stop emailing Valve


Dec 11, 2003
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Seems logical that the guys over there would have more time each and every day, working on HL2 if people would stop emailing them questions we already know..."When's it coming out !?!? " - Summer, etc.

My 2 cents
they say "They love talking to the fan base..."
I agree, but the world will always be cramped with buttheads so I think this request is in vain
DeusEx2 said:
I agree, but the world will always be cramped with buttheads so I think this reqest is in vain

I concur :-(

But hey, at least people are looking at this thread and typing HERE and not to GAbe :)

Boys will be boys, and girls will be hot
If they don't want to answer fan e-mails then they could stop. If they stop then most fans will realize that they won't get a reply to their e-mails and they will stop trying.
Besides where would we go for reliable information if not directly to Valve?

(please note use of sarcasm)
As far as you know, do they answer *all* of the e-mails they receive?

I wrote them three times and they always replied. Nothing worth mentioning, but they replied.
do you honestly think they would do it if it cut into development time? Think about it this way, how many press releases and big shows have valve attended? Not many, so actually by answering us directly instead of turning to media, they save dev time and money thus helping us double in the end.
Well, they dont answer all of it, and im sure they dont take a 3 hour block to sit and answer emails, so they answer what they have time for. I agree people dont need to email them a bunch of crap, but its good PR to answer the emails. It shows that they care about the fans.
Quixote said:
Besides where would we go for reliable information if not directly to Valve?

(please note use of sarcasm)
[SARCASM]Oh yeah I see it.[/SARCASM]
u know gabe doesnt acctully do any real work on the game lol, so im sure it doesnt matter.
Valve answer when/if they want to. I doubt it's cutting into development time
I'm just saying...what's it in aid of ? they're getting well of 50-100 emails a day from people asking the same questions.....

And of course they're not gonna say "We'd appreciate if the community would stop emailing us" .....but I think they would appreciate it if people would be patient and await Valve to release their information to the community.
Mr-Fusion said:
Stop posting stupid topics!

I've seen worse topics ;

I want the game just as badly as everyone else, but its common sense that if they didn't have to answer, sorry, feel obligated out of niceness, even 1/2 of the moronic,monotonous emails every day, we'd have this thing a couple weeks earlier, no ?
devvingiorgio said:
its common sense that if they didn't have to answer even 1/2 of the moronic,monotonous emails every day, we'd have this thing a couple weeks earlier, no ?

Rick: "Gabe, the game is finished - let's ship it."
Gabe: "You don't see I'm answering fans?! Come back later!"

A couple of weeks earlier, I doubt that greatly. And if Valve think that the questions are moronic, they don't need to reply, do they?
ComradeBadger said:
A couple of weeks earlier, I doubt that greatly. And if Valve think that the questions are moronic, they don't need to reply, do they?

I guess I'm missing my own point.
Do they not have to still read this 'fan mail' to determine whether or not they're going to reply to it ? yes.

Are you saying the game would come out at the EXACT SAME TIME if you didn't have numerous people emailing numerous Valve staff asking when the game's going to be released ?

Close the thread, this is stupid
No :p

My point is, it's Valve's choice, not yours, and it's the choice of the people who are emailing them, since Valve said they could, whats the problem?
ComradeBadger said:
No :p

My point is, it's Valve's choice, not yours, and it's the choice of the people who are emailing them, since Valve said they could, whats the problem?

There is no problem,

NOw if you'll all excuse me, I'm going to email Lombardi and ask him if HL2 will be released in June, July, or August, and take a full minute out of his day !

devvingiorgio said:
I'm just saying...what's it in aid of ? they're getting well of 50-100 emails a day from people asking the same questions.....

And of course they're not gonna say "We'd appreciate if the community would stop emailing us" .....but I think they would appreciate it if people would be patient and await Valve to release their information to the community.

gabe plays half life 2 multiplayer everyday, im sure he can find some room to answer a few questions
Everyone who thinks this is a stupid Topic raise your hand!

/me raises hand
Andy018 said:
Everyone who thinks this is a stupid Topic raise your hand!

/me raises hand

raises my hand as well

I can't believe that I'm having to defend myself with this :E
I see so many people telling others to stop b@#$%g about the game, "it'll come out when it comes out" yaddi yadda....but it looks like everyone's taking their side ?

I ask all who have read this thread to email Valve right now and ask them when the game's coming out ..... it'll be fun !


!close the thread!
I must agree people should really stop sending them pointless emails asking the same questions that have already been answered before. All you're doing is wasting your time as well as Valve's. If you have a very important question that hasn't been covered before then send away but make sure you've read through our Valve info thread before doing anything.
mass mailing........It was sarcasm

Thank you for agreeing with me point is to help Valve get the game out quicker.....SIGNIFICANT EMAILS are one thing....asking the same BS is another
It was locked... there was a little confusion by one of the moderators ;)

It will indeed speed up the development process devvingiorgio. They do check their mails regularly and having to deal with hundreds of business emails a day and then on top of that hundreds of fan mails and questions it does cut into their time. Keep at this and we’ll end up with 80 pages of “When’s HL2 coming out?” questions with the same “summer” response.

