Stormy's Gubbins


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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So over the past couple of weeks I thought it would be cool to get into some photography, it's something I have never had much of a chance to experiment with.

There are two things I'm hoping to get out of this:
1, A better understanding of lighting
2, A better understanding of composition

So yea, went out, grabbed my self a decent digital camera and started snapping away. Some of the images are from Brighton/Hove sea front and the rest where taken in Ryde on the Isle of Wight








What the hell is a gubbin?

Anyways, not a bad start. None of them are terribly compelling though. The lighting isnt visually stimulating and shooting interesting photos in overcast weather is really difficult to succeed at. Most of them have too many elements in them with no focus on anything specific. The second to last one is the opposite, there is only unfocused background elements and a blank midground and foreground. Try and actually pick a subject and make that the focus of your picture.

The pic of the stone building with the extruding window is the best of the bunch because its simple and clean, with a clear subject. But it still suffers a bit in that regard because at this angle the embedded window tries to take the focus from the far more interesting extruded window.

What kind of camera did you get? Is it just a point and shoot deal? Does it have a manual focus? Can you change the exposure settings? Your pictures could be helped by a little depth of field to blur out background elements to emphasize the subject, and setting a higher exposure can lighten up your shots a bit with a better range of light.
Gubbin's = bits and bobs :P

Thanks for the advice, this is the first time I have taken any proper photos so any its really useful. I have a pretty decent book which I am reading through at the moment which is saying pretty much what you have said above. Look at the tone, pattern, shape, texture, color and pick one or two for the subject of the image.

I'll keep trying and see what crops up.

I got a Canon 450D with a basic 18-55mm stock lens atm, I'm sure ill look into some more fancy lens's at some point in the future.
Some of my space marines!




Also my warboss, good few years old now but dont **** with him because he has a habit of smashing faces.

Oh god that's awesome
u r gud painter
I really think I need to go a bit further with my camera but this was walking home from work and it just looked so damn cool out
