story leak is unimportant

Illegal Amigo

Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
The story leak is unimportant. The story is a nice addition to the game, but the game is what I want to play. If I want a story, I'll see a movie, go to a play, or read a book.

The game, not the story, is what took 4+ years. The story was probably dreamed up in a couple weeks, with revisions along the way. I don't think that HL2 will be ruined if you know the story. I like FPS's just to run around and shoot things, and to complete the objectives within the parameters of the level.

Someone's probably going to call me uncivilized or something, so let the flaming begin.
That might be your opinion, but it's certainly different from mine.

Let me guess; you loved Doom 3? :p
DeltaBlast said:
That might be your opinion, but it's certainly different from mine.
Mine too.

I suppose you watch movies just for the explosions?
Nope. I like stories, but I don't think that Half-Life 2 would be ruined if we knew the whole story. It's going to be a lot of fun to play still.
Graphics do not make a game.

On a similar note, story does not make a game.

If you have the best story ever, I won't give a crap if the the game mechanics themselves suck.
The story was good, but the gameplay was a lot of fun, good graphics for it's time, and good weapon selection. It has a lot of replayability. Just think: if you've played Half-Life more than once, and had fun again, (when you already knew the story), it was still fun -- for me at least.
Adrien C said:
HL strongest point was the story....

Wrong. HL's story was actually quite cliched.

HL2's strongest points were it's presentation, it's seamless transitioning, and it's good AI.
Adrien C said:
HL strongest point was the story....

No it wasn't. The story was an ellaborate version of Doom.

The presentaion, A.I. and the fresh breath from not using FPS cliches was it's strongest point.

Edit: Damn, Absinthe beat me to it! :p
I have yet to see any proof that anyone knows large chunks of the story that were in the CSS files.
I think that it is the telling of the story that is most important rather than how many twists it has or how original it is. Though I'm sure some excitement over plot details would be lost after looking at the material I still think the storytelling in the game will not be less powerful.
WHAT THE **** do you mean by story is unimportant. I am appaled that you think Valve should have gone the way of Doom 3 and just disperesed some letters through City 17 for us to read (or not).

I need a good story in a game, otherwise it's a onetimers and it's sold very soon (cough d3 cough).
HL2's story was based upon a book, Gabe or some other Valve member confirmed this. And i forgot the name.
Lazicsavo, I never said HL2 should go the way of Doom 3 and not have a story. You're being a little too reactionary. Do you plan on playing Half-Life2 more than once? Because if so, you'll (gasp) know the story.
I have to agree with the first post. The story in HL2's case is not even close to being of importance to me. Frankly I think the first one was dull and I assume the second will follow in its footsteps. Who really buys games for the story?

People who buy games for the plot are the same type that would go out and purchase a book. And thats just plain weird.
I think a more accurate statement would be "the sound files don't ruin the story too much," since they are without any context or visuals.
Illegal Amigo said:
I like FPS's just to run around and shoot things, and to complete the objectives within the parameters of the level.
Shhhh, don't let those marketing guys hear you!!! That means more Medal of Honor - Americans blowing the shit out of Germans , games will be released.

You are the target market that is keeping FPS games at the crap level they've been for so long.

Those executives sit in their meetings and tell developers "Gamers don't want stories!! They just want to blow stuff up!!!"


Anyone who has played Deus Ex, or Mafia (just 2 games as an example), know that it would suck to have part of the story spoiled for them. Hell yes it would.
spicoli420 said:
I have to agree with the first post. The story in HL2's case is not even close to being of importance to me. Frankly I think the first one was dull and I assume the second will follow in its footsteps. Who really buys games for the story?

People who buy games for the plot are the same type that would go out and purchase a book. And thats just plain weird.

I read books....i really don't think that there's anything weird w/ that. :| The LOTR was an awesome series...
Hell Yeah the story is important. If there was no story then you would be just some random bloke in some random place shooting people for no reason whatsoever. Theres a reason for what your doing in a game, and its called a story. Most people play games to find out what their about and what happens in them. Not alot of people play a game just because of the physics etc. within it. The narrative is pretty damn important to me, especially in a FPS where creating a story and whatnot is a bit more difficult than creating a story in a RPG.
Saying that you don't care if a game has a good story is like saying you don't care if your car has free air conditioning.
Sure, you can drive without it, but why settle for less?

