Stories that make you shudder just thinking about them.

I work at a burger restaurant, its kind of like a 50's-60's themed place with the music, bar, and all. Its called Cheeburger Cheeburger.

Well I'm both a server and bartender there. The bartender just makes specialty drinks like shakes, egg creams and etc. Well I was making shakes after shakes, and the shake mixer has these fast spinning blades which mixes the milk and ice cream.

I remember turning away slightly to see what was going on behind me while I was mixing a shake. Then BOOM! The shake tin slipped through my hands, and my thumb just lightly touched the side of the blade. Luckily not hitting the sharp edges. I came so CLOSE to losing my thumb, and I still think today how close I could have made a terrible mistake, I picture blood spattering onto the mixing shield and customers watching. Its a terrible feeling...
I work at a burger restaurant, its kind of like a 50's-60's themed place with the music, bar, and all. Its called Cheeburger Cheeburger.

Well I'm both a server and bartender there. The bartender just makes specialty drinks like shakes, egg creams and etc. Well I was making shakes after shakes, and the shake mixer has these fast spinning blades which mixes the milk and ice cream.
This post is lol if you ignore the third paragraph.

Yes. Yes, that's how blenders work. :LOL:
100% true this, my mum who teaches Infant school/Kindergarten age kids had gone with her school to a theatre, to see some kind of Pantomime, along with classes from other schools in the area.

She told me that whilst there one of the kids (from another school) chopped clean off one of their fingers in their seat mechanism! 'Poor little bagger', I hated her for telling me!
Well stories no I don't have those. But there's been a few times I've had a bout of Deva vu and thinking about them still erks me.
She told me that whilst there one of the kids (from another school) chopped clean off one of their fingers in their seat mechanism! 'Poor little bagger', I hated her for telling me!

Stuff like that makes me cringe! There was a poor kid at my secondary school who got the tip of his finger cut off in the sliding door to a squash court /o\

I could name loads of embarrassing moments that haunt me - mostly involving girls i've completely screwed things up with due to being a stuttering ****wit - and quite a few naughty delinquent moments i'm ashamed to recall, but the one I have to block out instantly is the image of a kid getting his teeth knocked sideways out of his mouth with a cricket bat during a school match.
Last summer one of my friends and his entire family had gone out of town. We were all hanging out at one of my acquaintance's open house, and we got the brilliant idea to all ditch it and go skinny dipping in our friend's pool. Fun night, but the pool had all kinds of branches in it, and it just so happens that all the water was green. Hadn't cleaned it in a while, apparently.

After we'd just messed around for a while in the pool, we all got dressed and walked up to an elementary school that he lives practically across the street from. We're just standing on the playground, off on the opposite side of the building as the parking lot, talking. Then out of nowhere there's light coming from the side of the building, a car pulls around the corner on the grass, and we all just start booking it down the schoolyard. The car turns its brights on and starts following us. We got around a corned and in a huge bush fast enough for the car not to have rounded the next corner yet.

It putzed around for a little while and eventually drove off from the playground slowly. My heart was pumping and it was just generally a fun night. Can't help but wonder what would have happened if the car would have caught us, though.

EDIT: Not a shudder story, but that's just what the thread reminded me of. I'll think of a shudder story later.
I was on the freeway and I drove passed an accident that had just occured moments ago (no police, news crew, yadda). Traffic slowed down enough for me to see a dude that had flown out of his car and was shaking very violently. Put the news on a little bit later to see that he was pronounced dead.

but the one I have to block out instantly is the image of a kid getting his teeth knocked sideways out of his mouth with a cricket bat during a school match.

lol, I was playing cricket back in secondary school and whilst focusing on catching the ball I ran into a concrete post. It was pretty serious, my front tooth split vertically, my two bottom teeth became protracted and pierced my lower lip (chin skin area), i smashed one of my incisors to bits...v messy, and took over a year of dental trips and countless injections to sort itself out. I had a silver cap over my front tooth at one point, I felt so G. It bloody hurt, but it never makes me shudder cos it physically happened to me, but then i never had/or do have a problem with dentists and teeth.

P.S maybe its the cricket that gives us brits bad teeth!:cheese:
Nearly put it out or nearly didn't put it out!? D:

Nearly put it out would mean you didn't, right?

I tried and was almost successful. Thus forest fire, and not almost forest fire.
I just remembered a mate of a mate down the road who'd said up some ramps for his BMX and had a few people over (including the aforementioned mate... and me, I honestly don't remember why). One of the ramps went right off his back porch, so there was a bit of a dip after you hit it. On one jump he managed to come off of his bike, the handlebars turning sideways in mid-air and catching pretty much the vertically into the dirt when they hit the ground... the other end went right into his leg, just below the knee. ****ing not half gruesome.

That said he still got in a few jumps before his mum drove him to the hospital, and nearly got gangrene for it. :|
I quoted that Family Guy episode where Peter's family throws an intervention because he wears a sombrero all the time. A mexican girl thought I was talking to her...woooops.
on 7th grade, there was this really annoying guy in our class that me and a friend of mine really disliked. i paid my friend 5 bucks to kick him in the ass. and i don't mean kick his ass, but literally just kick him in the ass once. my friend did it, and we both got detention for that and the teacher+principal was really, REALLY angry. i feel really embarassed for being such a bully. and i'm not really like that at all, it was the only time when i have "bullied" anyone. but if you think about it now, it's just really funny. lol 5 dollars for that.
I quoted that Family Guy episode where Peter's family throws an intervention because he wears a sombrero all the time. A mexican girl thought I was talking to her...woooops.
Too bad it was a foam cowboy hat.
lIt was pretty serious, my front tooth split vertically, my two bottom teeth became protracted and pierced my lower lip (chin skin area), i smashed one of my incisors to bits...v messy

Dude, that is so wrong in so many ways. I shuddered reading that.
I tore a newborn from it's mother's arms and listened to her wail as I devoured it whole.
I once ate someone's pancreas after i deep fried it. i made my victim watch as I (this is me) ate it.

