James Cameron's AVATAR

Jump to conclusions much Darkside?
not the movie Cameron hyped it to be
I don't recall ever jumping to conclusions in this thread. In fact, what you just said yourself both there...

The CG on the creatures weren't particular good
...and here is the same as what I've been saying. Not understand posts much?

And anyway if you want conclusion jumping, which would be related to the film as a whole and not based on already apparent shortcomings in the CGI (which can be viewed already and thus conclusions cannot be jumped to if they're already in plain sight), on the whole I think it's going to be a trite story about violent hoomanz coming into furry paradise and starting wars over resources and through the avatar maybe they'll learn to get along, or he'll make them get the fuck off the planet. And he'll either stay with the blue sparkly she-cat in his na'vi body, or his human body, or she'll go offworld with him, or they'll part ways. And the audience will have spent two hours listening to the moral of make peace not war/don't screw others out of resources/tolerance for those who are different.





That ain't jumping to conclusions, I already said it was somewhat similar to Fern gully. And I know.
Gone through the trailer a few times. I think the CG on the creatures is very impressive, disarmingly so in fact because you have to remind yourself that this is CG and not a guy in a suit. However the CG on the manmade stuff is less impressive and a lot more plastic looking.

Plot will be rubbish, but this in 3D looks like a goddamn must see tbh.


that is pretty bad. im hoping its just from an unfinished scene. but it could very well be an indication of the final product.
^ lol thats crazy. i just watched the trailer from apple's site and it has the same mistake (i thought it might have been an artifact from my video/gif editing software)
Nice to hear you like it so far. Do you have a ticket for the screening? It will give the audience a much better grasp of what Avatar and it's visuals are all about. The teaser doesn't really do that too well imho. There are unfinished shots in there, that don't really cut together very well.
The screening footage has a couple of "complete" sequences. Unofficial "exit polls" at the Wellington cinema certainly were favourable.

I'm of the opinion that it looked pretty sweet and all of you people are nitpickers.
It's perfectly fine to be a nitpicker when you've been hearing that this movie is going to be absolutely revolutionary and took $230 million dollars to make, and then you see the CG is butt.

Just think about how the Prawn mech in District 9 looked, and compare it to the Avatar power suits.

D9 was made on a budget of $30 million.
I think Peter Molyneux has made me indifferent and desensitized to hype trains and the phenomena known as talking out of your ass.

It's quite beneficial, really.
I don't know why this movie has nothing to do with Avatar: The Last Airbender. I'm very disappointed. Also, it looks (let's be honest folks) all sorts of mediocre.
It's funny because Avatar: The Last Airbender is going to do a lot better than this movie. You can take that statement all the way to the bank in Ba Sing Se.
Yeah maybe when Harryz said you were jumping to conclusions it was because you think the movie is going to fail financially because you and some other CGI nuts who have been following the hype were disappointed by a teaser trailer.

To be honest it still looks like it'll be a better film than that Airbender crap.
If you seriously think that Avatar is going to do worse financially than The Last Airbender you are sorely mistaken. By a very, very large margin. You don't know Avatar (Airbender) fans.

And I never said the movie was going to fail financially when Harryz said I was jumping to conclusions. Nor did I actually say the movie was going to fail financially AT ALL. I simply said that Airbender is going to do a lot better at the box office.

Post comprehension, people; post comprehension.
Oh of course attributing "whether or not Avatar will flop harder than Waterworld" to "the internets" is clearly not implying anything of the sort, given your history of distancing yourself from opinions held by "the internets".
I was echoing a statement made by people IN THIS VERY THREAD, as well as on other boards.

Didn't you hear me say I loved Water World, even if it was a flop?

I never said this movie would do bad. Not once. I just said it LOOKS bad.
I still think it's ludicrous to judge a film that is 80% CGI based on some stills taken from the very first trailer and pointing out things one would never notice when watching the film. Aside from that even the HD teaser is nothing like how this film is actually intended to look due to the 3D. The perception of 3D as a gimmick is what I believe Cameron was talking about when he said the visuals would be revolutionary.
He did blatantly say, though, that Avatar's CGI would be photorealistic and you wouldn't be able to tell. And I think the makeup is 40% live action 60% CGI.

Again I'm not judging the quality of the film as a whole, just the CGI that was so lauded. This is why you don't hype things up; if you don't deliver you can expect a very vocal backlash nowadays, with the internets.

Probably why with the upcoming game this forum is based on, Episode 3, Valve hasn't said one word about it. You say ANYTHING and you don't deliver on it you're going to get reamed. If you tell someone, "You won't be able to tell CGI from the real thing," you better not be lying or the public is going to turn on you.
The annoying thing is that you can see better stuff from one guy in their bedroom at cgtalk.

