Stormy's Tutorials.


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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Custom Grundge Brushs

Right, i Hope this is going to be a nice quick tutorial on how to create custom grudge brushes in photo shop. Grunge brushes are used alot in texturing to add that look of dirt and wear and tair on your models. I use alot of the brushes when i do my metal tutorail... so if you where wonding how they are made.

Step 1

First of we want to find a nice intresting picture, anything can be used really here as long as it has a nice lot of texture init. Here i have chosen the trunk of a tree but metal, wood, blown up buildings or concorete.. anything with texture in. First off we just want to take all the saturation or color out of the picture. Photo Shop brushes seem to work off alphers so color is not an issue as it will be applying color with an opacity grey scale, ie, Black will be 100% opacity medium grey will be 50% opacity. Its really handy for adding vairation.

Press Ctrl + Shift + U to take out all saturation.



Step 2

Now that we have removed the color we need to reduce the amout of greys. We do this by either adjusting the levels or the contrast/brightness.
Go Image > adjustments > brightness/contrast. Don't be shy to go crazy, as you move them up and down you should see that you are starting to get some really nice blobs of blacks and whites which can be used for brushes. My settings i have used are: B -70 and C +70.


Tip - Now as i said befor it is the blacks and greys which define your brush, understanding that gives you alot of options and opertunites to create alot of brushs with one image. Look at your blacks, can you see any intresting brushs? If yes ill tell you how to get them working as a brush. If not all we need to do is it Ctrl + I. This will invert your image and give you a whole new image to search for brushes for!

Step 3

Now, when you see an area that you think looks like it could make some awsome grundge get your laso tool out. What you need to do in run your mouse around the section you want as a brush, i find that the free hand laso works best for this.


Once you have made your selection, copy and past into a new canvus. Double click on the "background" layer and hit enter. This will alow you to delete it and you should now have a transparnt canvus.


Step 4

Nearly Done! Now all we need to do is get rid of the unwanted part of the brush. First of all if you need to invert your blacks and whites are the right way around do that now. Rember! Black will paint White will not! If your colors are already the correct way around hit select > color range. Once the diolog apears your curser should change into a papet, select the white of your image then press OK! Now you have the white selected hit backspace. This will remove the white so you are end up with black on a transparnt background.


All you have to do now is hit edit > define brush. This diolog asks you to name your brush. Name it somthing like grundge test. Thats it you have made your first brush. At the bottom of your list of brushs should be the brush you have just created. Try it out... Make me a pritty picture or somthing!

Awesome brush tutorial Stormy! Although Iam not actually make brushes with your technique, but dirt masks =)
whats up with the nazi brushes in you're brush list ?? :D


edit: I tend to use Level's (Ctrl-L) more often then brightness & contrast...
I was wondering how long it would take befor someone spotted those :) I dunno why but they where in a brush set i got, either that or i'm an undercover nazi :P

Any requests on tutorials? I might do a source compiling VTM at some point.