need. pictures would be helpful.
I think it'll be make it up as we go along, hmm, maybe a basic sketch or something of what people are planning, so we know whats were doing..would be good
This looks exaclty like tmy fridge at home.
hmm, i think it needs all the stuff at the back that fridges have...the coil thinges :p
meh, it was jsut an exterior shot. should i modle that stuff? whould i modle the interior?

*Edit* I forgot to do the build in ice/water dispenser. new WIP up soon.
yes might as well, as if we do its rat size, we can fight in the fridge then too, if we leave it open a crack :p
hmm quick idea for the txt on the neon sign to see what people think, its not finished its not even a WIP yet, its just an idea :p
nice to see that people are taking interest.
i still think the pentagon is a better idea coz it has more space and stuff but its ok .
Originally posted by mindless_moder
nice to see that people are taking interest.
i still think the pentagon is a better idea coz it has more space and stuff but its ok .

well we could make it loads and loads of floors high :p
well, i'm off to see Radiohead. i'll have something posted tommorow for the lobby. i'm going with two designs one opulant and the other seedy
anyone ever seen this site?

This project reminds me of that, but on a 3D scale :p. I'll be willing to help with any objects/appliances/textures that are needed... I just don't think I have the time ATM to make my own room. ;(
yer, thats what i mean when i mean loads of floors :p
pritty nice Sidwinder, keep up the good work....I'm going to start on the sign sign now...cos I go to get my results in 7 hours and i cnt sleep (like normal) so i't'll give me something to do :p
aye we do indeed, like the volume ligth effect :p.... you'll have to teach me how to do it....:p

but first a sign update (these are not propper texture's i need someone to make me some :cheese: )


I know the image isnt that good, but i get up in 3 hours :p...not that i've gone to sleep at all....
more scrumy updates curtusy of ur tired and bored confuzzled mod :p:

aye thats what i'm planning to do, and have letters comine off etc...

oh and a quick update:

EDIT: damn forgot picture.....

isnt it hard to model that fast?

someone know what the lowest geforce u need for hl2?
(im asking it here beacuse u guys are much kinder than the other forums)

Stone: I don't see no double post....
I don't see no doub.........oh wait i've said that already....

well no it isn't hard to model that fast at all :p

and as for neon, it'd be nice, but i cant see any tuts on that page.....although i cud be blind :x

EDIT: I see them now, just that the links were done wrong :p
Aye, me too, I'm off to get my results now and straight after to go and either:

1. Drown My Sorrows
2. Celebrate

either way i'm going to get very very drunk, so wish me luck, and if i'm not back by next week I'm probably asleep in wrexham train station :p...

I'll try those tuts out later (if mes not too drunk) and tomorrow if i am :p

A-Level results..... I'm really not bothered if I fail or pass because I've already been excepted onto my Graphic Design course

/me does happy dance :p
I cant really do any good modeling....but you have my moral suport. :)

I will definetly download the map....and i can playtest if you need it.
i dont know if it will be a map its going to be superr highpoly if we use all these plugins like simcloth.
:eek: double post
wait stone's coming aaaaaaaaaaah :bounce:
*mindless runs away in the nick of time
I dought it will be a map, cause all these cool things like raytraced water and metal and stuff don't work in-game. I htink we will use someone server with a Quadro FX 3 and render a video that goes throguh everyhtign when we're finished. It might take a month to render a whole video, but whatever. :)