Stormy's 3d max class!

From what i hear they are both pritty awsome, isnt the one at teeside a BShons rather then a BAhons?
Ive never heard of it myself, and I looked at most of the BA games design courses.
arg thats a pain, I'm really creative but i don't generally draw arty things because i didn't take it.
I think its more about being able to communicate ideas rather then being a great artist. Im no master, but I can sktech and refine ideas, and thats what its mostly about. Also the first year has drawing lessons as a part of the course, so that should help too. Fine art is almost more important then 3d work.
What other stuff have you been doing on your course mrman? I did look into the teeside course but decided on the solent university one.
I know what you mean I just finished the first semester at Bolton University (Formerly Bolton Institute last year) which they made a great delightful fuss about, I'm on their computer games software development course and I just finished Java I hated it to be honest, a friend tells me I will probably like C++ a lot less bullshit than java - In any case I finished Intro To Visualisation which is beginner level for Max students except I've been using max for over a year so I was top of the class - Only downside is the 40 effing page report I wrote to demonstrate I knew what i was doing - That was fun.
Abit of an update because at the moment we are designing bad guys for a "red riding hood" game. Its all just a made up concept to give us somthing to work around. First off we are designing a 1/2 man 1/2 boar creature. We have to use 1000 tris with a 20% leaway each way (1200 at the most 800 the least) I have near enough finished mine and just going to post a cople of renders. - One of many concepts

Just need to add some hands and a big axe, what you see in that pic atm is about 1010 tris. After that need to, unwrap, texture, rig, skin and animate. Ill keep you posted on more updates.