So let the poor folks get on with their own business and stop clogging up our Valve info thread with repeated questions :)
come on, like they would actually make time to answer mails :(
Munro said:
It was locked... there was a little confusion by one of the moderators ;)

It will indeed speed up the development process devvingiorgio. They do check their mails regularly and having to deal with hundreds of business emails a day and then on top of that hundreds of fan mails and questions it does cut into their time. Keep at this and we’ll end up with 80 pages of “When’s HL2 coming out?” questions with the same “summer” response.

So let the poor folks get on with their own business and stop clogging up our Valve info thread with repeated questions :)

Can someone get Munro a pint please, its on me
if the good folks at Valve are busy, they simply dont answer e-mails.
take right now for example, a couple of friends of mine, and myself had some questions about hl2/steam in general that havent really been answered, so we all sent them a mail or two about 3 days back, not that we expected a response but none of us have received one.
Im sure its because Valve are getting geared up for E3, and dont have as much time as they did before to answer e-mails.

(note: I didnt spam, I kept it short and polite and I had never e-mailed them before)

besides Gabe, Rick and the gang have said that they enjoy answering fan questions/mail... otherwise they simply would not.
think about how much info the community has gleaned from e-mail alone.

I agree that people should read through the valve info thread (if your desperate for info to the point of mailing, then the info thread is your salvation anyway) and definately stay away from spamming (that just ruins things for everyone)

But making threads telling people to stop is plain silly, its the same thing as posting a "valve owes you nothing" thread.
its redundant.
if you believe that Valve lets E-Mail cut into their developement time (ridiculous) then simply dont e-mail them :)

this is for the most part we ARE fanboys, thats why we are here, and thats why we have been here so long, even after the delays and BS, and everything else... because we believe in Valve, and want their next title ;D
I don't think anyone said to stop sending emails altogether, only to stop sending ones that are already answered elsewhere :)
Okay there are two points.

The first one is to make a thread about people emailing redundant questions to VALVe.

The second one is whether emails to VALVe affect development time

With respect to the first point, I don't think it's wrong to dedicate a thread to this, because when I read the info from VALVe thread I see a lot of people mailing VALVe the same kinds of questions over and over again. This thread might point out once more that you should read the info thread first. So not a bad idea.

As for the 2nd point. If it cuts into development time I don't know. I do know however that it certainly takes up VALVe time. It's the same thing with spam, for every message you have to throw away (or even read the subject) you spend time. Multiply that by the 'x' factor, ah.. whatever you probably get my point
I only closed it cause people were spamming and flaming and cause the original poster requested his thread closed more than once. I'm entirely in the right ;)
DeusEx2 said:
Okay there are two points.

The first one is to make a thread about people emailing redundant questions to VALVe.

The second one is whether emails to VALVe affect development time

With respect to the first point, I don't think it's wrong to dedicate a thread to this, because when I read the info from VALVe thread I see a lot of people mailing VALVe the same kinds of questions over and over again. This thread might point out once more that you should read the info thread first. So not a bad idea.

As for the 2nd point. If it cuts into development time I don't know. I do know however that it certainly takes up VALVe time. It's the same thing with spam, for every message you have to throw away (or even read the subject) you spend time. Multiply that by the 'x' factor, ah.. whatever you probably get my point

Thank you Deus, hopefully with good replies like this we'll help Valve with the number of redundant emails they're receiving, which'd benefit us all
Fenric said:
I only closed it cause people were spamming and flaming and cause the original poster requested his thread closed more than once. I'm entirely in the right ;)

Fenric, its all good :)
I was simply getting frustrated due to having to justify this topic

Lets make this a sticky, right underneath "EMail replies from Valve"
you must remember, that most people contact Gabe, and I doubt Gabe wasting time on e-mails would affect HL2's developement... he is founder/owner, not like he is writing bits of the engine or creating new models.

then again asking the same question repeatedly just shows a lack of respect, especially if you are part of the community. We have no excuse, because we have the broadest idea of what HL2 is by having the richest resource available on the net (being our info thread), and we dont have the right to e-mail Valve stupid questions until we have gone through that thread at least once.

I would suggest that we compose some kind of compendium of questions and answers from that thread, so that people can search it and find out if their question has been asked before spamming Valve.... however the only ones who would use said service would be the ones who read the damn thread anyway.... unfortunately.
Mr. Redundant said:
you must remember, that most people contact Gabe, and I doubt Gabe wasting time on e-mails would affect HL2's developement... he is founder/owner, not like he is writing bits of the engine or creating new models.

then again asking the same question repeatedly just shows a lack of respect, especially if you are part of the community. We have no excuse, because we have the broadest idea of what HL2 is by having the richest resource available on the net (being our info thread), and we dont have the right to e-mail Valve stupid questions until we have gone through that thread at least once.

I would suggest that we compose some kind of compendium of questions and answers from that thread, so that people can search it and find out if their question has been asked before spamming Valve.... however the only ones who would use said service would be the ones who read the damn thread anyway.... unfortunately.

Awesome post. If only we could conjur up some way to put a stop to the same questions being asked directly to Valve... :(