"Who cares if it's not better?" is a bad, bad attitude.
That's why we've got Catwoman, instead of Batman Returns and why Family Guy and Futurama got cancelled.
Tinneth, I think you're incorrect. The story doesn't really count for peanuts -- Grand Theft Auto 3 is a perfect example of that. It's one of the most popular video games ever. Counter-Strike has no story, and it's the best-selling game ever. What about Mario Brothers, where you didn't even know the story! You start out and you figure out your guy can break bricks -- it was still amazing for its time.
yeah, you are right. also they should take out the facial animation and physics.
Yeah story is very important to me, it makes games that more immersive. I can't stand it when someone wants to run and gun quickly through a game, why dont you enjoy the game and play it how it was suppose to be played, oh well there are two sets of gamers....classic mindless shootem up and then the more strory driven immersive experience.

Reading is weird??? What planet did you come from? You obviously are illiterate and can't read. Know wonder you just skip the story in games, you can't comprehend.

"Illegal Amigo"
Tinneth, I think you're incorrect. The story doesn't really count for peanuts -- Grand Theft Auto 3 is a perfect example of that. It's one of the most popular video games ever. Counter-Strike has no story, and it's the best-selling game ever. What about Mario Brothers, where you didn't even know the story! You start out and you figure out your guy can break bricks -- it was still amazing for its time
"Illegal Amigo"

No, Tinneth is absolutly correct, those games like grand theft auto (violent with no meaning) and super mario brothers are for idiots. So I guess those games are aimed for mindless idiots who can't read and understand at a higher level. Especially you ILLEGAL AMIGO who probably is a illegal immigrant who can't read but yet you get a free education and housing, damn you piss me off!!!
I play UT2004 more than any other game out there, and it's completely void of any story.
I don't see it as games trying to catch up to movies/books in story. It's more that people like exciting things to happen when they play and developers started adding more details (characters, motives, conflicts, consequences, etc) to those exciting things and fleshing them out more and adding structure to them and linking them together and then suddenly you have a story in your game.
Stories in games can be something that really makes the game better and more exciting; it makes the game more than just a toy.
No, Tinneth is absolutly correct, those games like grand theft auto (violent with no meaning) and super mario brothers are for idiots. So I guess those games are aimed for mindless idiots who can't read and understand at a higher level. Especially you ILLEGAL AMIGO who probably is a illegal immigrant who can't read but yet you get a free education and housing, damn you piss me off!!!

First off, maximus0402, I'm not even hispanic, and your incinuation that I am is blatantly racist and violates forum rules. Further more, you're condescending pseudo-intellectual tone makes you sound pathetic: you're labelling people as idiots. I guess name-calling is how big smart story people like it. I'm not saying, nor have I ever said, that stories are bad. I like stories to games. I stated that even that the Half-Life2 story was leaked, it's not the end of the world for Half-Life2, it'll still be a sweet game. Furthermore, you imply that I can't read. Not only can I read, but I can write, as evidenced here. :thumbs:
maximus0402 said:
No, Tinneth is absolutly correct, those games like grand theft auto (violent with no meaning) and super mario brothers are for idiots. So I guess those games are aimed for mindless idiots who can't read and understand at a higher level. Especially you ILLEGAL AMIGO who probably is a illegal immigrant who can't read but yet you get a free education and housing, damn you piss me off!!!

What are you talking about?

In the US, which is probably where you live, education is free. :D
Illegal Amigo said:
First off, maximus0402, I'm not even hispanic, and your incinuation that I am is blatantly racist and violates forum rules. Further more, you're condescending pseudo-intellectual tone makes you sound pathetic: you're labelling people as idiots. I guess name-calling is how big smart story people like it. I'm not saying, nor have I ever said, that stories are bad. I like stories to games. I stated that even that the Half-Life2 story was leaked, it's not the end of the world for Half-Life2, it'll still be a sweet game. Furthermore, you imply that I can't read. Not only can I read, but I can write, as evidenced here. :thumbs:
You're an idiot.
I don't get why people are being so hostile towards Amigo.

