Storage issue


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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How long will a bottle of bourbon last if I open it, close it, then stick it in my liqour cabinet (not cooled)?
A long time... Who drinks bourbon, though?

My friends dad has had bourbon for (so he says) 5 years, the bottle is half empty, so I'm guessing it'll last a while..
I was going to suggest put it in your pants... but it doesn't seem to work too well with your question :(
why waste time when you could drink the whole thing?
liquor doesn't go bad...

in fact some liquor like whiskey is aged for years in a simple barrel just sitting around until its bottled and sold.
liquor doesn't go bad...

in fact some liquor like whiskey is aged for years in a simple barrel just sitting around until its bottled and sold.

True, hence why you see on TV and such, "Ahh 1932, a great year..* when holding liquor.
liquor doesn't go bad...

in fact some liquor like whiskey is aged for years in a simple barrel just sitting around until its bottled and sold.

The difference here is that i'm letting my bourbon sit in a glass, airtight container, in my dark warm liqour cabinet.

They keep the barrels at perfect tempurature, use a certain kind of wood, make sure it's saturated, make sure that there isn't anything growing in them...

I know wine goes bad. I've had bad Tani Port before, tastes like SHIT.
It should last ok as long as it is still capped.

It will gradually evaporate though, because of its volatile nature, but that would take decades probably.