Meet Zasmara, my Gaia Online Avatar.
I used to live in the building to the left in this picture about 6 floors down from the top:


I was about 12 at the time and me and a friend were sitting by my window throwing paper airplanes out of it or something along those lines. I remember him getting up to get a soda, and I had just thrown one of those cheap paratrooper toys that never really worked and I leaned outside to see if the thing was floating down. I guess I leaned forward to fast or something, but I felt my feet start to lift up and I started falling over. My friend came back at the best possible moment as he grabbed my legs just as I was about to flip over completely and managed to push down and drag me back in.

I think back on it every now and then its kind of scary to think that if he had come a second later I'd be dead.

Originally I was gonna post about how I almost drowned in Disney World. Happiest place on earth my ass.
This happened at the seaside. From the shore, there was about 20 meters of shallow water, then 30 meters of deep water, after which there was a strip of sand, so it was shallow there (water to to your knees). I swam there and was just standing there. I saw my brother swimming to me (I think he was 11, while I was 18). About 10 meters away from me he called me and said that he probably won't make it. So I had to swim up to him and haul his ass back to the shore, asking him to keep his hand around my neck.

Everything was OK, but it's scary that he could've drowned if I wasn't there and we both could've started drowning if he panicked and started strangling me with his grip or whatever. And I never really had to help anyone in a situation like this. Good thing he was light and there wasn't much distance to cover. I can swim fine, but I prefer swimming pools, rather than open water, as I have rather crap swimming endurance.
this one always makes me shudder...

picture a teenager whose only outlet to (real) life is on the internets..

This child not only will grow up missing so many important influences, lessons, and social cultures they will become the loner type and not be productive to society and above all become super emo.
This is what i think today's hippies are going to become.

i want the 70's hippies back :(
Adrik_Senturu, I almost drowned at Disney world too! There were a ton of little kids in this pool and I was standing next to it and my friend pushed me in. He had to buy me a phone because mine was ruined, and I got kicked in the face underwater by a ****ing toddler.
Back in 5th grade, me and a few of my friends sometimes went to this area were transportation comes in with food supplies for the school. We usually talked with one of the drivers of a truck and one day we snuck into the cargo and all of the sudden the door shut close. It was complete darkness, i mean 100% darkness, couldnt see anything AT ALL. The truck starts up, me and my friends panic, as the truck drives around we are thrown left and right and i start crying, finally the truck stops and he opens the cargo and we all get out. Apperently he knew we were in there and was just trying to scare us...which worked.

Back in 5th grade, me and a few of my friends sometimes went to this area were transportation comes in with food supplies for the school. We usually talked with one of the drivers of a truck and one day we snuck into the cargo and all of the sudden the door shut close. It was complete darkness, i mean 100% darkness, couldnt see anything AT ALL. The truck starts up, me and my friends panic, as the truck drives around we are thrown left and right and i start crying, finally the truck stops and he opens the cargo and we all get out. Apperently he knew we were in there and was just trying to scare us...which worked.


shit. did he hate you forever after that?
I play flashlight tag a LOT. And I hate being the guy with the flashlight. Well, someone got me and gave me the flashlight. They run off into the woods and I'm stuck in this field. Alone. In pitch dark. So I walk along, waving the flashlight, and the light falls upon a dead deer. The guts are all strewn about and it's face is mangled and distorted. I screamed and ran away at nearly 15-20 MPH. The house (my friend's) was a half-mile away, and I ran the whole way. I don't want to think about it.
I spent $500+ on fixing my dirtbike. Today I went to the track, crashed, and destroyed my left radiator. Ruined my graphics that I designed and spent $200 on. Very, very horrible. Money out the window.

Also, I look back on "mistakes" I have made, dumb things I have said, embarrassing things I have done, and just my teenage life in general and feel like an idiot. I have a lot of regrets.
I was riding around on this trail by my house, which happened to be private property, and on the way back off of the trailhead, I saw this fat red GMC Denali blocking the road.

He was pulling into this dirt/grass lot so he could turn around, which happened to break off into a fork in the road, and I noticed that as he pulled out of the lot, into the fork, he turned into the left side of the fork.

Now the left side of the fork leads to a locked gate, and the right side just cuts through some brush to get back to the pavement. So first thing i'm thinking is "oh shit, if he has the key to the gate, he must be a landowner. God dammit, i'm ****ED!"

So i'm starting to play out the conversation in my head, trying to figure out what sort of bullshit i'm going to feed to him, when he stops and out of the passenger window looks right at me.

At that moment I glanced down at his license plate, and saw the words "South Honolulu Police Department" surrounding his plate holder.

"****! IT'S THE COPS!"

So I jumped onto the gas, squeezed through the small space between his SUV and the bushes, and took the right hand fork in the road, just as he started driving through the left hand one. I saw him sorta pause and look at me through the trees, as I throttled out of there and sped back home.

Close call :p

Stupid of me to be on the trail to begin with, that's a great way to get riding areas shut down :/

this one always makes me shudder...

picture a teenager whose only outlet to (real) life is on the internets..

This child not only will grow up missing so many important influences, lessons, and social cultures they will become the loner type and not be productive to society and above all become super emo.
This is what i think today's hippies are going to become.

i want the 70's hippies back :(

Get out there and get wasted!