If I wanted a great story, I'd read a novel. I'm not saying Half-Life 2 would benefit from having no story, but it's not the reason I'd be buying it. The MGS games have good stories, but there's far too little gameplay. Thus, I view them as mediocre.

I'm playing a game because I want to play a god damn game.
Thank you Absinthe. The HL2 1337 w00t hax0r fanboys are flaming again, but it's ok.
On a similar note, story does not make a game.

Which is why I went to see the LOTR movies, having read all three books prior to that. And I loved all of them. I could care less about HL2 story leaks. I'm going to play it and hopefully love it, end of story.
If you don't care about a story in a single player experience, you're a retard. It's as simple as that.

No two ways about it. Retard.


In fact, GTFO of this forum and head over to the Painkiller forums!!


hahahahahaha....rofl...i'm just bored.
Painkiller doesn't have the combine, headcrabs, or the other hl2 things I'm looking forward to. :sniper:
Mechagodzilla said:
Saying that you don't care if a game has a good story is like saying you don't care if your car has free air conditioning.
Sure, you can drive without it, but why settle for less?

"Who cares if it's not better?" is a bad, bad attitude.
That's why we've got Catwoman, instead of Batman Returns and why Family Guy and Futurama got cancelled.

Man I hate A/C in automobiles!! It not only sucks the gas but is really bad for you. Say no to a/c, mmmmmmkay
OK ok I am an idiot for talking like a immature one and I appoligize to all, somtimes I can be so damn stubburn in my ways and think everyone that disagrees is wrong, I am sorry. Your opinion is your opinion and mine is mine. I just think that if for example someone plays system shock 2 for example and just flies through the game without reading anything and skipping the audio logs and kills everything in site, I think that person is missing out on a lot that makes that game scary and immersive and just that added touch of those stories through those PDA's can make the game experience that much better. Now of course I would not buy a game for the story exclusivly but it plays a big part in my purchase as does fun and action. I put 3 top games this year in there distinct category of how I made them uniquly different....

Farcry - The fun action flick game not really a good story.

Doom3 - The game that will be scary and atmospheric.

Halflife2 - the game with the best story and mystery that made the first one both enjoyable and fun.

Can I assume all of you that dont care for stories that much in games dont play games like the elder scroll series :Morrowind, or any Role playing game for that matter???

Just curious.
Have you ever played one of the Soul Reaver games? Soul Reaver 2 in particular, now that story had me literally addicted to the game to find out what happens next. Combined with the greatest dialogue i've ever heard it was a fantastic experience. An interactive movie/book/whatever is more interesting than a movie/book/whatever.

I find the way games tell stories is often more interesting than a movie or a book. Coupled with great gameplay it's unstoppable.
maximus0402 said:
Yeah story is very important to me, it makes games that more immersive. I can't stand it when someone wants to run and gun quickly through a game, why dont you enjoy the game and play it how it was suppose to be played, oh well there are two sets of gamers....classic mindless shootem up and then the more strory driven immersive experience.

Reading is weird??? What planet did you come from? You obviously are illiterate and can't read. Know wonder you just skip the story in games, you can't comprehend.

"Illegal Amigo"
Tinneth, I think you're incorrect. The story doesn't really count for peanuts -- Grand Theft Auto 3 is a perfect example of that. It's one of the most popular video games ever. Counter-Strike has no story, and it's the best-selling game ever. What about Mario Brothers, where you didn't even know the story! You start out and you figure out your guy can break bricks -- it was still amazing for its time
"Illegal Amigo"

No, Tinneth is absolutly correct, those games like grand theft auto (violent with no meaning) and super mario brothers are for idiots. So I guess those games are aimed for mindless idiots who can't read and understand at a higher level. Especially you ILLEGAL AMIGO who probably is a illegal immigrant who can't read but yet you get a free education and housing, damn you piss me off!!!

Damn, You need to either smoke some dope to calm yourself down or just punch yourself in the nuts.