Without a 1000 plus unit server farm I highly doubt it. :dozey:

Also I think its high time the badminton ended chaps. Eejit, like you I shall enjoy going to the cinema and experiencing this film potential CGI warts and simply because regardless of the complaints it still looks fairly impressive, plus 3D so why the heck not. Darkside enjoy M.Night Shyamalandingdongs The Last Airbender, I'm sure it will be epic.
The avatars will probably have to learn their language.
From a technical stand point if you've been following how it works at all, this is probably the best CGI to date. Now the problem here of course is whether or not it looks realistic in its setting, which really isn't the case for the trailer. I mean there are some amazing shots, and after watching the trailer on my TV I was about ten times more impressed with the trailer then when I first saw it on my PC screen.

Besides **** the haters, the movie looks incredibly nice, and the environments look awesome.


(as to not break tables)
If you seriously think that Avatar is going to do worse financially than The Last Airbender you are sorely mistaken. By a very, very large margin. You don't know Avatar (Airbender) fans.

You talk so much shit. I want to know where you buy your magic 8 ball from. How the hell can you be so sure Airbender is going to do financially better than Avatar? Both movies could financially flop for all we know. Titanic (crap movie though) was expected to be a major flop, but to everyones suprise it grossed $1.8 billion, half a billion more than the second highest grossing movie. Seriously, stop talking so much shit, its for your own good.
Ok here are the screenshots.









Also most of the hype was about the 3D camera so to the people in here complaining about the CGI I don't even know what the ****.
I think the CGI in the trailer is very inconsistent. Some scenes look stunning while others look recycled from a game cut scene. I'm really hoping it's just due to being unpolished, because I really want this movie to melt my eyes when I go see it at the IMAX. I still firmly believe that Cameron will deliver.
I think the CGI in the trailer is very inconsistent. Some scenes look stunning while others look recycled from a game cut scene. I'm really hoping it's just due to being unpolished, because I really want this movie to melt my eyes when I go see it at the IMAX. I still firmly believe that Cameron will deliver.

This is something that improved alot when I saw the trailer on my TV, some shots still looked a bit iffy but most of the stuff I had raised an eyebrow at, looked alot better the second time around.

Mind you of course this is all meant to be seen in 3D which what the real hype around this is supposed to be about so we'll just have to wait until december.
Also most of the hype was about the 3D camera so to the people in here complaining about the CGI I don't even know what the ****.

Personally, Im complaining about the cgi because I hate cgi. Its almost always a distraction, especially when used to make an entire character (except in those rare occasions like Gollum). Doesn't mean I hate the movie, I just hate that part. An example would be I Am Legend. All the creatures just had this really fake cgi look to them, and it kind of distracted me from the movie. So Avatar may have the best 3D technology to date, but if all I'm seeing is shoddy cgi in 3D, it makes it less impressive. I do realize that Avatar has way more cgi in it than Legend (or District 9 as some people have been comparing), so it takes more resources to get these shots. And to be fair, it seems that most of the bad cgi of the trailer was of either mechs or animals (plus the military base was pretty bad). But the effects for the Na’vi are really outstanding:





I just have a high standard for James Cameron. And when I saw the trailer, I was a little underwhelmed. But I will still see it, and I hope the newer 3d tech will make my eyeballs melt.
And to be fair, it seems that most of the bad cgi of the trailer was of either mechs or animals (plus the military base was pretty bad). But the effects for the Na’vi are really outstanding:.

This. The bit where he wakes up and is wiggling his toes, and talking to the scientist is definitely a 'remind yourself this is CGI, not a bloke in a suit' moment (a CG mouth that looks like a mouth for once) as well as the' OMG WTF is that behind me? Run forrest, run!!!' moment. However some of the other Navi scenes are ruined a bit by overly dramatic lighting.

I wonder if any halflife2.netters made it to the IMAX screenings (they are today no?)
I was a little underwhelmed when i saw this trailer as well, but i guess i'll just have to wait for it to hit theaters before i make a review of it. i've seen trailers that looked amazing but the movie sucks, i've seen trailers that sucked and the movie was great, i've seen trailers that sucked and the movie sucked, and i've seen trailers that rocked and the movie rocked! so yeah the next trailer may change that
While I'm not a huge fan of the overuse of CGI (i.e. anything Michael Bay or Roland Emerick), I really like the visual style of this movie. The fact that it's an original story by James Cameron is a huge plus for me. This year my passion for sci-fi has been reignited, so I'm super-pumped for this movie.
This is something that improved alot when I saw the trailer on my TV, some shots still looked a bit iffy but most of the stuff I had raised an eyebrow at, looked alot better the second time around.

I watched in on my 24" 1080p monitor, sitting 2 feet from it. There is definitely some dodgy CG.