Stop the war march in London


May 14, 2003
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Just watching News 24 and they were all walking by the camera, looked at one persons sign thing and it said on it

"I only trust one bush, and its my own"

And there was a triangle of hair stuck onto the board. Made me laugh :LOL:
heh...i hope people don't seriously think we can just up and leave Iraq without horrible things saddam coming back the next day.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
heh...i hope people don't seriously think we can just up and leave Iraq without horrible things saddam coming back the next day.

Yeah, but what the hell were we doing there in the first place anyway?
Originally posted by Maskirovka
heh...i hope people don't seriously think we can just up and leave Iraq without horrible things saddam coming back the next day.

dodnt we do this in the early 90s....
No, you're thinking about Desert Storm. Desert Storm was faught in Kuwait, when Sddam had invaded and began slaughtering everyone.
Originally posted by Murray_H
Just watching News 24 and they were all walking by the camera, looked at one persons sign thing and it said on it

"I only trust one bush, and its my own"

And there was a triangle of hair stuck onto the board. Made me laugh :LOL:

Heh, we've got those boards up in Edinburgh too, where there are also alot of marches. It's a group called "lesbians against bush". I think the title is suppossed to be ironic :)
Hmmm....protest the war that's already ended...:)

Funny how the liberals were saying we'd need to stay there for awhile, which we will, and now they want us to up and leave a country that's ripe for the picking. If we leave now, that country will end up worse than when Saddam was in power. Look all of the terrorists attacks with the Coalition there. Imagine what kind of monsters would establish rule at the absence of order.
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie

No seriously, what was the US' business there? Oh wait 'saving all those poor people from Saddam'? You and I both know no government is starting a 300 billion dollar war to "liberate" people in a country which there are about 50 of on this planet.
Besides, it's not like Iraq is more peaceful now with all those attacks.
Who care they did a good thing, saddam is out of power the people of iraq are free
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Hmmm....protest the war that's already ended...:)
There's no peace yet in Iraq, so I assume the war is still going on.

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
If we leave now, that country will end up worse than when Saddam was in power.
And who's to blame for that?
Really, I agree that Iraq can't be left alone now, but the people on the streets have every right to complain about how badly planned this whole operation was.
haha, ok, talk to the people on the streets of baghdad. freedom is rather relative. also, yes hammer, we did do that in the first gulf war. poppa bush said, via television, that the US would support an uprising of the iraqi people to overthrow the bathists. when the southern shias and northern kurds uprose, we said, "nah.." and booked it. but they had our moral support, which i'm sure was comforting while saddam's gunships (which schwarzkopf rubber-stamped personally) rained hell from above. so yeah, in a way we did pull out just like we shouldn't now. that's right.. the best of all worlds, we commited to a criminal and unjustified war, but now it'd be a ****ingdisaster if we leave. we'll just have to commit ourselves to losing a few dozen mean and women to iraq for, oh, 15-20 years. yay.

or, maybe we could just prop-up a puppet regime and get the hell out of dodge as soon as we're done setting up the infrastructure to rape iraq of it's only resource.. hey, they could fight off the dirty iranians for us too!! we could even provide them with weapons!

or, maybe we could bring in countries that actually have experience in peace-keeping.. like, um well all of europe.. france, germany, UK.. a veritable 'coalition'.
Is it me, or does this situation reminds you of Russia and Chechnya (damn for the last day I bring Russia in every topic). I mean, Russia was too losing its men everyday, and we accomplished absolutely nothing. Well, aside of killing bunch of civilians. But it seems, Iraq is no win situation for USA. The only thing USA needs to do right now, is to get on these oil-fields and suck as much money from it as human possible.
"Going to war for peace is like ****ing for virginity."

read that somewhere, can't remember.
It's not fair i want to be in London haveing a riot, er I mean protest.
ahh didn't know he had it in his sig..i saw it on a demo poster somewhere as well.
Originally posted by mrchimp
It's not fair i want to be in London haveing a riot, er I mean protest.

i went earlier on. had a few hours between lectures so just jumped on the tube for a bit. there was some guy at the front shouting through a megaphone, couldn't understand a word he said, tried chatting up a few of the female protestors, failed, came home. fun day. i didn't get any bush sadly.
The riot in London is nothing but a bunch of hippy morons with no jobs that have nothing better to do. I am watching them on TV right now pushing and hitting the riot police. Shouldent they follow what they preach?
So you are spending your time watching hippy morons who have nothing better to do? :)

(Sorry i just couldn't resist)

I agree about the violence against the police though...For one thing, what does a policman have to do with it. Hes just doing his job.
Rioting to stop a war that we are already commited to, goddamn fools in London.

If you did not support the original war , thats all fine and dandy , the reasons certainly arent plain cut and are up for debate. But the fact is that we are not commited not to a war but to a people. If you do not believe that this is now a matter of saving a people and bringing democracy to a region that is profitable yet oppressed than you are certianly not using logic. It may not have begun with the people of Iraq in mind , but it is now about those people. I want to bring them freedom , I want all the peoples possible to live the same way I do , and I think that a democratic Iraq is possibly the beginning to changing an unstable region. Protesting a war that is already finished.. if they got their demands they would then be out protesting again , yet now protesting what happened to the Iraqi people after we left. I think alot of them are like Mr.Chimp and are just there for a joyous old time of destroying peoples property and causing injury. Why dont they start protesting Vietnam again if they are going that way.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
So you are spending your time watching hippy morons who have nothing better to do? :)

(Sorry i just couldn't resist)

I agree about the violence against the police though...For one thing, what does a policman have to do with it. Hes just doing his job.

Yeah... their ignorance amuses me. :cheese:
They should knock Bush unconscious, drive him to the nearest demonstration and throw him out of his limousine. He would have a rough awakening when the crowd literally begins tearing him to pieces. That would be fun for a while.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov

If you do not believe that this is now a matter of saving a people and bringing democracy to a region that is profitable yet oppressed than you are certianly not using logic.

Yeah sure, a country in economic crisis, with a huge national debt, a future without oil funds a 300 billion dollar war to kick around some camels and liberate (define liberty, Iraq isn't exactly a fun place to be right now, even without Saddam) a few people that mean absolutely no profit for them (except the oil, but that's not the people), really, if you think it's about people, you're terribly naive.
I really had to restrain myself from joining in with this thread:

I heard an interview with one of the protestors on the radio. It went thusly:

Reporter: "So, why are you down here protesting?"
Protester: "I'm here becuase I think George Bush is a bully and he shouldn't pick on Saddam Hussien"

Oh dear. I mean really.... that IS stupid....
Crime on the increase, a health system thats falling apart, leaders cropping up everywhere with questionable motives. Police are struggling with the lack of funding...

and thats just the UK.

I dont think that removing Saddam was wrong..but i really think that we in the west are living a pipe dream. It just cant carry on like this, with "the public"(This magic race of people that we all seem to be a part of) believing that the country is running along fine, when in actual fact millions of people are mearly existing, rather than living a decent life.
Lets face it most of the people protesting in London are just there for fun, I know thats why i would be there.