stop emailing Valve

We already made some headway ! Check the Moderators post in the Valve emails thread !

Is there any possible way to set something up on our side that when we attempt to post in that thread, that you need to agree on a statement that says somethign along the lines of " You have agreed not to abuse Valve with questions already asked, and have searched thru the threads to assure this?"

Maybe implementl some sort of temporary account suspension ? Even if you're to deter 50 emails a day to them , that's progress
devvingiorgio said:
Seems logical that the guys over there would have more time each and every day, working on HL2 if people would stop emailing them questions we already know..."When's it coming out !?!? " - Summer, etc.

My 2 cents

eeh NO! :dork: I'd say stop posting useless threads instead.
Caminante said:
eeh NO! :dork: I'd say stop posting useless threads instead.

well apparently 2 moderators and one Director of Operations here is in agreement with me so, um, shut up ?
Caminante, Quixote, please if you're going to post something in this thread then post something constructive.
I bet VALVe have an email filter that sends an auto-response (Summer) to any mails that contain the words "when", "HL2" & "released" in it :)
I think its still worth e-mailing Valve. If Gabe etc didn't want us to e-mail, they'd stop replying!! Of course, only e-mail them if you're asking a constructive question that hasn't been asked before (or at least unlikely to have been asked) and I see no problem in continuing the current trend.

How about Valve bans someone from buying HL2 if they ask when it will be ready? That'll stop people!
Munro said:
Caminante, Quixote, please if you're going to post something in this thread then post something constructive.

Forgive me Mr. Mod, for such of silly reply for an equal thread. :angel:By the way, can i ask in this forums for support in helping endangered species? :LOL: