Storm's a'Coming


Sep 18, 2003
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Heads up UK peoples, there's a Severe Weather Warning in force, for tonight and through the weekend. Galeforce 8 to storm force 10 (one below a hurricane!).

The fun is due to start at midnight tonight :D

linky here

I can't believe I missed a thread about my avatar changing. No, wait ... I can't believe there was a thread about my avatar changing ... :LOL:
i'll be at wooooooooork tonight when this destruction takes place
Glad I was at work last night and not tonight.

Gonna pop up to Tesco later and stock up on ice cream just in case there's nothing left tomorrow.
Hah, I like your style. Stockpile the icecream, we may be in for a long bleak winter.
Where I live, we don't have weather.
Hopefully the majority of people will be killed off, leaving us with an apocolyptic wasteland... i mean winter wonderland.
I can't wait for that apocalyptic wasteland, so I can drive around in my Mad Max car.
Pfft England. Bastards get it easy. Wales has storms like this 24/7. Fact. go uh, go look it up, yeah.
Pfft England. Bastards get it easy. Wales has storms like this 24/7. Fact. go uh, go look it up, yeah.

Not down Cardiff


Though Sky signal has gone walkies

I've been to wales, it's just grass, sheep and sh!t weather. You'd have to be stupid to live there. ... Oh ... sorry dekstar! <3

I don't know where this storm is supposed to be, it's nice and calm here, not even a breeze. Eerily calm, infact.
Shhhh! They don't have to know!
For all the Englanders know, Wales is in Australia!

I asked someone today where the bad smell was coming from, now I know that Wales is in the west.

Jk! :p
It's like the day after tomorrow. But British, so it's clearly not as good.
Pfft, no wind or rain here. Damn storm missed me!
I got heavy rain and lightning in the morning...then it stopped :(
Funnest thing to do is make a sail with a blanket if theres insane wind and start jumping.
Why are we only getting autumn type weather. It's nearly bloody December. Wheres the blizzards and days of school/college/work because we're snowed in :(

Spose we'll have to wait for Feburary/March for our snow D: